The'"()&% 4611 wpisów

Adverbs of frequency 12

10 lat temu

Watch these sentences and try to find the answer. Gdzie wstawiamy przysłówki częstotliwości(...)cousin after work. We occasionally go to the beach. Sue and Hannah rarely play computer games(...)source: link What about sentences with the verb 'to be'? Here the rule is different

To be - wh-questions 11

10 lat temu

focus on another type of questions. In the previous post I mentioned(...)questions words have wh letters at the beginning, these questions are usually called 'Wh-questions(...)Where are you from? When is the meeting?When am I? Why are you here

Ciasto czekoladowe z orzechami / chocolate nut cake 3

5 lat temu

chopped chocolate for the crumble: 3 tbsp of cold butter,4 heaping tbsp of flour(...)cocoa,1/4 cup of sugar  Prepare the crumble: mix sugar, flour and cocoa. With(...)form a ball, cover and chill in the fridge (if it's too dry, add more

Zapiekanka ziemniaczana z mięsem mielonym / potato and ground meat casserole 5

5 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and cook, until golden. Add finely chopped(...)meat sauce). Season well to taste. Boil the milk with crea. Add blue cheese and simmer(...)until melts completely. Season to taste. Brush the casserole dish with some butter. Slice the potatoes

Kurczak miodowo-sojowy / honey soy chicken 8

5 lat temu

taste, some sesame seeds, optional Cut the chicken into bite size piece, sprinkle with salt(...)pepper (be careful with the salt, soy sauce is very salty). Heat a small amount(...)the chicken and cook, stirring, until golden brown and tender. Seta side. To the same

Chleb nocny na zakwasie (z garnka) / overnight sourdugh bread 40

5 lat temu

knead briefly, making sure to incorporate all the salt in. Form a relatively smooth ball(...)the dough and let ir rise overninght in room temperature - fell free to add more flour(...)the dough is very sticky (8 to 10 hours). Knead the dough few times, form

Karkówka w pomidorowym sosie słodko-kwaśnym 3

3 lat temu

oregano and optionally some flour for dusting the meat before frying,some chopped parsleySprinkle the meat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches(...)until  golden on both sides. To the same skillet, add finely chopped onion and diced

Schab pieczony w mleku 4

3 lat temu

Recipe: 6 boneless pork chops,seasonings for the meat: salt, pepper, merjoram, sweet paprika, granulated garlic(...)favourite blend of pork seasonings instead) for the sauce:400 ml of milk,1 bay leaf(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides

Karkówka po diabelsku 1289

3 lat temu

marjoram and optionally some flour for dusting the meat before frying,some chopped parsley Sprinkle the(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches(...)until  golden on both sides. To the same skillet, add finely chopped onion and diced

Kurczak z kukurydzą, ananasem i śmietanką

2 lat temu

pineaplle juice / syrup from the can, 1/2 cup of canned corn, 1-2 tsp of potato(...)choopped parsley or cilantro Sprinkle the meat with seasonings. Cook on a well heated skillet with(...)until lightly golden on both sides - the meat should be still raw inside. Set aside

Wigilijne warsztaty w the plate 3

7 lat temu

warsztatów, które odbyły się w warszawskim studio The Plate, a których tematem przewodnim była Wigilia(...)wydaniu...Ciekawi ? Zajrzyjcie poniżej 😍. Wigilijne warsztaty w The Plate Studio The Plate to jedno(...)kimchi w roli głównej 😎.A przy okazji, The Plate nie jest typową restauracją ani studiem kulinarnym

The plate - weekendowy brunch tex-mex 6

8 lat temu

Takie rzeczy tylko w The Plate. Zapraszam na relację ! The Plate - weekendowy brunch(...)miałam przyjemność odwiedzić  w ostatnią sobotę. The Plate nie jest typową restauracją ani studiem kulinarnym(...)spędzać czas przy wspólnym stole. W The Plate są organizowane warsztaty kulinarne i różnego rodzaju imprezy

Ciasto bananowe z czekoladą / chocolate chip banana bread 3

6 lat temu

cinnamon, 1/2 cup of chcolate chips Coat the chocolate chips with some flour, set aside. Mash(...)the bananas with the fork, combine with eggs, sugar, vanilla and oil. In another bowl(...)the dry ingredients. Quickly combine the dry with the wet, mixing just to combine. Add chocolate

Cześć! hello! 2

5 lat temu

Every single one will be different. In the first one, entitled “dear diary”, you will find(...)about my thoughts, feelings, dreams and all the stuff that is happening in my life. The(...)needs more time to be discovered. The third part will be about my Erasmus - there

Karkówka w sosie barbecue 5

3 lat temu

pork neck fillets,seasonings for the meat: salt, pepper, marjoram, sweet smoked paprika for the sauce(...)sauce or teriyaki (or to taste - the amount depend of the saltiness of your soy sauce(...)pinch of chili, dry marjoram Sprinkle the meat with seasonings. Heat a smalla mount

Day in a life 3

5 lat temu

share this positive energy on the blog?” So here we go with today’s post(...)spend a lot of time in the kitchen preparing some nice food to eat and baking(...)just talk about what we did in the past days. Oczywiście znalazł się też czas

Words 2

3 lat temu

said that I was the person who would really appreciate this gift because it fits(...)matter how it sounds it is literally the thing I got. It’s a bunch(...)condition for agreement. I have the feeling that words can mean totally opposite things, or the

Kotlety ziemniaczane z mięsem mielonym / potato patties with ground meat 6

4 lat temu

seasonings to taste: salt, pepper, nutmeg for the filling:350 g of ground meat(...)grated cheese (add enough to glue the filling) Heat a small amount(...)cool for  a bit. To the amshed potatoes, add onion and garlic, bread crumbs, dill

Potrawka drobiowa z marchewką i groszkiem 5

4 lat temu

taste: salt, pepper, sweet paprika Cut the meat into bite size pieces, finely chop the onion(...)garlic. Sprinkle the meat with seasonings and sear, until lightly golden brown, Add the veggies(...)the pan, cook, stirring, for few minutues. Cover halfway through with stock or water and simmer

Karkówka w cebuli 4

4 lat temu

sweet paprika,salt and pepperseasonings for the onion: salt, pepper, thyme, a pinch of sugar approx(...)water Sprinkle the meat with spices, add lemon juice and oil. Let it marinade(...)dolden on both sides. Set aside. To the same pan add onion cut into halfmoons

Ciasteczka owsiane z czekoladą 9

4 lat temu

chocolate chips of your choice Cream the butter with sugar. Add the(...)the remaining ingredients and mix well with a spoon or a spatula (the dough(...)sticky). Form 20 small balls out of the dough. Place the balls on a baking paper

Paprykowa karkówka pieczona w plastrach 2


some chili, salt and pepper seasonings for the onion and pepper: salt,  approx(...)water Sprinkle the meat with spices, add lemon juice and oil. Let it marinade(...)golden on both sides. Set aside. To the same pan add onion cut into halfmoons

Ciasto czekoladowe 1

3 lat temu

Baking120 g of butter (room temperature, the butter should be really soft(...)cups of milk (room temperature) for the glaze: 120 ml of heavy cream(...)some coconut, almonds, nuts or fresh berriesBeat the butter with sugar, until light and fluffy

British national sport? reading! 11


Instagram win with books :( What does the situation with reading look like in Great Britain? From(...)observations the British read a lot. They read everywhere: on buses, trains, in parks, waiting rooms(...)return, you may take another one home. The exchange is not supervised. ' This

Old things new life 13

10 lat temu

used to throw everything away. It was the easiest and most convenient(...)stuff I did't need anymore. The British love flea markets, car boots and charity shops(...)furniture, jewellery etc. into rubbish bin the'd rather sell them and give old things

Getnamenecklace - personalizowana biżuteria/personalized jewelry 25

5 lat temu

wiele więcej. Hey loved ones! Welcome to the next article. Through "Koronaferie" we have plenty(...)activity. Today, something for jewelry lovers, i.e. the newly discovered brand Getnamenecklace. We must admit that(...)sentimental gesture on our part. On the site you can find jewelry for the birth

Błyskawiczny chleb mieszany (bez wyrabiania, bez rozczynu) / quick and easy sunflower no knead bread 7

5 lat temu

fresh yeast, some sunflower seeds for the top of the bread, optional  Combine all the(...)dough hooks, for about 3-5 minutes - the dough will be very sticky. Set aside(...)minutes. Place your sticky bread dough to the bread pan lined with baking paper (11x36

Ciasto pomarańczowe z czekoladą / orange chocolate chip bread 1

5 lat temu

orange juice (from the box, you can also use some fresh juice),zest from one orange(...)chocolate chips, Mix the flour with baking powder. In another bowl mix the eggs, juice, vanilla(...)sugar, zest and oil. Add the dry ingredients and mix, just to combine. Pour half

Chleb mleczny z ziarnami 4

3 lat temu

example sesame seeds, sunflower seeds) for the glaze:2 tbso of rye flourwater Mix the yeast(...)minutes, until foamy. Combine with the rest of ingredients, beside oil. Knead for about 10 minutes(...)minutes, or until doubled in size. Divide the dough into two and form two loaves. Place

Ciastka owsiane bez pieczenia / no bake oatmeal cookies 757

5 lat temu

choice,3 cups of rolled oats Melt the butter with sugar, cocoa and milk, whisking well(...)Turn the heat down to low and let it simmer for one minute, no whisking. The(...)mixture should thicken slightly. Take from the heat and add peanut butter (if using natural butter

Słodko-kwaśny kurczak w sosie pomidorowym z ananasem 3


water some chopped parsley Cut the meat into thin cutlets. Sprinkle the meat with seasonings. Heat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches(...)until  golden on both sides. To the same skillet, add finely chopped onion, followed