The'"()&% 4611 wpisów

Ciasto ze śliwkami i budyniem / plum and pudding shortcake 1209

4 lat temu

requires 500 ml of milk) Prepare the crust: mix the flour, sugar and baking powder(...)the butter and rub in with your fingers (the butter should form very small crumbs(...)the egg, 2 egg yolks and sour cream. Divide the crust in half, place on part

Sernik w kruchym cieście 64


powder, 125 g of cold butter, for the cheesecake filling: 1 kg g of good quality(...)softened butter, lemon zest from 1 lemonPrepare the crust: mix the flour, sugar and baking powder(...)butter and rub in with your fingers (the butter should form very small crumbs). Add the

Ciasto kubuś z galaretką i czekoladą / 'kubus" cake with chocolate and jello 12

6 lat temu

wiórkami. Schłodzić. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: for the cake base(...)pinch of vanilla,2 eggs, for the filling: 900 ml-1 l of fruit juice(...)packages of jello, 70 g each for the chocolate ganache: 160 g of chocolate, (dark and/or

English idioms 2

8 lat temu

Hello! I'm coming to you with the newest portion of popular English idioms. They(...)English? You have even tried to translate the words in your head and explain to your(...)listener what the strange sentence, that you've just produced, meant. Have you ever experienced such

Organizing a giveaway!

4 lat temu

first anniversary! A year ago, on the 21st of March, I shared with you my first(...)post that I’m sharing today is the fiftieth text on the blog, and this really(...)long time how it would work, what the prices would be, and about all that general

Citizen of the earth 2

5 lat temu

Last week, on the 28th of June, I woke up with a smile on my face(...)jaki był ten kolejny miesiąc na Erasmusie. The 28th of June was actually more special. That(...)since I had my new tattoo with the shape of the map of the whole world

Present simple - positive sentences (she,he,it) 11

10 lat temu

already know from the previous post on this blog in which situations the Present Simple tense(...)click here). You also know that the third person in singular differs from the rest(...)The difference is audible : we hear 's' at the end of each verb in the third

October update 1

3 lat temu

that only two month left till the end of this year. I mean(...)share them with you! In comparison to the last blog post, this one will(...)this is how the Polish educational system works. This semester includes my final project which consists

Kruche ciasteczka maślane (rożki waniliowe) 9

4 lat temu

Polish krupczatka flour/ coarse-ground flour is the best for the recipe, it's type(...)vanilla beans, powdered sugar for dusting the cookies To the flour and sifted sugar, add the(...)with your fingertips, until the mixture resambles breadcrumbs. Add the yolks and knead. Form a ball

Going through a change 1

4 lat temu

The only sure thing in our life is a change – small or big, for better(...)also for worse. Sometimes we would like the things to stay the same, never change(...)surface I have to go up to the top. First reaction? Ha, you’re kidding

Kruche babeczki z czekoladą i dżemem 6

3 lat temu

Chocolate Recipe: For about 20 tartlets:For the crust:250 g of all purpose flour(...)yolk,few tsp of cold water for the filling:some raspberry or strawberry(...)like)80 g of heavy creamfor the topping, options: some toasted almonds, chopped nuts, coconut shavings

Ciasto casablanca z kajmakiem bez pieczenia 23

4 lat temu

tbsp of black current jam for the chocolate pudding cream:3 packages of vanilla pudding(...)powdered sugar Arrnage your biscuits on the bottom of your tray (25x36cm). Smear with some(...)Prepare chocolate pudding: heat half of the milk with sugar and butter. Add cocoa powder

*annual* september update

2 lat temu

that a year ago I had written the same one. Okay, maybe not 100% the same(...)clear up my mind and release the tension. Everything began at the end of August. Kiedy(...)koniec sierpnia. August/SeptemberAs you probably know from the previous blog post, I quit the

Pop - universal word 9

10 lat temu

have a feeling that POP is the most popular word in UK. Seriously, I can hear(...)wyciągnąc korek) Could you help me pop the champagne cork, please(...)some of them have just popped. The champagne popped /went pop and all guests

Kfc strips, i.e. chicken breasts in crunchy coating 2

12 lat temu

pepper 4 tablespoons olive oil attention! attention! The strips are veeeeery(...)wings” seasoning. It’s best to marinade the meat in smaller amount of hot spices first(...)necessary, add more chili to the rest of the raw meat – if you like very

5 simple yet stunning halloween tips 7

6 lat temu

ability to assist our clients in the creation of unique Halloween costumes. As a result(...)Discount.Black Spider CostumesFor those who enjoy the arachnid family, our spider-themed costumes will have(...)spider costume that has webs under the arms, a unique touch that will help you stand

Pszenny chleb bez wyrabiania (na drożdżach świeżych lub suchych) / no knead crusty bread 87

5 lat temu

cups of warm  water, for the bread glaze: 100 ml of water plus(...)substitute with corn starch) Mix the yeast with sugar and warm water. Set aside(...)hook - just until combined. Do not knead. The dough should be a bit loose and sticky

Summer vibes 3

5 lat temu

possibilities to spend this warm evening in the town thanks to some events like little concerts(...)skorzystania z uroków zachodzącego słońca. WalksWhen the weather is nice and it doesn’t seem(...)public transport to go somewhere in the city. The sun invites you to walk around

Christmas presents - last minute ideas! 2

4 lat temu

next week! But do you have all the presents prepared? Sometimes it may happen that(...)present which we decided to be the last to be done. I need to confess that(...)happened to me in the past, even twice, and in that moment I rescued myself with

Study with me! tricks and methods to ease the studying time.


Actually, it depends on many things - on the weather, our mood, the amount of stuff(...)clarify what wasn’t sure and find the right answers and results. Obviously, this kind(...)your uni friends don’t live in the same city as you. Going

Ciasto popapraniec / polish 'popapraniec'cake 5


shavings some lemon juice water for soaking the sponge cakeapprox. 3/4 cup of black currant(...)heavy cream or milk Seperate the egg yolks and the whites. Beat whites, until stiff(...)baking powder and sprinkle on top of the batter. Fold. Divide the batter intto 3 parts

Sernik bez spodu z mascarpone 2

4 lat temu

sugar,2 tbsp of flour for the ganache:50 g of dark chocolate(...)Pregeat your oven to 190 C. Mix the cheese, mascaropne, vanilla, heavy cream and sugar(...)flour and mix to combine. Place the mixture into the springform pan (21 cm), lined with

Small pleasures 2

4 lat temu

task to another it feels like the day slips through our fingers and actually(...)easy to relax because the day ends before we realize it, that(...)some of them are really small and the rest is much a real action! Drobna przyjemność

Authenticity 1


Instagram, done. Crying, with tears in the eyes – not good to take a photo, better hide(...)nothing. With acne on the face, still half asleep, without makeup – okay never mind, just(...)the filter on the photo and it’s better now. 15 seconds

Women to women 2

3 lat temu

Tuesday, 8th march – The International Women’s Day. One of my favorite days during the year(...)International Women’s Day is the day when I celebrate it the most. Last year(...)something different. On Tuesday I went to the Women’s Cycle, a special meeting for women

Tania szarlotka z papierówek 2

3 lat temu

kuchni Cheap Apple Shortcake Recipe:  for the crust:1 1/2 cup of flour(...)sugar (you can use a bit more, the crust is not very sweet),1 egg, cold(...)baking powder for the filling: 1.5 kg of apples,1 1/2 tbsp of cinnamon,2 tbsp

Kruche babeczki z budyniem czekoladowym i wiśniami 3

3 lat temu

Tartlets Recipe: For about 20 tarts: For the crust: 250 g of all purpose flour(...)cold water for the pudding layer:20 cherries,1 package of unsweetened vanilla pudding(...)taste),some shredded coconut, optional Prepare the crust: mix the flour and sugar. Add  butter

Christmas wish list 3

3 lat temu

bunch of new ideas for presents at the end! Święta zbliżają się wielkimi krokami – nie mogę(...)Where to look for inspiration? In the interests of the person you want to give(...)even you can ask the person what they want for Christmas.Jak wymyślić prezent?To trudne pytanie

Bułeczki różyczki / rose buns 250

5 lat temu

temperature) few tbsp of milk to brush the rolls before baking, few tsp of powdered sugar(...)plus few tsp of hot water for the icing Mix the yeast with milk and sugar(...)minutes. When bubbly, add to the  the rest of ingredients, besides butter (use 3 cups

Ciasto arbuz / 'watermelon' spinach cake 6

5 lat temu

TUTAJ. 'Watermelon' Spinach Cake Recipe: for the spinach cake: 3/4 cup of milk(...)powder, 1/2 tsp of baking soda for the cream: 4-- g of heavy cream(...)vanilla, powdered sugar, to taste for the topping: 1-2 packages of red jello (1 package

Japońskie bułeczki hokkaido / japanese hokkaido rolls 14

5 lat temu

strony. Hokkaido Milk Rolls Recipe: for the tangzhong:3 tbsp of water 3 tbsp(...)tbsp of bread flour  for the dough: 2 1/2 cups of bread flour(...)milk, cream or egg wash for brushing the rolls before baking,some butter for smearing baked