The'"()&% 4611 wpisów

Toothpick party appetizers with olives, feta cheese and cherry tomatoes 4

10 lat temu

Toothpick appetizers are the most popular snacks for parties ;) There are millions of ways to make(...)them. Below, the Mediterranean version ;) Ingredients: some black olives some cherry tomatoes feta cheese Preparation: Dice(...)the feta cheese. Assemble the appetizers on toothpicks: an olive, a feta dice, and a cherry

Puff pastry pies with cabbage and mushrooms 3

10 lat temu

prepare yeast cake earlier, and the Christmas Eve supper begins in a few minutes ;) Then the(...)that homemade pastry but that from the shop… nonetheless the pies come […] The post Puff

Start school year with - long corset dress 1

8 lat temu

super sukienki! wersja angielska;  Welcome to the next post on this blog! This time(...)well. Let's think that the beginning of the year (September) will be the month(...)preparation, ie the slack, and with each subsequent month we are closer to Christmas and holidays

100 świątecznych plakatów do pobrania 23

7 lat temu

przeglądarka przekieruje Cię do strony pobierania. The Scrapbooking Housewife / pobierz tutaj The Domestic Heart/ pobierz tutaj(...)pobierz tutaj Moritz Fine Designs/ pobierz tutaj The Cottage Market/ pobierz tutaj On Sutton Place/ pobierz(...)tutaj Yellow Blis Road/ pobierz tutaj The DIY Dreamer/ pobierz tutaj Jones Design Company/ pobierz tutaj

Nine suggestions for fashion style 3

6 lat temu

your right decisions! 1. Woman tops When the dry leaves fall on the ground, we know(...)means you should reorganize your cloth set! The Cat Ear Hoodie is my favorite(...)what’s more, special cat ear on the back make this hoodie more adorable

Eden project 3

6 lat temu

The Eden Project (Cornish: Edenva) is a popular visitor attraction in Cornwall(...)England, UK. Inside the two biomes are plants that are collected from many diverse climates(...)environments. The project is located in a reclaimed china clay pit, located

Curry z kurczaka (madras) / chicken madras 9

5 lat temu

chopped cilantro or parsley for the rice:100 g of cooked basmati rice(...)taste,salt and pepper to taste Cut the meat into bite size pieces. Heat a small(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chicken and cook, until lightly golden. Add chopped

Czekoladowe muffinki z malinami / chocolate raspberry muffins 2

5 lat temu

muffin tin and set aside. Mix all the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa, sugar, half of your(...)baking powder). In another bowl mix the eggs, youghurt and oil. Add the dry ingredients(...)just to combine. Divide the batter evenly in the prepared muffin tin. Press some berries

Szaszłyki z mięsa mielonego (kofta) / kofta kebabs 3

6 lat temu

lemon, salt and pepper Mix all the ingredients, adding enough breadcrumbs to form koftas. Form koftas(...)sticking them to skewers. Optinally chill in the fridge.  Bake for about 25 minutes(...)the baking time depends on the size of the kebabs) or grill, untill golden and tender

Szybka sałatka z tuńczykiem i rukolą / quick tuna and arugula salad 13

5 lat temu

tomato or few cherry tomatoes for the dressing: few tbsp of yogurt, few tbsp of mayo(...)tomato, cucumber, eggs and bell pepper. Chop the onion, Combine with arugula and tuna. Mix mayo(...)with yogurt and seasonings to taste. Pour the dressing all over the salad. Enjoy:) Also

Kurczak w sosie z sera pleśniowego / chicken with blue cheese sauce 4

4 lat temu

pepper, sweet paprika, Herbs De Provence, Cut the meat into bite size pieces, season well(...)until golden. Add chopped leek, followed by the garlic and cook for additional few minutes. Pour(...)water (add enough to gently cover the ingredients), simmer on low heat, until tender. Add the

Tradycyjna fasolka po bretońsku / white beans in tomato sauce 4

4 lat temu

paste,few ladles of cooking water from the beans,2 onions,3 cloves of garlic(...)best to do this overnight). Drain the beans the next day, cover with water and cook(...)with few ladles of cooking water from the beans, add tomatoes, beans, bay leaves, allspice

Kurczak w sosie śmietanowym z suszonymi pomidorami 12

4 lat temu

handful of fresh basil leaves Cut the meat into smaller pieces. Sprinkle the chicken with seasonings(...)tomato jar in a pan, add the meat and brown on both sides. Set aside(...)minutes. Add finely chopped garlic. Add the chicken back in, cover everything with liquid and season

Schab w sosie własnym 2

4 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion. Cook, for few minutes. Add finely chopped(...)garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves and allspice. Simmer

Schab w jasnym sosie z pieczarkami i porem 2


amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped leek and sliced mushrooms. Cook(...)minutes. Add finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves

Schab w sosie słodko-kwaśnym z ananasem 94

4 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add onion and pepper. Cook for few minutes(...)sweet and sour flavour you like. If the sauce is too thin, mix the flour with

Ryba po hiszpańsku 77

3 lat temu

paprika, thyme,some chopped parsley, optional Season the fish with salt, pepper and smoked paprika(...)aside. To the pan, add finely chopped onion and red bell pepper. Cook, stirring(...)some sugar. Add fish on top of the sauce and simmer, covered, for additional

Gulasz z kurczaka po meksykańsku 7

3 lat temu

optionally some sugarsome parsley or cilantro Cut the meat into bite size pieces and sprinkle with(...)minutes, until lightly golden. Set aside. To the same pan add chopped onion and strips(...)minutes and add finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, add tomato paste, tomatoes

Schab w sosie musztardowym 4


amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion. Cook, for few minutes. Add finely chopped(...)garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves and allspice. Simmer

Schab w sosie pomidorowo-śmietanowym 4

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion. Cook, for few minutes. Add finely chopped(...)garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves and allspice. Simmer

Schab w sosie curry 101

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion and pepper cut into strips. Cook(...)minutes. Add finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves

Golce and gabbana: najpiękniejsze perfumy na 2022 1

3 lat temu

marek. Jakie jej zapachy będą na topie? The One Woman i for Men Perfum The(...)nosić również na co dzień. Kobieca wersja The Ona pachnie brzoskwinią, liczi, mandarynką, bergamotką, konwalią, lilią(...)jaśminem, wanilią, wetywerią i bursztynem. Panie w The One odnajdą natomiast aromat grejpfruta, kolendry, bazylii, kardamonu

Kurczak w sosie z pieczarkami, papryką i porem 4

3 lat temu

the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both side (but still raw inside). set aside(...)the same pan, add sliced mushrooms, chopped red bell pepper and finely chopped onion or leek(...)garlic, cook for 30 seconds and add the meat back in. Cover with stock or water

Schab duszony z marchewką 3

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped leek and roughly chopped carrot(...)Cook for few minutes. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves

Proste ciasto na oleju z jabłkami 71

3 lat temu

large apples,cinnamon,powdered sugar Beat the eggs with sugar, until light and fluffy(...)flour with baking powder and gently sprinkle the mixture on top of your beaten eggs. Gently(...)fold it in. Place the batter into the baking tray (20x30cm). Peel and thinly slice your

Schab w sosie z włoszczyzną 1

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add chopped leek, carrot and parsnip. Cook, for few minutes(...)finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves and allspice

Kurczak w sosie śmietanowym z pieczarkami i papryką 6

3 lat temu

amount of oil ina  pan, add the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both(...)still raw inside). set aside.  To the same pan, add sliced mushrooms and finely chopped(...)garlic, cook for 30 seconds and add the meat back in. Cover with stock or water

Schab w sosie cebulowym 2

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add onion cut into halfmoons. Cook, for few minutes. Add finely(...)chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add mustard, bay leaves and allspice

Bułeczki z nutellą 4

2 lat temu

Lekcje w kuchni Nutella Rolls Recipe:for the dough:3 i 1/2 cup of flour(...)warm milk, approx. 200 g of nutellaMix the yeast with milk and a pinch of sugar(...)minutes. When bubbly, add to the  the rest of ingredients, besides butter. Knead for about

Cebulaczki z żółtym serem 128

2 lat temu

minutes. When bubbly, add to the  the rest of ingredients, besides oil. Knead for about(...)about 60 to 90 minutes. In the meantime, sautee finely chopped onion. Season with salt(...)flat each one with your hands (see the video). Smear each part with ketchup

Prosty gulasz z szynki 587

2 lat temu

flour) and 1/3 cup of water, optionalCut the meat into bite size pieces. Sprinkle with seasonings(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and cook, until lighly golden on both(...)with liquid - just enough to lightly cover the ingredients. Add more liquid during simmering, if evaporates