The'"()&% 4611 wpisów

Sernik na zimno z wiaderka (z brzoskwiniami) / no bake polish cheesecake 953

4 lat temu

sugar (or to taste) Arrange biscuits on the bottom of ypour baking tray and set aside(...)Heat the milk, until hot, but not boiling. Set aside from the flame and the gelatine(...)lumpy or hard to mix, heat the mixture on a very low flame, the lumps will

Nine fashionable long prom dresses 1

5 lat temu

Prom Dresses Fashionable Long Prom Dresses As the prom season is approaching, girls need to start(...)down your choices when you're in the middle of so many choices. Choose the color(...)beading will offer head-to-toe shimmer. The bold V-neck design is so prom ball

Kurczak a la pizza / pizza chicken 3

5 lat temu

sweet paprika, dry oregano, dry basil for the quick tomato sauce (you can also use store(...)approx. 125 g of grated cheese Butterfly the chicken breast, to get four cutlets. Sprinkle each(...)piece of the meat with seasonings. Heat a small amount

Bułeczki różyczki / rose buns 250

5 lat temu

temperature) few tbsp of milk to brush the rolls before baking, few tsp of powdered sugar(...)plus few tsp of hot water for the icing Mix the yeast with milk and sugar(...)minutes. When bubbly, add to the  the rest of ingredients, besides butter (use 3 cups

New chapter 2


routines or habits or check if the old ones are still good or not really. Obviously(...)Year, the 1st of January and new year’s resolutions. Then the beginning of spring(...)refresh those resolutions and habits. And the last moment is the beginning of the academic year

Czekoladowa babka z budyniem i dżemem 2

3 lat temu

eggs few tbsp of jam, for the pudding:1 package of unsweetened vanilla pudding milk(...)the package recquires 500 ml of milk,375 ml of milk,2 tbsp of sugar(...)butter for the ganache:50 g of chocolate,30 ml of heavy cream Mix the flour

Human hair extensions 2

5 lat temu

Hair extensions are the best way to add length and volume to your hair(...)cannot curl, straighten or add waves to the synthetic hair extension. Real hair extensions give glossy(...)hair, so you can create and style the hair the way you want

Feelingirls - jak uzyskać talię? 2

4 lat temu

dzieła!Hey loved ones! Welcome to the next article on our blog! How are you feeling(...)keeping healthy? We hope so! The autumn chandra caught us slightly: /. The weather does not spoil(...)which we are still writing from under the duvets while sipping our morning coffee. Namely

Cosmolle 5

3 lat temu

again! Recently, we have been visiting the blog more often and we are delighted that despite(...)the fact that you post content here rarely, you are still with us! Views and incoming(...)comfort and classics! This is what the Cosmolle brand is all about! We recently came across

Plan with me! how i organize my week 3

4 lat temu

stopped buying calendars – I couldn’t find the best one for me which would have(...)notes or I didn’t like the design of it. That’s why I started(...)wanted to have inside and with the layout I liked.I decided to share with

Autumn is back 2

2 lat temu

have a feeling that autumn is the season which we have a love-hate relationship with(...)honest – autumn is a goodbye to the summer season and warm days. I can’t give(...)time to go back home. Autumn is the time for all those cozy meetings at home

Zapiekane spaghetti bolognese / baked bolognese 8

4 lat temu

other pasta of your choice), for the sauce:400 g of ground meat,1 small onion(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat, carrot and finely chopped onion and celery(...)Cook, until tender and quite thick. Cook the pasta according to package instructions (it's best

The phenomenon of podcasts 1

4 lat temu

Podcast, what’s this? Well, the definition sounds quite strange – it’s “is an episodic series(...)czym on jest. Let’s start from the beginning – I discovered podcasts during my first year(...)watch what was going on on the screen, so neither series nor most of the YouTube

Do you check yourself? 1

4 lat temu

have noticed that in the previous Saturday story on my IG I was wearing glasses. Well(...)felt like I couldn’t properly see the shapes and the text on the screen(...)realize some health aspects. First, health is the most important thing. I know, it sounds pretty

Inner dialogue 3

3 lat temu

asking questions this person starts to see the case from a different perspective or notice different(...)think like this? I don’t know the right answer but I think that the inner(...)dialogue is the way to get to know yourself, to understand and explain your thoughts

Taking a risk 2


when you choose one option, you reject the other one and you jump into the unknown(...)without any idea of what’s behind the corner. Even though we try to predict every(...)predict everything and I think that’s the most stressful thing for us, that

łopatka w sosie pomidorowo-śmietanowym 78

3 lat temu

paprika and optionally some flour for dusting the meat before frying, some finely chopped parsley(...)the meat into smaller pieces. Sprinkle the meat with seasonings (at this point(...)some oil and marinade the meat overnight). Optionally dust the meat with flour on both

English proverbs you should know! 12

10 lat temu

much they differ (if they do). The previous posts with proverbs you will find here(...)humour. Nie szata zdobi człowieka. Curiosity killed the cat means that being curious(...)know that curiosity killed the cat? Ciekawość to pierwszy stopień do piekła. Don't burn your

New year, new… perspective! 1

2 lat temu

The end of the year and the beginning of new one is a moment to throwback(...)the past 365 days and think about and plan the coming 365 days. Some time(...)looked differently in my case – well, the summing up process looks still the same, but the

English idioms you must know! 12

10 lat temu

This post begins a new series on the blog - English idioms. According to the Oxford dictionary(...)words whose meaning is different from the meanings of the individual words(...)Mauritius last year. *** to feel/be under the weather - to feel ill, unable to do everyday activities

Something about hair 3

7 lat temu

real real hair. These products are really the because they are made from real human hair(...)show up many manufacturers that feature making the very best in extensions. Together these manufacturers have(...)hair. Some manufacturers tell you they are the very best Virgin Hair Companies however they aren

Ziemniaczana zapiekanka z łososiem i beszamelem / potato salmon casserole 5

5 lat temu

granulated garlic, nutmeg, Herbs de Provence for the bechamel sauce: 2 cups of milk, 2 tbsp(...)parmesan, few tsp of breadcrumbs, optional Sprinkle the fish with salt, pepper, thyme and granulated garlic(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the fish and cook for few minutes on both

Torcik bezglutenowy (owsiany) z budyniem / gluten free layer cake 6

5 lat temu

plant milk, optional for the pudding layer: 750 ml of orange juice2 packages of vanilla pudding(...)sugar or some sugar alternatives, optional for the yogurt layer:300 ml of Greek yogurt(...)chocolate for grating on top Prepare the oat base: mix yogurt, egg, honey

Proste ciasto z owocami i kruszonką / easy fruit cake with crumble 6

5 lat temu

Easy Fruit Cake with Crumble Recipe: for the crumble: 80 g of cold butter, diced, approx(...)plus 1 tsp of flour for dusting the fruits for the glaze: few tbsp pf cream(...)taste, few tbsp of milk Prepare the crumble: mix sugar, flour and the coconut. With your

Jabłecznik ucierany z kakao / apple cake with cocoa 2

5 lat temu

sweetened, homemade apple mousse from the jar, plus 1-2 tbsp of potato starch or corn(...)starch fot the glaze (optional): few tsp of cocoa, few tsp of powdered sugar(...)milk Mix the eggs with sugar and vanilla, until light and fluffy (8 minutes). Add room

Wytrawny wieniec drożdżowy z kurczakiem i pieczarkami / chicken and mushroom pizza wheel 20

5 lat temu

Chicken and Muhroom Pizza Wheel Recipe: for the dough:3 1/2 cups of flour(...)yeast or 25 g fresh yeast for the stuffing: (you can use whatever toppings you like(...)paprika, granulated garlic, thyme, basil, oregano Prepare the dough: mix yeast with sugar and water

Karkówka po cygańsku / gypsy pork neck 384

5 lat temu

button mushrooms, optional some flour for dusting the meat before frying for the sauce(...)sauce or teriyaki (or to taste - the amount depend of the saltiness of your soy sauce(...)pinch of smoked paprika, optional Seaon the meat with salt, pepper, paprika and marjoram. Dust with

łódeczki bolognese / bolognese boats 162

5 lat temu

Lekcje w kuchni Bolognese Boats Recipe: for the dough: 1 cup of warm water(...)flour for the filling: 400 g of ground meat, 1 small onion, 1-2 cloves(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat, carrot and finely chopped onion. Cook

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie własnym / pork loin in gravy 26

4 lat temu

Loin in Gravy Recipe: 1 pork loinfor the marinade:2 tbsp of balsamic vinegar,4 tbsp(...)parsley, optional Remove any tough membranes from the meat and slice it. Combine all the marinade(...)ingredients and pour it over the maeat, massaging it well into each piece.Marinade for 30 minutes

Vegan inspo – fave alternatives and yt channels! 1

4 lat temu

something new or to go back to the recipe I already know, that was fantastic(...)then bake or fry it on the pan. I really like the smoke version(...)alternative for butter, also rich in proteins. The classic version, without any additional ingredients, can also