The'"()&% 4611 wpisów

Present continuous - usage, forms & possitive sentences 12

9 lat temu

time to go on to the next English grammar tense. You have already learnt(...)check how good you are, do the grammar test - click Present Simple quiz. Good luck(...)begin with forms of Present Continuous tense. The first table contains four columns. Column

Present simple - wh-questions 12

9 lat temu

From the previous post you learnt how to make yes/no questions in Present Simple tense(...)time we're making wh-questions in the same tense. We build them in a very(...)similar way. The most important difference is that at the beginning of each question we have

To be - negative sentences in the present 11


negative sentences. We're still in the present. Polish: Jest to lekcja poswięcona odmianie czasownika 'być(...)sentence we have to add 'not' to the forms you've learnt about in the previous(...)read that post HERE.  The table shows all forms

Polish and british artists at women's day festival 12

10 lat temu

the occasion of International Women's Day I went to see an art exhibition as well(...)Poland but also from other parts of the United Kingdom. Our Polish representatives were artists from(...)Dulewicz and Anna Sokolska.  Photos from the event below. Enjoy! Elżbieta Tęgowska

Trebah garden in winter 10

10 lat temu

Garden - rated in 80 finest gardens in the world. Bristish gardens are their national proud(...)family even in mid winter. Having entered the garden, you may buy a local souvenir(...)small market, then have English lunch at the cafe. Now, it's time

Gamiss valentines day promotion 4

7 lat temu

pubs, also turn extremely beautiful. One of the most asked questions for this special date(...)Valentine’s plans so you can find the perfect look for every occasion: 1.Special collocation date(...)item that is in or have the color black This color isn’t only flattering

Prom dresses - sukienki na studniówkę 1

5 lat temu

hasn't been found. I've selected the top styles which are going to look amazing(...)dress options that are stylish. Explore the 9 best jersey prom dresses 2020 in a range(...)styles and find the most appropriate one based on your preference. Go for the long dress

Pulpeciki w sosie chrzanowym / meatballs in horseradish sauce 8

5 lat temu

kuchni Meatballs in Horseradish Sauce Recipe: for the meatballs: 500 g of ground meat, 1 large(...)sweet and hot paprika, dried marjoram for the sauce: 1 small onion, 1-2 cloves(...)potato starch (or corn starch) Mix all the meatball ingredients. Using wet hands, shape the meatballs

Kurczak po seczuańsku / szechuan chicken 105

5 lat temu

piece of ginger,salt and pepper for the sauce:1/5-1/4 cup of soy sauce (the amount(...)sauce depends on the level of sodium - add enough to taste),approx. 3/4 cup of water(...)cornstarch, levelled (plus some more for dusting the chicken) few tsp of chopped chive or spring

Kurczak w jogurcie / yogurt marinated chicken 4

5 lat temu

juice from 1/2 lemon plus zest from the whole fruit, a pinch of salt, pepper, sweet(...)paprica, dry thyme Combine all the ingredients for the marinade. Add the chicken and coat well(...)minutes (or bake immediately). Place the meat on a baking tray, bake in 200C

Najlepsze lody czekoladowe / best chocolate ice cream 476

6 lat temu

taste it in a final product) Beat the egg yolks with sugar, until light and fluffy(...)spoon by spoon, add hot milk to the egg yolk mixture and whisk. Put the mixture(...)constantly, until slightly thickens (about 10 minutes) - the mixture can not boil! Set aside

Grecki chleb daktyla / greek 'daktyla" bread 8

6 lat temu

wheat flour, 75 g of corn flour (the yellow one, not the starch(...)liquid honey, some sesame seeds Add the yeast and sugar to the water, set aside(...)minutes. Combine with the rest of ingredients and knead for about 15 minutes. Form a ball

Bigos z młodej kapusty / young cabbage stew 662

5 lat temu

stock (add enough liquid, to gently cover the ingredients), few tsp of lemon juice, to taste(...)the roux: 1 tbsp of butter, 1 tbsp of flour Grate the onion and finely chop(...)onion and garlic. Slice the sausages. Heat a small amount

Jagodzianki (zawijane) / polish blueberry rolls 457

5 lat temu

yeast,2 tbsp of sugar for the yeast,1/2 cup of sugar,1 egg (room temperature(...)blueberries) few tbsp of milk to brush the rolls before baking,few tsp of powdered sugar(...)water for the icing Mix the yeast with milk and sugar, set aside for few minutes

Taking a breath 2

4 lat temu

time to relax and recharge myself for the next weeks, projects and plans. Well, it turned(...)relax actually? Lying on bed for the whole day or hiking in the mountains? Sleeping until(...)ptaków?  I decided to go to the source of this word and I checked

Kruche ciasteczka świąteczne / christmas shortbread cookies 24

4 lat temu

Polish krupczatka flour/ coarse-ground flour is the best for the recipe, it's type(...)pinch of vanilla, optional To the flour and sifted sugar, add the butter(...)with your fingertips, until the mixture resambles breadcrumbs. Add the yolks and knead briefly. Form

Kotlety mielone pod pierzynką z pora i marchewki 2


Ground Meat Cutlets with Bechamel Topping: for the cutlets: 500 g of ground meat,1 large(...)blend or gyros / kebab spice mix) for the topping: 3/4 cup of milk,3/4 tbsp(...)grated cheese, optional Mix all the cutlets ingredients. Using wet hands, shape 6 cutlets. Sprinkle each

Karkówka w sosie własnym z cebulą i pieczarkami 8

4 lat temu

paprika, marjoram plus some flour for dusting the meat before frying Seaon the meat with salt(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches(...)until  golden on both sides. To the same skillet, add slices of mushrooms. Cook

żeberka w młodej kapuście 8

4 lat temu

tbsp of ketchup, optional, seasonings for the ribs: salt, pepper, marjoram, sweet paprika, smoked paprika (optional(...)leave, few kernels of allspice,seasonings for the cabbage: salt, pepper, caraway seeds, to taste(...)the ribs into smaller pieces, spinkle with seasonings, add ketchup and massage it all over the

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie koperkowym 32

4 lat temu

garlic, sweet paprikaRemove any tough membranes from the meat and  cut into thick slices. Sprinkle(...)until lightly golden on both sides - the meat should be still raw inside. Set aside(...)the same skillet, add finely chopped onion and grated carrot, cook for few minutes

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie śmietanowym z warzywami 178


Herbs de ProvenceRemove any tough membranes from the meat and  cut into thick slices. Sprinkle(...)until lightly golden on both sides - the meat should be still raw inside. Set aside(...)the same skillet, add finely chopped leek and diced bell pepper and zucchini, cook

Sernik straciatella bez pieczenia z malinami i galaretką 7

4 lat temu

other jello of your choice)Dissolve the gelatine in 1/4 cup of water, set aside(...)spoon by spoon, add some cream to the gelatine (see the video). Combine with the rest(...)cream (you can warm the mixture slightly, in case of any gelatin lumps). Add grated

Kotleciki po węgiersku 3

3 lat temu

Cutlets with Red Bell Pepper Sauce: for the meatballs: 600 g of ground meat,1 large(...)crumbs plus 1/3 cup of milk for the breading (optional):1 very large egg plus salt(...)pepper,some bread crumbs for the sauce:1 1/2 of a red bell pepper,1 onion

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie śmietanowym ze szpinakiem i suszonymi pomidorami 2

3 lat temu

herbs  Remove any tough membranes from the meat and  cut into thick slices. Sprinkle(...)until lightly golden on both sides - the meat should be still raw inside. Set aside(...)the same skillet, add finely chopped onion, cook for few minutes and add finely chopped garlic

Placek drożdżowy z mięsem mielonym i żółtym serem 3

3 lat temu

with Ground Meat and Cheese Recipe:for the dough:7 g od dry yeast, 2 cups(...)warm milk, 2 tbsp of oilfor the meat:300-400 g of ground meat(...)sugarapprox. 150 g of grated cheese Prepare the dough: combine sugar,milk and yeast, cover with

Sernik wiedeński (bez spodu) 3

3 lat temu

orange,optionally a handful of raisins for the glaze:60 g of butter(...)cocoa,30 ml of milk Separate the eggs yolks from the egg whites. Beat the whites(...)until stiff peaks form. Mix the cheese with vanilla, egg yolks, sugar, butter, orange zest

Dealing with „goodbyes” 2

3 lat temu

Polish girl who lives in Poland. The distance that’s between us won’t disappear(...)the near future, even though I would love to. During those last four months(...)leave him at the airport with tears in my eyes, with a huge desire of catching

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie pomidorowo-śmietanowym 309

3 lat temu

Provence Remove any tough membranes from the meat and  cut into thick slices. Sprinkle with(...)until lightly golden on both sides - the meat should be still raw inside. Set aside(...)the same skillet, add finely chopped onion, cook for few minutes and add finely chopped garlic

łopatka w sosie z pieczarkami i papryką 6

3 lat temu

favourite pork seasonings instead), some parsley, optionalSlice the meat or cut into bite size pieces. Sprinkle(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches(...)until lightly golden on both sides. To the same skillet, add finely chopped onion, rougly chopped

Karkówka duszona z marchewką 1

2 lat temu

paprika, marjoram plus some flour for dusting the meat before frying (you can also use your(...)favourte pork seasoning instead) Seaon the meat on both sides.. Dust with flour. Heat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches

Pieczone udka z kurczaka z sosem pieczarkowym 2

2 lat temu

small pieces of butter for the sauce:250 g of button mushrooms,1 small part(...)milk,salt, pepper,some fresh parsley Sprinkle the meat with seasonings, add oil and massage well(...)hours or overnight or bake immediately. Place the meat in a baking tray, add a piece