The'"()&% 4611 wpisów

Stylizacja z kozakami za kolano i beżowym swetrem 10

8 lat temu

nadaje się na Polską jesień. ENGLISH VERSION The sweater which I’m wearing is made from(...)thank to that it’s one of the warmest clothes. It will be a great piece(...)zgrabnie. ENGLISH VERSION You can say that the bag from the photos is similar

Beauty of cornwall: wonderful st ives 12

9 lat temu

this is one of these places that the British may be proud of. It's extremely(...)crowded in summer but the views are breathtaking so I strongly recommend everyone to go there(...)find some pretty places. Enjoy watching the pictures but bear in mind that they

Present simple - negative sentences 11

10 lat temu

already learnt how to build sentences in the Present Simple and when to use this tense(...)here. To brush up the use of frequency adverbs and expressions click here . Wiesz już(...)sentences. To make a negative sentence in the Present Simple we put DON'T or DOESN

World book day 2017 - short stories 8

8 lat temu

school). Last year I told you about The World Book Week in my school(...)want to find out why, click the link: World Book Day 2016.  This year(...)have them for you today. Click the following links to open the short stories. Notice that

Chinese instant soup salad with tuna 6

10 lat temu

outrageous to serve such unhealthy products, on the other hand though you need to answer the(...)them very often. Taking into account the fact that most of our […] The post Chinese

Rosegal valentine'sday gifts 2018 6

7 lat temu

must find other ways to spend the day. For instance, the girls can arrange a sleepover(...)party while the guys can arrange a bachelor party. But whatever you plan on Valentine(...)that day. To help you along the way, we decided to write a Valentine

6 seriali, które warto obejrzeć 313


odcinka minęło kilkanaście lat, prawda? :) Orange Is the New BlackNa samym początku serial jest nieco nudny(...)więzienia? To trzeba zobaczyć! :) O „Orange Is the New Black” pisałam już w poście poświęconym lifestylowym(...)dobry, i co prawda nieco trudny, serial. :) The End of the F***ing WorldJest to jedna

Jogurtowe ciasto z rabarbarem / yogurt rhubarb bread 22

5 lat temu

Preheat your oven to 180 C. Mix the flour, baking powder, zest and sugar. In another(...)bowl mix the eggs, yoghurt and oil. Add mixed dry ingredients and whisk just to combine(...)Place half of the batter into the bread pan (10x20cm; lined with baking paper), add half

Kurczak po gruzińsku / georgian chicken 3

5 lat temu

sweet paprika, tarragon, basil, savory (optional) Cut the meat into bite size pieces, seson well. Heat(...)amount of il in a pan, add the chicken and cook, until lightly golden on both(...)sides. Set aside. To the same pan add finely chopped onion and pepper. Cook, stirring

Bułeczki drożdżowe po włosku (z serem i pesto) / italian style pesto and cheese rolls 6

5 lat temu

Style Pesto and Cheese Rolls Recipe:for the dough:1 cup of warm water(...)aside for 10 minutes, until bubbly on the surface. Mix with flour and salt. Knead(...)aside for about 60 minutes. Roll the dough on a well floured surface (38x25cm). Semar generously

Zupa hamburgerowa / hamburger soup 3

5 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat along with finely chopped onion and garlic(...)the garlic at last). Cook, until lightly golden brown. Set aside. To the same(...)using. Cook, stirring, for few minutes. Add the meat back in and cover with stock

Halibut w sosie cytrynowym / halibut with lemon sauce 2

6 lat temu

parsley, salt and pepper (to taste) Cut the fish into smaller pieces, season with salt(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the fish and cook, until lightly golden on both(...)sides and cooked through. Set aside. To the same pan, add grated garlic, cook

Zupa ze schabem i fasolą / pork and white bean soup 8

6 lat temu

herbs (parsley, dill or basil; optional) Cut the meat into cubes. Sear for few minutes(...)small amout of oil, set aside. To the same pan, add diced potatoes, zucchini(...)cook for additional 30 seconds. Add the carrot and the meat, cover with stock

Naleśniki jaglane / millet flour crepes 6

5 lat temu

melted butter or oil Whisk all the ingredients, making sure there are no lumps. Set aside(...)cook, until lightly golden on both sides - the batter should be very runny, almost like water(...)the crepes are thin. Serve with sweet or savoury additions (jam, nutella, fruit, whipped cream

Czekoladowe muffinki z mąką z ciecierzycy / chocolate chickpea flour muffins 3

5 lat temu

Preheat your oven to 180 C. Mix the flour, baking powder, cocoa, zest and sugar(...)another bowl mix the eggs, yoghurt/sour cream and oil. Add dry ingredients and whisk just(...)combine. Spoon the batter into prepared muffin pan (sprayed with oil or butter), add chocolate

Bułki do hot dogów / hot dog buns 5

5 lat temu

half white) some milk to brush the buns before baking Mix the yeast with warm milk(...)minutes. When bubbly, add to the  the rest of ingredients, besides oil (use 6 cups

Sałatka z kurczakiem i kaszą bulgur / chicken and bulgur salad 17

5 lat temu

salt, pepper, sweet paprika, to taste Remove the seeds from the cucumber. Chop the meat, vegetables(...)dice the cheese. Combine all salad ingredients, add honey, mustard, olive oil and lemon to taste

Sałatka ryżowa z suszonymi pomidorami / rice and sun dried tomatoes salad 4

4 lat temu

pinch of granulated garlic (optional) Cook the rice and let it cool completely. Deseed the cucumber(...)Dice all the vegetables, eggs and cheese. Mix with the rest of ingredients, add olive

Sałatka ziemniaczana z wędzoną makrelą / smoked mackerel potato salad 6

4 lat temu

taste: salt, pepper and sweet paprika Dice the potatoes and finely chop onion, olives, pickles, tomatoes(...)eggs. Remove the bones and skin from the fish. Add the flesh to remaining ingredients, adding

Zupa z czerwoną fasolą i ryżem / red kidney bean soup with rice 4

4 lat temu

teaspoons of oil in a pan, add the onion, pepper, carrots and garlic. Cook(...)minutes, until almost lightly golden. Add the broth and cook, until almost tender. Add tomato puree(...)tomatoes from the can and beans (without liquid). Season to taste. Turn the medium down

Ryba zapiekana w śmietanie / sour cream baked fish 2

4 lat temu

grated parmesan cheese, optional Cut the fish into smaller pieces and sprinkle with seasonings. Heat(...)Season with salt and pepper. Generously smear the fish with your sour cream mixture and sprinkle(...)tender (baking time may vary, depending on the thickness of your fish fillets). Serve with potatoes

Pierś z kurczaka w sosie koperkowym z cukinią i papryką 20

4 lat temu

choice,few tsp of chopped dill Cut the meat into cutlets and seson well, Heat(...)the chicken. Sear, until golden on both sides, but still raw inside. Set aside. To the(...)minutes and add finely chopped garlic. Add the chicken back in, pour in your stock

Siekane kotlety z kurczaka z serem 2

4 lat temu

finely chop your chicken breast. Combine with the rest of ingredients and mix well. Set aside(...)both sides ( spoon 1 tbsp of the meat to form 1 cutlet and flat each(...)immediately, after it touches the oil). Serve with potatoes, fries or rice and with some crunchy

Kurczak w sosie śmietanowym z fasolką szparagową 5


pepper, sweet paprika, Herbs de Provence Cut the meat into bite size pieces and seson well(...)the chicken. Sear, until golden on both sides, but still raw inside. Set aside. To the(...)minutes and add finely chopped garlic. Add the chicken back in, pour in your stock

Gulasz meksykański z mięsem mielonym i kabaczkiem (chili) 10

4 lat temu

cook for few minutes. Set aside. To the same pan add chopped onion, strips of paprika(...)minutes and add finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, add tomato paste, tomatoes(...)water or stock, just to gently cover the ingredients in the pan. Simmer on low, until

Kurczak w sosie z mascarpone i pomidorami 3

3 lat temu

oilsome parsley or fresh basil, optional Cut the chicken breasts into few thin cutlets and sprinkle(...)the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both side (but still raw inside). Set aside(...)the same pan, finely chopped onion or leek, and cook for few minutes, until lightly golden

Kurczak po meksykańsku 3


chopped parsley or cilatro, optional Cut the meat into bite size pieces and season well, Heat(...)the chicken. Sear, until golden on both sides, but still raw inside. To the same(...)tender for about 20-30 minutes. Check the seasonings. Add drained beans and corn. Sprinkle with

Schab w sosie pomidorowym 3

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion. Cook, for few minutes. Add finely chopped(...)garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves and allspice. Simmer

Proste bułeczki pszenne 4

3 lat temu

salt few tbsp of milk to brush the rolls before bakingMix the yeast with milk, water(...)minutes. When bubbly, add to the  the rest of ingredients, besides butter (use less flour

Ciasto jogurtowe z jabłkami 7

2 lat temu

apples, diced,1 tsp of cinnamon Beat the eggs with sugar, until light and fluffy(...)baking powder, mix, just to combine. Pour the batter into prepared baking pan (36x25 cm, covered(...)Dice apples and sprinkle with cinnamon. Add the fruit on top of the batter. Bake

Szynka w sosie z porem i marchewką 84

2 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)the same pan, add chopped leek and big pieces of carrots. Cook, for few minutes(...)needed). Add cream. Season to taste. Thicken the sauce with some slurry (starch with water