The'"()&% 4611 wpisów

Fale dunaju / danube waves cake 5

6 lat temu

pitted cherries (fresh or defrosted), for the filling: 2 packagages of vanilla pudding milk(...)taste,150 g of butter for the glaze:160 g of chocolate (dark and/or milk(...)heavy cream Mix the flour and baking powder. In another bowl mix the eggs, oil, vanilla

Save big with rosegal this halloween 4

6 lat temu

lifetime are created. With Halloween knocking on the door, it is important to try and stay(...)ahead of the trends with a fashion sense that showcases your inner ‘Boo!’. Perhaps more importantly(...)filled Halloween that doesn’t break the budget. So, to ensure that this Halloween is special

Szarlotka królewska 5

3 lat temu

kuchni Polish Royal Apple Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake,3 eggs,1/2 cup of sugar(...)plus few tsp of lemon juice for the apple filling:1.5 kg of apples,1/4-1/3(...)each)optionally some sugar, to taste for the cream topping:400 ml of heavy cream2

Ciasto dwa budynie 4

3 lat temu

kuchni Two Puddings Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake,3 eggs,1/2 cup of sugar(...)chocolate for grating on top of the cake Prepare the sponge cake (you can do this(...)the day before): beat the eggs with sugar for about 7-10 minutes or until light

Hi 2022! 2

3 lat temu

think I’m not the only one here. Even though 2021 is over I still want(...)hard year, exciting, stressful and amazing at the same time. During the last 365 days lots(...)believe all those things happened the same year. Long story short, I moved out twice

Kruche babeczki z budyniem i czekoladą / pudding and chocolate tartlets 13

5 lat temu

Tartlets Recipe: For about 20 tarts: For the crust: 250 g of all purpose flour(...)cold water for the pudding layer:1 package of unsweetened vanilla pudding mix (1 package(...)tbsp of sugar (or to taste) for the ganache:80 g of chocolate (dark or half

Being concentrated & staying focused 2

4 lat temu

third year of studies, online. With the beginning of the first class I had a throwback(...)more concentrated during all the classes and stay as focused as possible to really take advantage(...)this mode of concentration and would decrease the possibility of being distracted by something around

Ciasto z brzoskwiniami z puszki i bezą 137

2 lat temu

kuchni Meringue Peach Cake Recipe:for the crust:1 1/4 cups of flour(...)yolks, 1 tsp of baking powder, for the meringue: 150 g of sugar 3 egg whites(...)potato starch for the filling: 1 can of peaches (820 g) 1 tbsp of potato starch

Cornish culinary heritage 11

10 lat temu

pieróg kornwalijski). It's a regional delicacy, the Cornish define it as their culinary heritage. Although(...)Cornish pasties are sold throughout the United Kingdom, native Cornish will say that a true Cornish(...)pasty can be baked in the traditional way only in Cornwall. They are proud

New member exclusive off from rosegal 4

6 lat temu

from Rosegal As time goes by, the Black Friday and New year will come! Maybe(...)Follow us to see some of the shopping malls of the New Member Exclusive discount(...)choose the most affordable clothing. Easily change yourself. Enjoy 30% OFF and LUCKY DRAW get Coupon

Wedding dresses ❤ 2

5 lat temu

wedding day? This article is for all the brides-to-be to find the perfect wedding(...)wedding dresses 2020 for brides that offer the most stylish look have been chosen(...)sure the right. wedding gowns UK will allow you to make a stunning entrance

Drożdżowe ciasto japońskie z cynamonem / tangzhong method cinnamon milk bread 7

5 lat temu

Tangzhong Method Cinnamon Milk Bread Recipe: for the tangzhong:3 tbsp of water 3 tbsp(...)tbsp of bread flour  for the dough: 2 1/2 cups of bread flour(...)melted unsalted butter for the filling:¼ cup of sugar, brown or white2 Tbsp of ground cinnamon2

Delicious morning - 4 ways! 3

5 lat temu

dzięki którym mogę dobrze rozpocząć dzień. Morning, the sound of alarm waking us up, a beginning(...)some others it’s the first step of their morning routine. If it comes(...)belong to the second group – morning is actually one of my favourite parts

14 days + one 5

5 lat temu

those who prefer listening, check out the audio clip]     Czternaście dni w domu(...)trying to figure out what was the best option, but decision wasn’t easy(...)thinking process hasn’t ceased– is it the end or not? Will I have this possibility

Ciasto z serkiem homogenizowanym i galaretką / fromage frais jello cake 10

4 lat temu

kuchni Fromage Frais Jello Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake:4 eggs,2/3 cup of sugar(...)lemon juice mixed with water for soaking the sponge cake 3 packages of red fruit jello(...)pieces of dark chocolate for grating Prepare the sponge cake (you can do this the

Cup of coffee 3

4 lat temu

There’s a reason for the subtitle of my blog, I mean “little partner for your(...)coffee is a very important (but not the most!) part of my day. The story starts(...)coffee is my small pleasure and the process of making it is one of my favorite

Jabłecznik z ananasem i musem jabłkowym ze słoika 98


kuchni Apple and Pineapple Cake Recipe: for the crust: 1 1/2 cup of flour(...)pineapple juice,some sugar for the pudding, optional,approx. 4 slices of canned, drained pineapple(...)corn starch powdered sugar for dusting the cake Prepare the crust: mix the flour with butter

Kruchy budyniowiec z wiśniami 10

3 lat temu

kuchni Cherry and Pudding Shortcake Recipe:for the crust:1 1/2 cup of flour(...)sugar (you can use a bit more, the crust is not very sweet),1 egg, cold(...)starch, optional,some powdered sugar for dusting the cake Prepare the crust: mix the flour with

Ciasto brzoskwiniowy kubuś 20


kuchni Peach 'Kubus' Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake,3 eggs,1/2 cup of sugar(...)chocolate for grating on top of the cake Prepare the sponge cake: beat the eggs with(...)fluffy. Mix flour and baking powder Sprinkle the dry ingredietns all over the egg mixture

Ciasto z agrestem i bezą 4

3 lat temu

Lekcje w kuchni Gooseberry Cake Recipe:for the crust:1 1/2 cups of flour(...)yolks, 1 tsp of baking powder, for the meringue: 150 g of sugar 3 egg whites(...)potato starch for the filling: 350 g of gooseberries 1 tbsp of potato starch (or corn

Travel, travel, travel! 13

8 lat temu

gonna met people from all over the world. That was the reason why I visited Madrid(...)stayed at her house in the center of Madrid and had my own private guide! What(...)therefore would like to share some of the pictures I did in this city. My friend

How it all started? *throwback to the beginning* 1


head – something more serious than the last update or continuation with light and easy topics(...)about three years ago I had exactly the same idea. I mean I came up with(...)challenge to pass the whole November in a positive way and I invited my best friend

Christmas – beautiful or commercial time of the year? 2

3 lat temu

The more I talk about Christmas with other people, the more differences I see in what(...)people think. For some people Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year. For others(...)talk about two different times in the year. Im częściej rozmawiam o świętach ze znajomymi

Faszerowane ziemniaki z grilla / stuffed grilled potatoes 137

5 lat temu

cheese, chopped green onions or chive Cut the potatoes lengthwise and scoop out most of the(...)flesh, place in a bowl. Gently peel the potatoes. Cook bacon or sausage, until cripsy. Mash(...)the flesh of potatoes, add remaining ingredients to taste. Scoop the potato mixture inside each half

What i eat in a day - a day in a work edition 5

4 lat temu

While thinking about the new blogpost I realized I didn’t post anything about food recently(...)this time it’s a day in the work edition! Zastanawiając się nad kolejnym postem, doszłam(...)12PM so I had time in the morning to prepare more special breakfast

Post-erasmus thoughts 3

5 lat temu

plan my trip to France and all the necessary things to prepare my Erasmus – tickets(...)the flight, address of my university dorm, how to get there, etc. I can’t believe(...)notice some differences – it’s not the same Basia. Mniej więcej rok temu zaczynałam planować moją

Ciasto gaja bez pieczenia z nutellą i truskawkami / no bake nutella and strawberries 'gaia' cake 1868

5 lat temu

taste (optional) some grated chocolate for the top Cut the cakes in a food processor(...)They should form very small crumbs. Heat the butter, sugar, milk and cocoa. Add to the(...)mixture. If you can form a ball, the filling is ready (add more jam/spread

What helps me to define myself? 1


Sometimes I wonder what’s the reason for my behaviors, where’s the source of the(...)feels or acts or thinks the same way. This comparison helps me guess if this(...)information or an explanation why I act the way I do. Sometimes I have days when

Cleansing and refreshing for spring

3 lat temu

definitely come to our city (well, the last couple of days were cloudy but still, spring(...)again. I really like this time of the year because I feel the motivation to make(...)introduce new habits and clean deeply all the space around me. By saying this I mean

Second podcast episode – march inspiration 2


down and think about all the beautiful moments that have become my inspirations and made this(...)Weekend in Berlin On the second weekend of March I went to Berlin to meet(...)month. We were so lucky with the weather! It was very sunny both on Saturday

Valentine's day - idioms & top ten british romantic movies 10

10 lat temu

love love... Love is all around - as the British pop band Wet Wet Wet used(...)sing (yes yes, it's the song from the film that probably everybody knows:'Four weddings(...)fineral') :) Love is in the air especially before and on the 14th of February. Some