The'"()&% 4611 wpisów

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie pieczarkowym / pork tenderloin in creamy mushroom sauce 3

6 lat temu

taste: salt, pepper, thyme, rosemary Cut the meat into medium thick slices, season with salt(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and cook, until lighly golden, for about(...)minutes on each sides. Set aside. To the same pan add sliced mushrroms, sautee

Ciasto z jagodami w 5 minut / 5 minute blueberry cake 267

5 lat temu

powdered sugar, optional Mix the flour with vanilla and baking powder. In another bowl mix the(...)zest, vanilla, sugar and milk. Add the dry ingredients and mix, just to combine (lumps(...)fine, do not overmix!). Pour the batter into the pan lined with baking paper (36x25cm

Pszenny chleb codzienny / everyday wheat bread 17

5 lat temu

sugar few tbsp of milk To the warm water add yeast and sugar. Set aside(...)minutes, adding oil at last - if the dough seems to sticky, feel free to add more(...)loaf ( I always do that by flattening the dough with my hand and rolling

Zdrowe muffinki bez cukru / healthy no sugar muffins 1

5 lat temu

another bowl mix all the dry ingredients. Combine wet with dry, mixing just to combine(...)tbsp of milk, if the batter is to thick (I usually do). Spoon the batter into(...)muffin tray (3/4 of the way full). Press chunks of apple, dry fruits and chocolate into

Wciągające seriale netflix – ranking najlepszych seriali – top 13 seriali 2020 496

4 lat temu

się nr 1 świata szachowego? oryginalny tytuł: The Queen’s Gambit ilość sezonów: 1  ilość odcinków(...)ilość sezonów: 1 ilość odcinków: 6 7. THE RAIN Jest to jeden z niewielu filmów gatunku(...)ludzie przetrwają i znajdą antidotum? oryginalny tytuł: The rain ilość sezonów: 3 ilość odcinków

Pałki w sosie curry 189

4 lat temu

nutmeg some parsley or coliander, optional Remove the skin from yur chicken drumsticks and sprinkle with(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both(...)still raw inside). Set aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion, season well with

Gulasz z kurczaka z pieczarkami i cukinią 113

2 lat temu

poultry seasoning instead),some parsley, optional Cut the meat into bite sieze pieces and sprinkle with(...)the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both side (but still raw inside(...)aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion, slices of mushrooms and dices zuchhini. Cook

Kurczak w sosie czosnkowym z koperkiem 2

3 lat temu

the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both side (but still raw inside). Set aside(...)the same pan,  finely chopped onion. Cook for few minutes, until lightly golden. Add finely(...)seconds or so and add the meat back in. Cover with stock or water. Simmer

Welcome! 12

10 lat temu

When in Rome, do as the Romans do' is one the most popular English proverbs(...)Rome (I wish!) the title of my blog has been a little bit modified into 'When(...)Britain, do as the British do...? Why with the question mark - someone may ask. Hmm... being

Schab w sosie śmietanowym z papryką 4


amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped leek and chopped pepper. Cook(...)minutes. Add finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves

Bułeczki czosnkowe grillowe 2

4 lat temu

minutes, until bubbly on the surface. Mix with flour and salt. Knead for 10-15 minutes(...)aside for 60 to 90 minutes. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and form into(...)about 30 to 40 minutes.  In the meantime prepare garlic butter: mix butter with parsley

Kurczak w sosie pomidorowo - śmietanowym z papryką 15


chopped parsley, optional Cut the meat into bite size pieces and season well, Heat a small(...)the chicken. Sear, until golden on both sides, but still raw inside. Set aside. To the(...)chopped garlic. Add  tomato paste and the chicken back in, pour in your stock

Schab w sosie pieczarkowym 6

4 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion and sliced mushrooms. Cook(...)minutes. Add finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves

Schab w sosie koperkowym z marchewką 3

4 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped leek and grated carrot. Cook(...)minutes. Add finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves

Schab w sosie pomidorowo-śmietanowym 4

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion. Cook, for few minutes. Add finely chopped(...)garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves and allspice. Simmer

Schab w sosie śmietanowym z porem i koperkiem 4

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add chopped leek. Cook, for few minutes. Add finely chopped garlic(...)the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves and allspice. Simmer

Babka z łatką z prl-u 75

3 lat temu

dark cocoa some powdered sugar for dusting the cake or some icing or chocolate glaze Beat(...)the butter, until fluffy. Gradually, one by one, add egg yolks, mixing well after each addition(...)sifted powdered sugar. Mix well. Beat the egg whites, until stiff peaks form. Gently fold into

Schab w sosie słodko-kwaśnym z marchewką i porem 158


amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add leek and caroots cut into thick(...)lemon juice, to taste.  If the sauce is too thin, mix the flour with

Szynka w sosie własnym z cebulą 122

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear in batches, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add chopped onion. Cook, for few minutes(...)finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves and allspice

Kurczak w sosie z marchewką i curry 44

3 lat temu

chopped parsley or coriander Cut the chicken into slices or into bite size pieces and sprinkle(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chicken and cook, until lightlu golden on both(...)sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add grated carrot and finely chopped onion. Add spices

Placek drożdżowy z tuńczykiem i kukurydzą 2


with Tuna, Corn and Cheese Recipe: for the dough: 7 g od dry yeast, 2 cups(...)grated cheese,oregano Prepare the dough: combine sugar,milk and yeast, cover with kitchen towel(...)aside for 10 minutes, until bubbly on the surface. Mix with flour and salt. Knead

I’m going to spend the whole month in vienna! 3

2 lat temu

razem jest jak spełniające się marzenie. On the other hand I will have(...)take a whole month off so the most of the day I’m going to spend(...)coming things are amazing, really. In the past I would say that I’m privileged

Siekane kotleciki rybne

2 lat temu

finely chopped parsley salt and pepperFinely chop the fish. Combine with the rest of ingredients. The(...)Using a spoon, place a portion of the mixture onto well heated oil and fry, until(...)your cutlets are falling apart. See the original recipe here

Recenzja kosmetyków the one - oriflame 7

6 lat temu

dzisiejszym dniu przygotowałam dla Was recenzję kosmetyków The One z katalogu Oriflame. Do pokazania(...)czytania.  Baza zmniejszająca widoczność porów The One Zacznijmy może od konsystencji, która jest bardzo przyjemna(...)wygładza, a także matuje skórę.  Korektor The One Everlasting Precision Ostatnio jeden z moich ulubionych

Idealne na każdą okazję sukienki od everpretty 4

5 lat temu

coming with another entry, this time about the new brand ofęknie ubrane druhny w burgundowe suknie. About the company: Ever-Pretty is a company that sells(...)most impressed by the long evening dresses and red bridesmaids dresses.  We think the

Krem z pieczonych warzyw / roasted vegetables cream of soup 4

5 lat temu

your choice or garlic croutons Peel the carrots, celeriac and parsnip. Cut the vegetables into medium(...)size pieces. Leave the garlic into its shell. Sprinkle with a bit of oil. Place(...)until tender. Squeeze the garlic out of its shell. Blend the veggies with stock, until smooth

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie grzybowym / pork tenderloin in mushroom sauce 5

5 lat temu

cups of water (or water from soaking the mushrooms) or stock (vegetable or chicken),few tbsp(...)mushroom in water for few hours. Cut the pork tenderloin and season with salt and pepper(...)amount of oil and set aside. To the same pan, add slices of button mushrooms

Pieczeń z mięsa mielonego z serem i warzywami / meatloaf with cheese and vegetables 5

5 lat temu

paprika, 1/2-3/4 tsp of granulated garlic for the glaze (to taste): few heaping tsp of ketchup(...)cool for a bit. Mix all of the meatloaf ingredients. Form the meat into a loaf(...)shape and brush with half of the glaze. Bake for about an hour

Kurczak ze szpinakiem i dynią / spinach and butternut squash chicken skillet 5

5 lat temu

some chopped parsley or cilantro, optional Cut the meat into bite size pieces and sear(...)skillet with some oil. Set aside. To the same pan, add chopped onion and butternutsquash. Cook(...)cook for additional 30 seconds. Add the chicken back in, cover everything with liquid and simmer

Zupa cebulowa z ziemniakami i serem / onion potato and cheese soup 3

5 lat temu

soup (depends on your preferable consistency of the soup), 5-6 large onions, 1 carrot(...)some croutons or seeds for serving Dice the potatoes and carrot. Heat a small amount(...)simmer on low, until tender. In the meantime chop the onions and add to pan. Cook

Gulasz z kurczaka z papryką i pieczarkami / chicken stew with peppers and mushrooms 5

4 lat temu

1/4-1/3 cup of water or stock Cut the meat into bite size pieces. Season well(...)minutes (do not over cook the meat). Set aside. To the same pan, add sliced mushrooms(...)with stock and simmer, until tender. Mix the starch with some water, creating a slurry