The'"()&% 4611 wpisów

Out of the comfort zone 3

4 lat temu

The comfort zone is a well-known expression that has been already thought of multiple times(...)still, it seems to be complicated. The most difficult thing about the comfort zone is going(...)also touch on this topic. Why? The inspiration for today’s post was a situation

23 things for my 23rd birthday – life lessons and quotes 3

3 lat temu

23yo. Time flies and I have the feeling like I had my 21st birthday two weeks(...)influenced me somehow. This list comes from the bottom of my heart, the order doesn(...)made me cry several times and the story really touched me. It’s not just about

Stress – what, why, how. 3

4 lat temu

have the feeling that talking about it is like watching an exotic or an intriguing masterpiece(...)understand it, go deeply into the meaning but we don’t actually know what(...)have no answers to them. On the other side, it’s a really popular topic

Autumn vibes in the kitchen - breakfasts & cakes ideas! 1

4 lat temu

Every season isn’t only about the changes in nature but also in my kitchen. Autumn(...)create a very cozy ambience in the house, especially when you bake something. That(...)milk and simmer gently until the consistency is quite smooth. Then I cut an apple

Ciasto zmierzch / twilight cake 4

6 lat temu

migdałami. Schłodzić. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: for the crust: 1 cup of flour(...)sugar, 1/2 tsp of baking powder for the filling:approx. 300 g of diced peaches(...)handful of blueberries, optional for the chocolate glaze: 160 g of chocolate, (half and half dark

Ciasto lambada / lambada cake 15

6 lat temu

startą czekoladą. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: for the base: 3 egg yolks and 3 egg whites(...)vanilla,1/3 tsp of baking powder for the filling:approx. 400 g od diced peaches (canned(...)taste,few pieces of chocolate Prepare the base of the cake: beat the egg whites, until

What i've learnt during my therapy *so far*

2 lat temu

thoughts were becoming unbearable for me, and the amount of energy I was spending(...)that this was the moment to ask for help. And this was a very important(...)second therapy in my life - the first allowed me to understand that what I thought

Paszteciki wigilijne z pieczarkami do zamrożenia / polish mushroom hand pies 'paszteciki' 4

5 lat temu

Hand Pies 'Paszteciki' (great to freeze!) for the pastry: 300 g of flour (krupczatka flour(...)the best for the recipe - it's type 500),2 large eggs,150 g of cold(...)milk or heavy cream to brush the hand pies before baking for the filling

Szarlotka słoneczna z budyniem i bezą / apple pudding shortcake 'sharlotka" 111

5 lat temu

stopniach. Apple Pudding Shortcake Sharlotka Recipe: for the crust: 3 cups of flour, a big pinch(...)sugar, additional 3/4 cup of sugar for the meringue, 5 eeg yolks and 5 egg whites(...)powdered sugar for the filling: 6-7 large apples, very thinly sliced, 2 tbsp of potato

Ciasto czekoladowe z malinami i kremem / chocolate cream raspberry cake 3

6 lat temu

startą czekoladą. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: for the base(...)pinch of vanilla,2 eggs, for the cream filling: 600 ml of heavy cream(...)powder,aprox. 250 g of rasberries Prepare the cake batter: mix the flour with baking powder

Budyniowiec / pudding cake 10

4 lat temu

kuchni Chocolate Pudding Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake:4 eggs,2/3 cup of sugar(...)tbsp of strong tea for soaking the cakeor the pudding layer:3 packages of vanilla pudding(...)chocolate or some cocoa for dusting the cake Prepare the sponge cake (you can do this

Social research - how was 2020 for us? 2


make a little social research about the year that has just ended. When I posted those(...)thoughts and to see how much the pandemic situation had influenced our minds. I asked four(...)questions:1. How are you feeling with the fact that this year is going

New year’s resolutions – does it work?

4 lat temu

further ado, let’s jump right into the core of this post – New Year is always(...)really make sense. Well, yes, they do – the thing is that we need to make them(...)also you will find some inspo at the end! Be sure to check out those links

Hair extensions 3

6 lat temu

attention. However, the daily maintenance can be daunting for many people. Especially for those(...)very hard to dedicate much time in the morning to style those lovely locks(...)without a style when you are on the go, opting for a quick yet elegant hairstyle

Hey, what’s going on in poland? 1

3 lat temu

Polish and in English. Scroll down for the English version :) Halo, co się dzieje? Nie przepadam(...)that “some EU laws are incompatible with the country’s constitution, upping the ante(...)ongoing dispute between Warsaw and Brussels over the rule of law” [source]. After this situation lots

Ciasto wiśniowiec / cherry buttercream layer cake 600

4 lat temu

kuchni Cherry Buttercream Layer Cake Recipe:for the sponge cake:4 eggs,2/3 cup of sugar(...)tbsp of strong tea  for soaking the cake 2 packages of cherry jellos(...)cherries (fresh, frozen or from the can) for cherry pudding cream:2 packages of instant vanilla

Makowiec z gwiazdkami na kruchym cieście / poppy seed shortcake 3

4 lat temu

kuchni Poppy Seed Shortcake Recipe:for the crust: 3 cups of flour, 250 g of cold(...)yolks,2 tsp of powdered sugar for the poppy seed filling: 400 g of ground poppy(...)coconut flakes 5 egg whites Prepare the crust: mix the flour with butter

Easter around the world 9

10 lat temu

sunny spring. For Christians it's the most important holiday of the year. On Easter Sunday(...)tried to find out more about the way Easter is celebrated in different countries(...)church carrying their palms which represent the palm branches that the crowd in Jerusalem scattered

Throwing a party! 3

5 lat temu

wonderful party which I would remember for the rest of my life. After thinking about(...)zorganizować imprezę! I. Theme.Maybe it can seem the most difficult task in organization but it must(...)invent much more! Apart from the Hippie one, I also had a pirate party, “make love

Ciasto ibiza z brzoskwiniami, budyniem i galaretką / 'ibiza' cake 46

5 lat temu

Lekcje w kuchni 'Ibiza' Cake Recipe for the sponge cake, 4 eggs, 2/3 cup of sugar(...)tbsp of orage juice for soaking the sponge cake pudding layer: 750 ml of orange juice(...)pieces of dark chocolare for grating Prepare the sponge cake (you can do this the

21 thoughts 2

5 lat temu

Maybe I exaggerate but I have the feeling that every single year becomes faster and faster(...)life and because of that we have the feeling that it’s getting faster and faster(...)will continue when I’ll have the possibility! II. I love cooking and baking cakes

Long distance relationship 1

3 lat temu

makes us closer to each other despite the long distance between us. But before I jump(...)into the topic I must mention that it works for us but it doesn’t mean(...)Waszych własnych pomysłów. .contact One of the most important things in my relationship – instant contact

Inspirations & intentions 1


last month and talk about intentions for the new one. Let’s go! Ostatnio napisałam kilka(...)small studio, which is on the 10th floor. When I found this place, I realized what(...)means to live on the 10th floor – it’s all about admiring the view

English proverbs you must know! part 2 11

10 lat temu

really matter which group you belong to, the fact is that proverbs carry a massive load(...)easy as pie - very easy. The synonym of this expression is a piece of cake The(...)piece of cake. Polish: Bułka z masłem. The early bird catches the worm - people who wake

~you look like a french girl~ 1

4 lat temu

moich oczach.*bisous bisous*I had known the French culture before going to France(...)still, I was shocked by some of the French traditions and habits. First of all, the(...)those who I know? Still looking for the answer. What’s interesting, hugs

Sernik królewski z brzoskwiniami 4

4 lat temu

Polish Royal Cheesecake with Peaches Recipe: for the crust: 500 g of flour (krupczatka flour(...)the best for teh recipe),2 eggs,5 tbsp of powdered sugar,3 tbsp of cocoa(...)tbsp of cold water (optional) for the cheesecake filling: 1.5 kg of fullfat dry curd cheese

Wigilijne pierogi z kapustą i grzybami suszonymi / polish pierogi with cabbage 4

4 lat temu

kuchni Polish Pierogi with Cabbage Recipe:for the pierogi dough: 500 g of flour(...)water for the filling:500 g of sauerkraut,approx. 40 g od dry, wild Polish mushrooms(...)tastea pinch of sugar, optional Prepare the filling: drain the mushrooms (but leave the water

Ciasto dwa budynie 4

3 lat temu

kuchni Two Puddings Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake,3 eggs,1/2 cup of sugar(...)chocolate for grating on top of the cake Prepare the sponge cake (you can do this(...)the day before): beat the eggs with sugar for about 7-10 minutes or until light

Long story short 2

3 lat temu

believe it’s already the third episode of my podcast! Time flies incredibly fast. This time(...)house and decided to live alone. Well the reason why I moved out is quite personal(...)story shortI decided to move out on the 1st of March 2021 and I moved into

X facts about me!


Wersja polska poniżej. Omg! It’s the 100th post on the blog. I can’t believe(...)father that trains turn back in the air but then he told me that(...)joke and actually trains turn back because the locomotive is moved from the front to the