Bohoooooo! 13
8 lat temu
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actually do it until today. The content of this blog will be strictly related(...)back to me anytime soon. And by the way I am living in Amsterdam ;) Witam
Bohoooooo! 13
8 lat temu
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actually do it until today. The content of this blog will be strictly related(...)back to me anytime soon. And by the way I am living in Amsterdam ;) Witam
Present continuous - questions 11
9 lat temu
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The way we build questions in Present Continuous is inversion. It means that we swap(...)also put a question word at the beginning. W przypadku zdań szczegółowych, oprócz inwersji musimy pamiętać
10 lat temu
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goodbye dominates in your English language? The word 'goodbye' is rather formal, perfect when(...)saying goodbye in English? Which ones are the most common in your region? Here, in Cornwall
Past simple - negative sentences 12
8 lat temu
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past simple. If you need to print the list of irregular verbs, click here: list(...)some exercises I prepared for you. Click the link: Past Simple - tasks Good luck
Bułeczki drożdżowe puszyste jak bawełna ii 26
8 lat temu
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Strong White Bread Flour – canadian wheat for the perfect loaf - 240 ml ciepłej wody - 6 łyżeczek(...)Strong White Bread Flour – canadian wheat for the perfect loaf). To dzięki niej bułeczki są lekkie
7 lat temu
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beautiful Japanese gadgets that I used in the exposure. Thanks to you, the dish has gained
Soczyste udka w chrupiącej panierce (podane z aromatycznym ryżem) 11
7 lat temu
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opakowanie Risotto z leśnymi suszonymi borowikami1 the Green Woodpecker Trill około 1000-1200 ml bulionu warzywnego(...)patelni rozgrzewamy oliwę. Dodajemy gotową mieszankę The Green Woodpecker Trill i smażymy na małym ogniu przez
Microsoft przejmuje github – jest się czego obawiać? 5
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prawie półtora roku jest platynowym członkiem The Linux Foundation, nadzorowanej przez samego Linusa Torvaldsa, musi(...)nazwie SONiC (Software for Open Networking in the Cloud), który pozwala na zbudowanie
O co chodzi z tymi frameworkami? 1
7 lat temu
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historii Sieci, zapraszam na History of the Web i Evolution of the
Toothpick party appetizers with olives, feta cheese and cherry tomatoes 4
10 lat temu
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Toothpick appetizers are the most popular snacks for parties ;) There are millions of ways to make(...)them. Below, the Mediterranean version ;) Ingredients: some black olives some cherry tomatoes feta cheese Preparation: DThe
Puff pastry pies with cabbage and mushrooms 3
10 lat temu
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prepare yeast cake earlier, and the Christmas Eve supper begins in a few minutes ;) Then the
10 lat temu
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Dumpling dough – the best ever! dumpling dough is much better than the previous
Cheesecake with dulce de leche and snickers 3
11 lat temu
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cheesecake with Dulce de Leche and Snickers! The cheesecake was baked in a 24cm tin. Ingredients(...)Ingredients for the bottom: 300g oatmeal caThe post Cheesecake with Dulce de Leche and Snickers appeared
Syrop i dżem z czarnego bzu na przeziębienie i kaszel 3
7 lat temu
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pochodzą z publikacji naukowej:Randomized Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Oral Elderberry Extract(...)the Treatment of Influenza A and B Virus Infections Z. ZAKAY-RONES, E THOM, T. WOLLAN
5 lat temu
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salt, pepper, sweet paprika, chili Blend all the hummus ingredents. Check the seasonings. Add more olive
Bułki orkiszowo-owsiane / spelt oat rolls 3
5 lat temu
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minutes, until bubbly on the surface. Mix with flour and salt. Knead for 10-15 minutes(...)warm place or refrigerate overnight. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and form into
Ciasteczka owsiane w 5 minut / 5 minute oatmeal cookies 1311
5 lat temu
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your choice,2 eggs Combine all the ingredients, mix well. Using a tablespoon, drop 16 cookies(...)minutes. See the original recipe HERE. Also see my Lazy No Bake Fruit Cake Video
Pierś z kurczaka z papryką i serem / chicken breast with peppers and cheese 4
4 lat temu
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sprinkle with cheese. Cover and let the cheese melt. Serve over rice or potatoes and with(...)some salad or a slaw on the side. Enjoy:) Also see my Pizza Chicken Video Recipe
4 lat temu
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współautorów takich kultowych tytułów jak "Jerozolima", "Ottolenghi: The Cookbook" oraz "Ottolenghi PROSTO". "Palestyna" to historie(...)ROVI. Jest również współautorem książek Ottolengi. The Cookbook oraz Jerozolima. Książka Kucharska. Od siebie dodam
Ziemniaczana sałatka z tuńczykiem / potato tuna salad 2
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taste: salt, pepper, sweet paprika Cut the potatoes into bite size pieces, finely chop vegetables. Combine(...)the ingredients, season to taste. Enjoy
Bułki z parmezanem i oregano / parmesan oregano buns 21
4 lat temu
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minutes, until bubbly on the surface. Mix with flour, onion and salt. Knead(...)warm place or refrigerate overnight. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and form into
Czy warto wybrać tabletki do zmywarki all-in-one gron balance?
4 lat temu
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tego produktem w pełni ekologiczny. Certyfikat „The Vegan Society” gwarantuje, że wszystkie składniki w nich(...)pewno jeszcze nie raz po nie sięgnę. The post Czy warto wybrać tabletki do zmywarki
Pieczona pierś z kurczaka nadziewana serem i warzywami 12
4 lat temu
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spices, add oil and massage everything into the meat. Score each breast in few places(...)minutes (baking time may vary, depending on the thickness of your chicken pieces
świąteczne pierniczki od razu miękkie 1229
3 lat temu
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more flour. Chill in the freezer for about 10 to 15 minutes. Roll beetween two sheets(...)baking paper. You can very gently dust the dough with some flour
Kurczak w sosie szpinakowym z fetą 2
3 lat temu
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Provence or Italian / Greek dry herbs Cut the meat into bite size pieces and seson well(...)the chicken. Sear, until golden on both sides, but still raw inside. Add finely chopped onion
3 lat temu
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react. But I have the feeling that those predictions and assumptions can’t guarantee that(...)anything? And if yes, where’s the secret? Zostawiam Was z tym pytaniem, które zadaję również
Biokap bellezza maska regenerująco – naprawcza 1
3 lat temu
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boxem Pure Beauty o wdzięcznej nazwie Enjoy the Sunshine Dzisiaj przychodzę do was z moją opinią(...)przez ten miesiąc używałam. PURE BEAUTY – Enjoy the Sunshine Znalazłam w nim: BIOKAP BELLEZZA MASKA REGENERUJĄCO
Suchy szampon do włosów syoss pure fresh 2
3 lat temu
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boxem Pure Beauty o wdzięcznej nazwie Enjoy the Sunshine Dzisiaj przychodzę do was z moją opinią(...)przez ten miesiąc używałam. PURE BEAUTY – Enjoy the Sunshine Znalazłam w nim: SYOSS PURE FRESH Stworzony