The'"()&% 4611 wpisów

Proste bułeczki pszenne 4

3 lat temu

salt few tbsp of milk to brush the rolls before bakingMix the yeast with milk, water(...)minutes. When bubbly, add to the  the rest of ingredients, besides butter (use less flour

Czekośliwka bez cukru (z kakao) / chocolate plum jam 4

4 lat temu

powdered optionally few tsp of sugar Remove the seeds from your plums, place the fruit(...)into clean jars and place the lids, making sure they are tightly closed. Place your jars(...)your jars cool in the closed oven. Pasteurized jars can last for months in a cold

Sos z kurczakiem i cukinią / chicken and zuchini with sauce 3

6 lat temu

parsley, ground sun-dried tomatoes, basil) Dice the chicken, red bell pepper and zucchini, Heat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chciken and brown on both sides. Add the(...)grated parmesan and cream to taste. If the sauce is too thin, add some slurry

Soczysty paprykowy kurczak z pieczarkowym risotto 3

7 lat temu

rozwiązanie. Wspaniałe risotto z pieczarkami the Green Woodpecker Trill. Przygotowanie dania zamknie się w trzech prostych(...)Składniki: Do przygotowania risotto: Risotto z pieczarkami the Green Woodpecker Trill 6 łyżek oliwy do smażenia(...)patelni rozgrzej oliwę. Dodaj gotową mieszankę The Green Woodpecker Trill i smaż na małym ogniu przez

3 filmy, które wywołały pozytywne zmiany w moim życiu 4

7 lat temu

życiu próbowali eksperymentować z konkretną zmianą. „What the health”Jeśli jesteście totalnie przeciw diecie roślinnej(...)zachęcam Was do obejrzenia filmu dokumentalnego „What the Health”, który dostępny jest na platformie Netflix(...)nierzadko są dodatkowym zmartwieniem i „zabieraczem czasu”. „The Secret”Wydaje mi się, że jest to najbardziej

Strange. the dreamer. tom 1. marzyciel. recenzja. 4

7 lat temu

też jest w przypadku książki „Strange. The Dreamer. Tom 1. Marzyciel”. Główny bohater(...)się dopiero przy ostatniej stronie „Strange. The Dreamer. Tom 1. Marzyciel”, to zdecydowany bestseller(...)obudzić w sobie marzenia. „Strange. The Dreamer. Tom 1. Marzyciel” Laini Taylor Objętość

Nivea soft mix 5

7 lat temu

Nivea Soft Mix Me I am the Berry Charming one - jest to krem o przepięknym zapachu(...)cudowny! Nivea Soft Mix Me I am the Chillded Oasis one -  to połączenie orzeźwiających zapachów(...)gustu. Nivea Soft Mix Me I am the Happy Exotic one - jest moim ulubionym zapachem. Wyczuwam

Jedyny w polsce festiwal wódki i zakąski 4

6 lat temu

barmanów z kultowego American Bar w Hotelu The Savoy w Londynie, wybranego najlepszym koktajlowym barem świata(...)nalewek Karol Majewski, a barmanami z warszawskiego The Roots Bar&More pokażą jak domowym sposobem(...)barmanów z legendarnego American Bar w hotelu The Savoy w Londynie, wybranego najlepszym koktajlowym barem świata

Chinese instant soup salad with tuna 2

10 lat temu

outrageous to serve such unhealthy products, on the other hand though you need to answer the(...)them very often. The post Chinese instant soup salad with tuna appeared first on

Royal apple pie 2

11 lat temu

traditional apple pie. To make the cake more moist without extra moistening, I used 100ml(...)vegetable oil in a recipe for the perfect sponge cake. To make the appleThe post Royal

Bułki mieszane ze zdrową mąką / homemade healthy rolls 13

5 lat temu

minutes, until bubbly on the surface. Mix with flour and salt. Knead for 10-15 minutes(...)warm place or refrigerate overnight. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and form into(...)Paprika Buns Recipe  (click HERE for the video) and my Italian Style Rolls Recipe (click

Zupa ziemniaczano-jarzynowa z serem / potato vegetable soup with cheese 2

5 lat temu

taste, chopped parsley, dill or chive Dice the potatoes and carrot, finely chop onion and garlic(...)well to taste and add cheese. Srinkle the soup with fresh herbs.  If the soup

Krem z dyni i soczewicy / creamy pumpkin lentil soup 2

5 lat temu

some pumpkin seeds and chopped parsley Chop the carrots and onion. Heat a small amount(...)the vegetables and cook, stirrinf, for few minutes. Sprinkle with spices and add chopped garlic. Cook(...)soup thiner), season to taste. Pour to the bowl, sprinkle with seeds and some parsley. Enjoy

Sajgonki z tuńczykiem / tuna spring rolls 3

6 lat temu

garlic, 1 carrot, 1 large cucumber Combine the tuna with finely chopped onion, mayo, yogurt, parsley(...)tomatoes. Season well. Prepare the rice paper according to package instructions. On each sheet, place some(...)olives. Fold, creating a spring roll, sealing the edges with some water. Enjoy:) Facebook Instagram Twitter

Chleb orkiszowo - gryczany / spelt and buckwheat bread 2


sugar,1 tsp of salt To the warm water add yeast and sugar. Set aside(...)minutes, adding oil at last - if the dough seems to sticky, feel free to add more(...)Form a small loaf and place in the bread pan (10x20cm). Cover with kitchen towel

Czerwona kapusta zasmażana z jabłkiem / braised red cabbage with apple 6

4 lat temu

butter and 2 tbsp of flour Shred the cabbage. Heat a small amount(...)stir quickly, creating a roux. Add the roux to the cabbage and mix well. Season with

Zupa ziemniaczano - jarzynowa / potato vegetable soup 3

4 lat temu

taste)chopped parsley, dill or chive Dice the potatoes, parsnip and carrot, finely chop celery, onion(...)taste. Season well to taste. Srinkle the soup with fresh herbs.  If the soup

Drobiowe sakiewki z porem i papryką 4

4 lat temu

breadcrumbs, optional Butterfly the chicken, creating a pocket into each breast (do not cut all the(...)cool for a bit. Place the mixture into each chicken pocket add cheese. Close each pocket

Kurczak pod pierzynką z marchewki i pora 173

4 lat temu

favourite chicken spice blend instead) Cut the chicken into 4 pieces and beat, using a meat(...)uncovered (baking time may vary, depending on the thickeness of your cutlets). Serve with potatoes, fries(...)rice and some salad on the side. Enjoy

Bułeczki z oliwkami 2

4 lat temu

minutes, until bubbly on the surface. Mix with flour, oregano, paprika and salt. Knead(...)finely chopped olives and knead them inside the dough. Form a ball, cover with kitchen towel(...)minutes in a warm place. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and form into

Kotlety jajeczne 6

3 lat temu

dill,salt, pepper,bread crumbs for dusting the burgers before frying Mash hard boiled eggs(...)combine with the rest of ingredients. Form 10 small burgers and generously sprinkle with bread crumbs(...)Chill in the fridge for about an hour or so. Heat some

Kurczak w majonezie 4

3 lat temu

heaping tbsp of grated cheeese Cut the chicken into 4-6 cutlets and beat, using(...)uncovered (baking time may vary, depending on the thickeness of your cutlets). Serve with potatoes, fries(...)rice and some salad on the side. Enjoy

Amerykańskie bułki do fast foodów 44


flour,8 g of dry yeast Combine the yeast, flour and sugar, set aside(...)gradually add butter. Add more flour, if the dough is to sticky. Form a ball(...)the dough, cover with kitchen towel and let it rise for about an hour. Form

Pszenne bułeczki do odrywania 1

3 lat temu

saltfew tbsp of milk to brush the rolls before bakingMix yeast with water and sugar(...)minutes. When bubbly, add to the  the rest of ingredients, besides oil. Knead for about

Enjoy the sunshine – najnowsza edycja pudełka pure beauty 1

3 lat temu

boxa Pure Beauty o wdzięcznej nazwie Enjoy the Sunshine Musze przyznać, że tym razem design pudełeczka(...)dalszej części tego wpisu ↓↓↓       PURE BEAUTY – Enjoy the Sunshine:   VIANEK – ŁAGODZĄCY KREM DO TWARZY(...)pochodzącym z liści winorośli Santorini.                   Artykuł Enjoy the Sunshine – najnowsza edycja pudełka Pure Beauty pochodzi

Schab po cygańsku 309

2 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside.  To the same pan, add chopped onion, strips of red bell(...)tender. Add chopped pickles. Season to taste - the sauce should be sweet and sour

La vie est un cadeau 1

2 lat temu

back to therapy but it’s not the topic of today’s blog post. Today(...)stuff to study. I used the Pomodoro Technique to get more organized and during breaks(...)doesn’t have to be difficult all the time. It can be fun sometimes, full

To be - questions in the present 11

10 lat temu

hope you didn't have problems with the exercises. If you haven't done them(...)question we need to invert the order of noun and verb in a sentence(...)some exercises I prepared for you. For the exercises click exercises Kliknij w różowy link

Stars from the stars żel do mycia z drobinkami 2

2 lat temu

kosmetykami Pure Beauty – Cotton Clouds.     STARS FROM THE STARS GWIEZDNY ŻEL DO MYCIA CIAŁA Z DROBINKAMI(...)mycia ciała z drobinkami marki Stars from the stars. Muszę przyznać, że pięknie, intensywnie i długotrwale(...)kąpieli fajną pianę tworzy.           Artykuł Stars from the stars żel do mycia z drobinkami pochodzi

Tortilla with tuna and vegetables 12

10 lat temu

lunch for work or school. If not the mayonnaise, it could be seen as a very(...)healthy snack – nevertheless you can replace the mayo with […] The post Tortilla with tuna

Przegląd jesiennych ubrań 3

7 lat temu

sweaters. Now is my inseparable part of the wardrobe, without which I can not imagine the(...)always be associated with this season. On the website you will find plenty of sweaters