The 4605 wpisów

Changes 12

8 lat temu

hotele. Wszystko dla pieniędzy.     The city is changing. We went to NDSM today(...)make some photos. From the place where buildings were standing empty with no use are coming

Bohoooooo! 13

8 lat temu

actually do it until today. The content of this blog will be strictly related(...)back to me anytime soon. And by the way I am living in Amsterdam ;) Witam

Saying goodbye 8

10 lat temu

goodbye dominates in your English language?  The word 'goodbye' is rather formal, perfect when(...)saying goodbye in English? Which ones are the most common in your region? Here, in Cornwall

Fish and chips (fish & chips) 8

12 lat temu

slangu, głównie w Wielkiej Brytanii, “the chippie” oznacza sklep/bar podający właśnie fish and chips(...)talerzu z dowolną surówką i sosem. The post Fish and chips (fish & chips) appeared first

łosoś yuan yaki 8

7 lat temu

beautiful Japanese gadgets that I used in the exposure. Thanks to you, the dish has gained

Ryżowo pieczarkowe kotleciki 10

7 lat temu

kotlecików wykorzystałam niepełne opakowani Risotto z pieczarkami the Green Woodpecker Trill. O produkcie pisałam(...)Polecam! Składniki: niepełne opakowanie Risotto z pieczarkami the Green Woodpecker Trill* 2 jajka woda + opcjonalnie bulion

Soczyste udka w chrupiącej panierce (podane z aromatycznym ryżem) 11

7 lat temu

opakowanie Risotto z leśnymi suszonymi borowikami1 the Green Woodpecker Trill około 1000-1200 ml bulionu warzywnego(...)patelni rozgrzewamy oliwę. Dodajemy gotową mieszankę The Green Woodpecker Trill i smażymy na małym ogniu przez

Drink cuba libre 1033

6 lat temu

popularność, a to głównie dzięki piosence grupy The Andrews Sisters, która nagrała utwór Rum and Coca(...)Dodatkowo         The post Drink Cuba Libre appeared first on

Tom collins 4

6 lat temu

pierwszy napisał Jerry Thomas w książce The Bartender’s Guide wydanej właśnie w 1876 roku. Drink(...)nosi zaś nazwę nawiązującą do nowojorskiego żartu „The Great Tom Collins hoax”. Tom Collins – czyli fikcyjna

Microsoft przejmuje github – jest się czego obawiać? 5


prawie półtora roku jest platynowym członkiem The Linux Foundation, nadzorowanej przez samego Linusa Torvaldsa, musi(...)nazwie SONiC (Software for Open Networking in the Cloud), który pozwala na zbudowanie

O co chodzi z tymi frameworkami? 1

7 lat temu

historii Sieci, zapraszam na History of the Web i Evolution of the

Toothpick party appetizers with olives, feta cheese and cherry tomatoes 4

10 lat temu

Toothpick appetizers are the most popular snacks for parties ;) There are millions of ways to make(...)them. Below, the Mediterranean version ;) Ingredients: some black olives some cherry tomatoes feta cheese Preparation: DThe

Cheesecake with dulce de leche and snickers 3

11 lat temu

cheesecake with Dulce de Leche and Snickers! The cheesecake was baked in a 24cm tin. Ingredients(...)Ingredients for the bottom: 300g oatmeal caThe post Cheesecake with Dulce de Leche and Snickers appeared

Gulasz ukraiński z kurczaka (fit) / ukrainian fit chicken goulash 11

5 lat temu

caraway seeds, marjoram,some chopped dill Cut the chicken into bite size pieces. Finely chop carrots(...)minutes or until tender. If the sauce is to runny, feel free to thicken it with

Hummus / hummus recipe 4

5 lat temu

salt, pepper, sweet paprika, chili Blend all the hummus ingredents. Check the seasonings. Add more olive

Bułki orkiszowe (miękkie i puszyste) / soft spelt rolls 2

5 lat temu

minutes, until bubbly on the surface. Mix with flour and salt. Knead for 10-15 minutes(...)aside for 60 to 90 minutes. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and form into

Sałatka z kurczakiem i nektarynką / chicken and nectarine salad 5

6 lat temu

salt, pepper, curry, sweet paprika Finely chop the onion and dice vegetables and fruits. Combine(...)the ingredients, season well to taste and toss everything together. Facebook Instagram Twitter

Gulasz z kurczaka i fasoli / chicken and black bean stew 5

6 lat temu

paprika, thyme, basil, oregano, granulated garlic Cut the chicken into bite size pieces. Heat a small(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and cook, until lightly golden. Add diced

Bułki cebulowe / onion rolls 336

5 lat temu

minutes, until bubbly on the surface. Mix with flour, onion and salt. Knead(...)warm place or refrigerate overnight. Turn the dough onto a floured surface and form into

Ciasteczka owsiane w 5 minut / 5 minute oatmeal cookies 1311

5 lat temu

your choice,2 eggs Combine all the ingredients, mix well. Using a tablespoon, drop 16 cookies(...)minutes.  See the original recipe HERE. Also see my Lazy No Bake Fruit Cake Video

Pierś z kurczaka z papryką i serem / chicken breast with peppers and cheese 4

4 lat temu

sprinkle with cheese. Cover and let the cheese melt. Serve over rice or potatoes and with(...)some salad or a slaw on the side. Enjoy:) Also see my Pizza Chicken Video Recipe

Palestyna książka kucharska 2

4 lat temu

współautorów takich kultowych tytułów jak "Jerozolima", "Ottolenghi: The Cookbook" oraz "Ottolenghi PROSTO". "Palestyna" to historie(...)ROVI. Jest również współautorem książek Ottolengi. The Cookbook oraz Jerozolima. Książka Kucharska. Od siebie dodam

Ziemniaczana sałatka z tuńczykiem / potato tuna salad 2


taste: salt, pepper, sweet paprika Cut the potatoes into bite size pieces, finely chop vegetables. Combine(...)the ingredients, season to taste. Enjoy

Indyk w sosie curry 4

4 lat temu

Northeast's love for Turkeys and the challenges faced by those raising them, Vicram Doctor, The

Pieczona pierś z kurczaka nadziewana serem i warzywami 12

4 lat temu

spices, add oil and massage everything into the meat. Score each breast in few places(...)minutes (baking time may vary, depending on the thickness of your chicken pieces

Sałatka z porem, jajkiem i żółtym serem 43

4 lat temu

pepper, to taste Finely chop leek, cut the eggs,, cucumbers and cheese into small cubes (remove(...)using fresh cucumbers). Combine with the rest of ingredients and season to taste. Enjoy

Pierś z kurczaka pieczona z pesto i mozzarellą 1

4 lat temu

the meat. Sear, until golden on both sides, but still raw inside. Arrange in a baking(...)pasta or rice and some salad on the side. Enjoy

Sałatka z mięsem z rosołu, kukurydzą i koperkiem 1

3 lat temu

dill,salt and pepper to taste Cut the chicken or shred in your fingers. Finely chop(...)vegetables and apple. Combine all the ingredients and season well to taste. Enjoy

Mięso mielone z fasolą i kukurydzą 1

3 lat temu

water or stock, just to gently cover the ingredients in the pan. Simmer on low, until

Kurczak w sosie szpinakowym z fetą 2

3 lat temu

Provence or Italian / Greek dry herbs Cut the meat into bite size pieces and seson well(...)the chicken. Sear, until golden on both sides, but still raw inside. Add finely chopped onion