The 4633 wpisów

Lolitain shop 4

4 lat temu

THE BEAUTY OF OSTENTATIOUS JEWELRY - PURE GOTHIC STYLE The Gothic style is an instrumental style implored(...)the vast field of art like sculpture, fresco, panel painting, illuminated manuscripts, stained glass(...)style that emerged in Western Europe in the late medieval period and also in Italy

Halloween 15

8 lat temu

Halloween began and who started the eccentric practices which evolved into our celebrations today(...)ancient festival, which has its roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain (Sah-ween), when the(...)those who had died progressed to the underworld. It was said to be the night when

Different colors of dresses 2

4 lat temu

that time of the year, when many annual award functions, Gala dinners, weddings, and corporate functions(...)attention and every girl’s jealousy. From the sexy prom dresses collection, it was quite difficult(...)heart!So ladies, get ready to raise the temperature in that special event! Elegant black prom

Our generation 4

5 lat temu

simple scheme school-studies-work, where the last element is highly influenced by the faculty(...)studies. Beside the plan A there’s also plan B or even plan C, just(...)This rational way of thinking about the future was also given to the next generation which

Oh, that’s a funny story 1


Amsterdam. It was literally amazing all the time. Until the day of going back. Everything began(...)have enough time to go to the bus station. The tram we were supposed to take(...)many rivers and bridges. Guess what, all the bridges were open because there were small boats

Q&a for six months! 4

4 lat temu

parts – first one is in English, the second one is in Polish. I hope that(...)gonna make it easier to read the whole text :) Dzisiejszy post jest podzielony na dwie części(...)ułatwi wam lekturę :)  1. What’s the most difficult thing in blogging? Maybe the systematic

How to pick the right glasses for your face shape? 2

6 lat temu

because everyone has different facial shapes. The shape of your face will determine the types(...)away from your face, look directly into the mirror, and carefully observe the overall shape(...)these shapes, which will make you find the right glasses for your facial shape. A right

Hair - wig - baisiwig 1

5 lat temu

difficult task if you have the necessary tools and have enough time to tie hundreds(...)hair on the lace base for your full lace wig or lace front(...)anybody else that your new wig is the result of hours of work. Measure the head

Pyszny tort z nutellą i brzoskwiniami (prostokątny) / delicious nutella and peach birthday cake (rectangle shape) 14

5 lat temu

Nutella and Peach Birthday Cake Recipe:for the sponge cake: 5 eggs,3/4 cup of sugar(...)starch,1 tsp of baking powder for the orange pudding: 1125 ml of orange juice (plus(...)tbsp for soaking the sponge cake),2 packages of vanilla pudding mix (40 g each; each

Jesienna pielęgnacja twarzy + moje top – kosmetyki the ordinary które wybrać i gdzie kupić 10

3 lat temu

skóry twarzy oraz moich ulubionych kosmetykach marki The Ordinary – co wybrałam i gdzie kupuję(...)dawno sprawdzonych produktów pielęgnacyjnych do twarzy marki The Ordinary. Zanim przejdę do omówienia moich świadomych wyborów(...)jesiennej pielęgnacji twarzy kosmetykami The Ordinary powiem Wam, że płatność PayPo w drogerii Sephora bardzo

Jesienna pielęgnacja twarzy + moje top – kosmetyki the ordinary które wybrać i gdzie kupić 9

3 lat temu

skóry twarzy oraz moich ulubionych kosmetykach marki The Ordinary – co wybrałam i gdzie kupuję(...)dawno sprawdzonych produktów pielęgnacyjnych do twarzy marki The Ordinary. Zanim przejdę do omówienia moich świadomych wyborów(...)jesiennej pielęgnacji twarzy kosmetykami The Ordinary powiem Wam, że płatność PayPo w drogerii Sephora bardzo

Weekend in berlin 5

5 lat temu

The first day of August I started at 5:30 AM because I had to wake(...)going to meet Tina, my Erasmus friend. The last time we had seen each other(...)both were very excited for the meeting we planned for July. Pierwszy dzień sierpnia zaczęłam

Ciasto balladyna / 'balladyna" raspberry cream cake 12

6 lat temu

ENGLISH: Balladyna Raspberry Cream Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake: 5 eggs, 3/4 cup of sugar(...)starch, 1 tsp of baking powder for the cheese layer: 650-700 g of Polish cheesecake(...)fresh or frozen raspberries Prepare the sponge cake (a day before is best for this recipe

Animal vibes in the house 5

5 lat temu

with us for 3 years now. Since the beginning, our home has changed and started(...)purring silently so all the stress and sadness run away from me. CDC, czyli Centres(...)krwi czy poczucia samotności. CDC, which is the Centres of Disease Control and Prevention posted

~games for parties~ 4

4 lat temu

teams or not. It’s about guessing the word one person is trying to show(...)play the version with teams then a person from one team invents the word(...)team. If you play without teams then the person who shows also invents the word. The

Ciasto jagodowe ombre / blueberry ombre cake 126

5 lat temu

Ombre Layer Cake with Blueberries Recipe: for the sponge cake, 4 eggs, 2/3 cup of sugar(...)lemon juice mixed with water for soaking the sponge cake for the vanilla pudding layer(...)tbsp of sugar (or to taste) for the chocolate cake

Mission (im)possible 3

5 lat temu

the beginning of this year, somebody had told me that one part of my Erasmus would(...)believed. Well, unfortunately that person was right. The last three months I spent in Poland(...)about this difficult time here. Even though the problem with the virus was present I still

World book day in british schools 10


This week all British schools are celebrating the World Book Day Week. Depending on a school(...)favourite books: preparing costumes to wear on the 5th of March, decorating classrooms or classrooms' doors(...)chapters of Ian Serraillier's book titled 'The Silver Sword'.  Ian Seraillier was a British

Ciasto bajeczne / fairytale layer cake 987

5 lat temu

Whipped Cream, Jam and Pudding Recipe: for the sponge cake,4 eggs,2/3 cup of sugar(...)fruit juice to soak the sponge cake 2 packages of red fruit jello (1 package(...)water,1/2 cup of fruit jam, for the buttercream: 3 packages of instant vanilla pudding

Ciasto biskup / layer 'bishop' cake 5

5 lat temu

kuchni Layer 'Bishop" Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake,4 eggs,2/3 cup of sugar(...)dark fruit jam, for the buttercream: 3 packages of instant vanilla pudding(...)butter,6 tbsp of powdered sugar for the meringue layer: 4 egg whites

Ciasto telimena z truskawkami, budyniem i bezą / layer strawberry cake 2241

5 lat temu

kuchni Layer Strawberry Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake: 4 eggs, 2/3 cup of sugar(...)tbsp of strong tea for soaking the cake 500-600 g of strawberries, fresh of frozen(...)strawberry jello (1 package = 70g), for the buttercream: 3 packages of instant vanilla pudding

Kostka orzechowa / nut layer cake 4

6 lat temu

bezowy. Chłodzić w lodówce. InstagramFacebookTwitter ENGLISH: for the cake batter(...)chopped nuts of your choice for the filling: 900 ml-1 l of milk,3 packages(...)each 100 g of chocolate for the meringue: 4 egg whites,240 g of sugar

Truskawkowa chmura / strawberry cloud shortcake 3

6 lat temu

pokruszyć na krem.  InstagramFacebookTwitter ENGLISH: for the crust: 300 g of flour(...)water),approx. 500 g of strawberries, for the frosting: 250 g of mascarpone cheese(...)powdered sugar, to taste for the meringue: 3 egg whites,150 g of sugar

Pancake day/shrove tuesday 11

10 lat temu

Shrove Tuesday ('shrove' comes from the old word 'shrive' and means  'confess(...)the day before Ash Wednesday - first day of Lent. It's always celebrated 47 days before(...)Easter Sunday so the date varies from year to year. In UK it's traditional

Tort cytrynowo-kokosowy / lemon curd and coconut birthday cake 6

5 lat temu

Curd and Coconut Birthday Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake:5 eggs,3/4 cup of sugar(...)starch,1 tsp of baking powder for the lemon curd:1/2 cup of lemon juice (approx(...)yolks,6 tbsp of butter for the mascarpone cream:600 g of heavy cream

During those particular times 3

5 lat temu

woke up very motivated to go through the whole day having all my tasks done. There(...)with my notebook and wrote down all the stuff that was inside me. I noticed some(...)already mentioned in the beginning, there are some days when I am very motivated

Ciasto serowy okruszek / cheesecake crumb cake 2651


kuchni Cheesecake Crumb Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake:4 eggs,2/3 cup of sugar(...)strong tea or peach juice for soaking the cake for the cheesecake layer(...)sugar,2 tbsp of flour for the pudding buttercream:3 packages of instant vanilla pudding

Ciasto kostka świąteczna / christmas layer cake 10

5 lat temu

krem. Christmas Layer Cake Recipe: for the crust: 300 g of flour,200 g of cold(...)yolks,3/4 tsp of baking powder for the pudding:1125 ml of orange juice,3 packages(...)peaches (approx. 800 g can) for the mascarpone cream:250 g of mascarpone cheese

What i eat in a day - cooking with my friend edition 2

5 lat temu

With the beginning of July I finally had this feel of vacation freedom so I decided(...)tastes, that’s why we spent almost the whole time of our meeting in the kitchen(...)chips. This porridge was so delicious and the consistency of it was perfectly smooth! Zaczęłyśmy

Different points of view 3


The second month of this year is almost over, this year that “should be better than(...)the last one”. But we are still in the same situation and actually(...)change in the nearest future. You can think that I’m not really optimistic talking like

Ciasto niebo z jabłkami i orzechami / polish buttercream apple 'heaven' cake 20

5 lat temu

Apple and Nut 'Heaven' Cake Recipe: for the crust: 300 g of flour(...)yolks,3/4 tsp of baking powder for the apple filling:1.3 kg apples,juice form(...)jello (70 g of powder),  for the nut buttercream:250 g of room temperature butter