The 4605 wpisów

Valenitne’s day 2018 on zaful 1

7 lat temu

ZAFUL Have you done all the shopping related to ongoing holidays? You might have thought that(...)the shopping is done, but Valentines day is knocking at the door and Zafulhas prepared some(...)shopped on our website before, now is the right time! We offer a variety of items

Owsiane ciasto czekoladowe (fit) / healthy oat flour chocolate bread 1

5 lat temu

another bowl mix all the dry ingredients with grated carrot. Combine wet with dry, mixing just(...)combine. Add few tbsp of milk, if the batter is to thick (I usually(...)like traditional muffin batter). Place half of the batter into the bread pan (23x13), press chunks

Bułki orkiszowe z mąką jaglaną / spelt millet kaiser rolls 9

5 lat temu

tbsp of melted butter or oilfor the glaze (optional):50 ml of water(...)potato starch Mix all the ingredients, except butter/oil. Start kneading the dough. After 5-10 minutes(...)until it’s doubled in size. Divide the dough in 8 -10 pieces, form each piece

Kiełbaski imprezowe w cieście drożdżowym / pull apart pigs in a blanket 41

5 lat temu

Pull Apart Pigs in a Blanket: for the dough:1 cup of warm water(...)aside for 10 minutes, until bubbly on the surface. Mix with flour and salt. Knead(...)aside for about 60 minutes. Roll the dough on a well floured surface (38x25cm). Brush with

Zupa gulaszowa z kurczakiem / chicken goulash soup 6

5 lat temu

oregano, thyme, sweet and hot paprikaseasonings for the chicken: salt, pepper, sweet paprika, cumin, granulated garlic(...)barley, optionalfew tsp of chopped parsley Cut the chicken into bite size pieces, sprinkle with seasonings(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and cook, until golden. Set aside

Ciasto czekoladowe z jabłkami / chocolate apple cake 7

5 lat temu

milk or white instead. Reduce the amount of sugar, if using white chocolate),1 tbsp(...)cinnamon, levelled Mix the flour with cocoa and baking powder. In another bowl mix the eggs(...)vanilla, sugar and milk. Add the dry ingredients and mix, just to combine. Pour the batter

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie z papryką / pork tenderloin with red bell pepper sauce 3

5 lat temu

sweet and hot paprika, dry thyme Cut the meat into medium thick slices, sprinkle with salt(...)still be uncooked inside). Set aside. To the same pan, add chopped onion, strips(...)cook for additional 30 seconds. Add the meat back in and pour in the liquid

Zupa azjatycka z kurczakiem / asian style chicken soup 6

6 lat temu

pepper, granulated ginger, sweet paprika, chili Cut the meat into bite size pieces, season well. Heat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chicken and cook, until lightly golden. Set aside(...)the same pan, add diced vegetables: zucchini, carrot, bell pepper and onion. Cook, stirring

Ciasto marchewkowe z truskawkami i galaretką / carrot strawberry jello cake 2

6 lat temu

ginger, few tbsp of milk, optional for the frosting: 400 g of cream cheese. room temperature(...)other fruit of your choice Beat the eggs with sugar, until light and fluffy(...)180C. Let it cool.  Beat all the frosting ingredients. Smear all over the cake

Zupa szparagowa z parmezanem / asparagus parmesan soup 3

5 lat temu

garlic optionally some seeds or croutons Dice the potatoes and finely chop onion and garlic. Heat(...)potatoes and cook, until lightly golden. Add the onion, followed by the garlic. Pour in the(...)feel free to add more liquid, if the soup is too thick). Pour the soup

Szybki schab z warzywami / quick pork vegetable skillet 206

5 lat temu

pork chops (boneless), for the homemade gyros seasoning (or use store bought blend): lemon juice from(...)taste some fresh parsley or coliander Cut the meat into strips. Combine all the marinade ingredients(...)cover the meat with it. Set aside for 30 minutes or longer (or start cooking immediately

Mielonka z piekarnika na kanapki / baked sandwich meat 5

5 lat temu

pinch of black pepper Combine all the ingredients and mix well, using your hands - the mixture(...)should be quite sticky. Place the mixture in the fridge for few hours or bake immediately(...)gradually and firmly press the meat into the bread pan, make sure there

Udka z piekarnika w marynacie / baked chicken legs 4

5 lat temu

chicken legs (or 4-5 drumsticks), for the marinade: 4-6 tbsp of oil, lemon juice(...)bell peppers, carrots, zucchini) Mix all the ingredients for the marinade and massage it well into(...)the chicken (make sure to score the skin and massage the marinade underneath

Kurczak w sosie curry / chicken with curry sauce 122

4 lat temu

paprika, cumin, granulated ginger, nutmeg Cut the chicken into bite size pieces and sprinkle with seasonings(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chicken and cool, until lightly golden. Set aside(...)the same pan add strips of bell pepper and finely chopped leek or onion. cook

Amerykańskie ciasteczka z czekoladą / chocolate chip cookies 9


dark chocolate chips or chopped chocolate Cream the butter with both kinds of sugar (5 minutes(...)the eggs, mix well. Add the flour and baking soda, mix, just until combined. Using(...)chips. Using an ice cream scoop, drop the dough on a baking tray covered with parchment

Najlepszy chleb bezglutenowy z ziemniakami / gluten free potato bread 105

4 lat temu

warm, sparkling water To the warm water add yeast and sugar, set aside for few minutes(...)potatoes. Blend, until smooth. Combine with the rest of ingredients, using a spoon - the dough will(...)minutes. After this time, mix the dough, using a spoon and set aside for 15 minutes

Pierś z kurczaka w sosie własnym / chicken breast in gravy 2

4 lat temu

paprika, a pinch of turmeric (mostly for the color), Hebrs de Provence or any other(...)your choicesome parsley or dill, optional Cut the chicken breasts into few thin cutlets and sprinkle(...)amount of oil ina  pan, add the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both

Schab w sosie serowym / pork chops with cheese sauce 1


blend of dry herbs for pork Beat the cutlets, using a meat mallet, until thin. Season(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and cook for few minutes, until tender(...)Make sure not to dry out the meat. Set aside. To the same pan, add finely

Pierś z kurczaka pod pierzynką warzywną / baked chicken breast with vegetables 184

4 lat temu

onion,1 clove of garlic for the bechamel sauce: 3/4 cup of milk,3/4 tbsp(...)the meat. Sear, until golden on both sides. Arrange in a baking tray. To the same(...)bell pepper, cook, until soft (add the garlic at last). Season with salt, pepper, sweet

Pałki z kurczaka w sosie własnym / chicken drumsticks in gravy 363


paprika, a pinch of turmeric (mostly for the color), Herbs de Provence or any other(...)choice some parsley or dill, optional Remove the skin from yur chicken drumsticks and sprinkle with(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both

Chleb pszenny na suchych drożdżach 4


tbsp olive oil (or 3, if the dough is too dry),1 1/4 cup of warm(...)tbsp of milk or water To the warm water add yeast and sugar. Set aside(...)minutes, adding oil at last - if the dough seems to sticky, feel free to add more

Kurczak w sosie pomidorowym z curry i papryką 422

4 lat temu

optionally some turmeric and granulated ginger Cut the chicken into cutlets and sprinkle with seasonings. Heat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chicken and cook, until golden. Set aside(...)the same pan add chopped bell pepper and finely chopped  onion. Cook for few minutes

Kurczak w sosie z brokułami 6

4 lat temu

your choicesome parsley or dill, optional Cut the chicken breasts into few thin cutlets and sprinkle(...)amount of oil ina  pan, add the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both(...)still raw inside). set aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion, and cook

Kurczak w sosie śmietanowym z cukinią i pomidorkami koktajlowymi 2

3 lat temu

garlicsome parsley or fresh basil, optional Cut the chicken breasts into few thin cutlets and sprinkle(...)amount of oil ina  pan, add the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both(...)still raw inside). set aside.  To the same pan, add zucchini cut into halfmoons

Pierś z kurczaka zapiekana z pieczarkami, serem i beszamelem 5

3 lat temu

leek, 2 cloves of garlic for the bechamel sauce: 3/4 cup of milk, 3/4 tbsp(...)the meat. Sear, until golden on both sides. Arrange in a baking tray. To the same(...)sliced mushrooms, cook, until soft (add the garlic at last). Season with salt, pepper and herbs

Kurczak w sosie curry z brokułami 196

3 lat temu

ginger, nutmeg, some parsley or cilantro Cut the chicken breasts into few thin cutlets and sprinkle(...)amount of oil ina  pan, add the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both(...)still raw inside). set aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion, and cook

Klopsiki w sosie z marchewką i porem 3


taste: salt, peppersome chopped parsley, optional Prepare the meatballs:  Cover your breadcrumbs with milk(...)they soak up whole liquid. Mix all the meatballs ingredients and form into small balls. Heat(...)some oil in a pan and sear the meatballs on both sides until golden brown

Surrounded by amazing people


grieved me a little bit recently. The thing that rescues me during such days(...)known each other for ages. Or the inverse, there is something you don’t really like(...)the person you just met but you can’t explain that feeling. Everybody has their

Kurczak w sosie z curry i warzywami 6

3 lat temu

pepper, curry, sweet and hot paprika Cut the chicken into bite size pieces and sprinkle with(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chicken and cook, until lightly golden. Set aside(...)the same pan add chopped bell pepper and finely chopped leek or onion. Cook

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w pomidorowym sosie słodko-kwaśnym 3

3 lat temu

chopped parsley Remove any tough membranes from the meat and cut into thick slices. Sprinkle the(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and cook for few minute, until(...)still raw inside.Remove to a plate. To the same skillet, add finely chopped onion, followed