Chleb pszenny na suchych drożdżach 4
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like a swiss roll cake). Place the loaf in a bread pan (10x20cm) lined with baking
Chleb pszenny na suchych drożdżach 4
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like a swiss roll cake). Place the loaf in a bread pan (10x20cm) lined with baking
Drobiowe sakiewki z porem i papryką 4
4 lat temu
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taste. Let it cool for a bit. Place the mixture into each chicken pocket add cheese
Kotlety mielone pod pierzynką z pora i marchewki 2
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plate (they should be raw inside). Place into a baking tray. Heat butter with
4 lat temu
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usamodzielniać: sama wychodzi do szkoły czy na plac zabaw. Zarówno zegarek chłopięcy z lokalizatorem
Ciasteczka owsiane z czekoladą 9
4 lat temu
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small balls out of the dough. Place the balls on a baking paper and flat each
Tradycyjny murzynek z wiśniami 133
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whites. Sprinkle your cherries with some flour. Place half of the batter into the pan lined
Maślane bułki do hamburgerów 2
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parts and form round buns. Place on a baking trays lined with baking paper
Jabłecznik z budyniem i musem jabłkowym ze słoika 14
4 lat temu
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paper (36x25cm)). Prick with a fork and place in the freezer for 10-15 minutes
Kurczak pod pierzynką z marchewki i pora 173
4 lat temu
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mayo. Season with salt and pepper. Place cutlets on a baking tray. Add carrot and leek
Ciasto śnieżny puch bez pieczenia 3
4 lat temu
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sugar. Let it cool for few minutes. Place the coconut on top of the cheesecake. Refrigerate
Staying hydrated + easy recipes for tasty water
4 lat temu
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water when you go out of your place, that’s a simple thing
Maślane bułeczki z kruszonką i owocami 6
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form a bun (see the video). Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper
Ciasto casablanca z kajmakiem bez pieczenia 23
4 lat temu
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rest of the cream. Place the mixture on top of the pudding and sprinkle with grated
4 lat temu
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moich czasach piosenki) piosenki zespołu Chłopcy z Placu Broni. Turecka pizza z mięsem mielonym, pomidorami
4 lat temu
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moich czasach piosenki) piosenki zespołu Chłopcy z Placu Broni. Turecka pizza z mięsem mielonym, pomidorami
Zapiekanka makaronowa z mięsem mielonym i beszamelem 3
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until thick). Season well to taste. Place the paste into the baking tray (make sure
Honest talk about online studies 2
4 lat temu
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zabrać. Second thing is the place – my room had the role of a bedroom, studying room
Sernik straciatella bez pieczenia z malinami i galaretką 7
4 lat temu
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instructions. Set aside, until cool and thickens. Place raspberries on a set vanilla layer. Pour
Jabłecznik z ananasem i musem jabłkowym ze słoika 98
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Prick with a fork and place in the freezer for 10-15 minutes. Mix apple
Sewilla - la giralda i real alcázar 2
4 lat temu
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właśnie! Do obejrzenia mamy kilka przepięknych miejsc: Plac Hiszpański, dzielnice Triana, wieża La Giralda, katedra
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mean organize my stuff in this new place – putting clothes in the wardrobe, tidying
Czekoladowa babka z budyniem i dżemem 2
3 lat temu
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cool completely. Cut cooled cake in two. Place the bottom into the pan and smear with