Bułki orkiszowe z mąką jaglaną / spelt millet kaiser rolls 9
5 lat temu
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pieces, form each piece into a ball. Place them on a baking tray and let them
Bułki orkiszowe z mąką jaglaną / spelt millet kaiser rolls 9
5 lat temu
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pieces, form each piece into a ball. Place them on a baking tray and let them
Bułeczki drożdżowe po włosku (z serem i pesto) / italian style pesto and cheese rolls 6
5 lat temu
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video). Cut into 15-16 slices (rolls). Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper
Karkówka w keczupie / pork neck fillets baked in ketchup 5
5 lat temu
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brush the meat with ketchup sauce and place on a baking tray. Bake in 180C
Ciasto bounty / bounty cake 28
5 lat temu
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Cook for few additional minutes, until thickens. Place the filling on a sponge cake
Kiełbaski imprezowe w cieście drożdżowym / pull apart pigs in a blanket 41
5 lat temu
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each sausage piece into the dough strip. Place them in a springform pan (26cm
Ciasto rocher / rocher cake 31
5 lat temu
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chocolate. Mix with the spoon. Add hazelnuts. Place chocolate cream on the bottom of the cake
Pierś z kurczaka faszerowana szpinakiem i papryką / spinach and pepper stuffed chicken breast 3
5 lat temu
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taste. Let it cool for a bit. Place the mixture into each chicken pocket
Kurczak zapiekany z pieczarkami / baked chicken and mushrooms 7
5 lat temu
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garlic. Cook, until soft and season well. Place the chicken in to the baking tray
Błyskawiczny piernik (najłatwiejszy i najszybszy) / quick and easy gingerbread loaf 12
5 lat temu
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ingredients and mix just to combine. Place the batter into a bread pan (10x20cm; lined with