Plac 469 wpisów

Travel, travel, travel! 13

8 lat temu

selfie stick or whaever else.  Ten plac był jakimś miejscem spotkań cyganów i innych ulicznych(...)will see a dog, and a place that probably is a homeless person house. Madrid

Idealny na lato, zawsze z nami – zdrowy bidon 6

6 lat temu

wszędzie czy to na rowerek, czy na plac zabaw, do plecaczka na wycieczkę, w odwiedziny(...)ulubionymi samochodzikami Na rowerek… Na placu zabaw… Spacery w zieleni

Nasz dziennik budowy - etap 1 - roboty ziemne i fundamentowe 6

5 lat temu

Wystartowaliśmy dokładnie 6 listopada 2019 roku. Na placu budowy pojawiała się koparka, która miała za zadanie(...)naszej ekipy budowlanej znowu pojawili się na placu boju. W ciągu jednego popołudnia rozłożyli poziomą izolację

Bułki mleczne na zakwasie / sourdough milk rolls 4

5 lat temu

warm place for about 90 minutes or until doubled in size. Form 8-9 rolls(...)dough and place it on a pan covered with parchement paper, let it rise for additional

Błyskawiczny chleb mieszany (bez wyrabiania, bez rozczynu) / quick and easy sunflower no knead bread 6

5 lat temu

sticky. Set aside for about 20 minutes. Place your sticky bread dough to the bread(...)additional sunflower seeds. Cover with kitchen towel, place somewhere warm and let it rise for about

Ciasto bajeczne / fairytale layer cake 984

5 lat temu

tbsp of pudding on each addition). Place the buttercream on the set jello. Arrange some sponge(...)cream micture with remaing whipped cream. Place on the top of the cake. Chill

Zapiekanka ziemniaczana z klopsikami / potato meatball casserole 78

5 lat temu

meat to check the seasonings). Place the mashed potatoes into the baking tray. Using(...)dimple the surface of your potatoes and place a meatball in each dimple. Bake for about

Najlepsze lody czekoladowe / best chocolate ice cream 474

5 lat temu

touches the surface) and rerfigerate overnight. Place the mixture in the ice cream machine(...)Place the ice cream in a container or individual molds. Freeze for few hours. Enjoy

Ciasto balladyna / 'balladyna" raspberry cream cake 11

5 lat temu

high). Place one layer on the bottom of your pan. Smear with half of the cheesecake(...)filling. Cover with the rest of biscuits. Place the remaining cheesecake mixture on top of that

Ciasto czekoladowe z malinami i kremem / chocolate cream raspberry cake 3

5 lat temu

spoon. Add some sugar, to taste. Place the chocolate cream, on top of the cake(...)rest of the cream. Place the mixture on top of the fruit

Grecki chleb daktyla / greek 'daktyla" bread 7

5 lat temu

pieces, form into an oblong bun shape. Place the buns on a baking tray lined(...)with baking paper (place the buns closely to each other, forming a loaf shape

Tarta niebo z borówkami i bezą / heaven tart with blueberries and meringue 2

5 lat temu

still be liquid), sweeten to taste (optional). Place the cream mixture onto the baked crust(...)starch and mix. Using a heaping tablespoon, place the meringues onto the baking tray lined with

Ciasto zmierzch / twilight cake 3

5 lat temu

istead of milk. Sweeten to taste.  Place peaches on the base of the cake, pour(...)chill in the fridge, until sets. Place some blueberries on top of the set pudding. Prepare

Ciasto lambada / lambada cake 13

5 lat temu

istead of milk. Sweeten to taste.  Place peaches on the base of the cake, pour(...)rest of the cream. Place the mixture on top of the pudding

Kostka orzechowa / nut layer cake 3

5 lat temu

glossy. Add the potato starch and mix. Place the meringue onto the shallow baking tray lined(...)additional minutes.  Carefully place the meringue on top. Chill in the fridge

Truskawkowa chmura / strawberry cloud shortcake 2

5 lat temu

slightly less water), set aside, until thicker. Place halves of strawberries on the cooled crust(...)starch and mix. Using a heaping tablespoon, place the meringues onto the baking tray lined with

Ciasto marchewkowe z truskawkami i galaretką / carrot strawberry jello cake 1

5 lat temu

milk, if batter is to thick. Place into tray lined with baking paper (35x24cm) and bake(...)Prepare the jello according to package instructions. Place strawberries on top of the frosting. Cover with

Drożdżówki z jabłkami i kruszonką / apple rolls 11

4 lat temu

into nine parts and form buns.  Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper(...)each bun top, creating a deep dimple. Place peeled and chopped apples  with cinnamon inside

Q&a for six months! 3

4 lat temu

also in English or create a new place where I would write in both languages. Finally(...)like to inspire others, to create a place where you can find whatever you like – some

Wędlina drobiowa z szynkowaru / homemade chicken ham 3

4 lat temu

hands for few minutes, until very sticky. Place the meat into a pressure ham cooker, cover(...)with the lid and refrigerate overnight. Place the ham cooker into a big pot filled with

Kalosze dziecięce, to jesienna podstawa! 2

4 lat temu

kalosze, to obowiązek. Dzieci często wychodzą na place zabaw. Domyślacie się zapewne jak wyglądałyby ich buciki(...)powrocie z takiego placu, gdy dzień wcześniej padał deszcz. Ja się nie muszę domyślać (mam wspomnienia

Kluski śląskie z gulaszem wołowym / silesian dumplings with beef goulash 4

4 lat temu

water Prepare Silesian dumplings: place your chilled, mashed potatoes on a shallow, round plate. Cut into(...)aside. To the empty place add your potato starch (you should add as much starch

Wigilijne pierogi z kapustą i grzybami suszonymi / polish pierogi with cabbage 3

4 lat temu

freeze your formed pierogi (or uszka): place them on a tray (or on a piece(...)want them to stick. When completely frozen, place them all in a bag use whenever

Hey, what’s going on in poland?

3 lat temu

always wanted my blog to be a place where you can escape from reality, your problems(...)place with positive energy, inspiration and good vibes. But today I decided to talk about something

October update

3 lat temu

feel like it’s not „my place” but I know it takes time to get used(...)living in a new place. Po drugie, po przeprowadzce staram się zaaklimatyzować w nowym mieszkaniu. Już

świąteczne pierniczki od razu miękkie 1224

3 lat temu

dough is 5 mm thick, not thinner). Place on a baking tray and bake(...)your cookies turn dry or hard, place them over some steam - they will soften very fast

Oh, that’s a funny story


heavy. Oupsi… do I still have a place to put those things? Luckily I managed(...)Brussels Midi train station and from that place to Paris by train. So it gives three

Kruche babeczki z budyniem czekoladowym i wiśniami 2

3 lat temu

taking them out from the molds.  Place a cherry inside each tartlet shell. Prepare(...)thick pudding. Using a tablesppon, place hot pudding into your baked tartlet shells. Sprinkle with coconut

Taking a risk


risk if we can stay in the place where we are right now, in a comfy(...)long can we stay at one place without any development? Well, in my opinion

Cleansing and refreshing for spring

3 lat temu

book shelter or any other place where you can find some things which are stuck(...)gives a nice fresh feeling to your place!You can also look at your laptop – digital

Ciasto brzoskwiniowy kubuś 19


water mixture. Drain and chop peaches. Place them on top of the cake.  Prepare fruit(...)rest of the cream. Place the mixture on top of the pudding and generously sprinkle with