4 lat temu
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rest of the cream. Place the mixture on top of the pudding and sprinkle with grated
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rest of the cream. Place the mixture on top of the pudding and sprinkle with grated
Pieczona pierś z indyka na kanapki / baked turkey breast 4
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ingredients for the marinade and place it onto turkey breast. Let it marinade for few hours
Kotlety ziemniaczane z mięsem mielonym / potato patties with ground meat 6
4 lat temu
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potato mixture, form a small disc. Place a tbsp of meat in the centre
Pełnoziarnisty chleb z ziołami / whole wheat bread with herbs 1
4 lat temu
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minutes. Form 2 loaves and place them into bread pans (10x20 cm or slightly larger) covered
Sernik królewski w tortownicy / polish cheesecake with cocoa crumble 7
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23cm) - you can also roll it out. Place the cheesecake filling on the prepared crust
Ciasto serowy okruszek / cheesecake crumb cake 2651
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tbsp of pudding on each addition). Place the buttercream on top of the sponge cake
Zapiekane spaghetti bolognese / baked bolognese 8
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thick and dry. Place half of the pasta in the baking pan, sprinkle witch cheese
Miękkie pierniczki alpejskie / soft apline gingerbread cookies 2608
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dough is 3 to 5 mm thick). Place on a baking tray and bake
Chleb tostowy z wodą z gotowania ryżu / rice water white bread 2
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minutes. Form 2 loaves and place them into bread pans (10x20 cm or slightly larger) covered
Ciasto arkadia bez pieczenia / peach and mascarpone no bake cake 23
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powdered sugar and vanilla and beat quickly. Place the cream on top of your biscuits
Kruche ciasteczka świąteczne / christmas shortbread cookies 24
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hours (or overnight). You can also place the crust into the freezer for 20 minutes
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ciasta odrywamy małe kawałki i rolując między placami, formujemy małe wałeczki (po paru sztukach nabierzecie wprawy
Pieczona polędwiczka wieprzowa / baked pork tenderloin 5
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well in the fridge and cut thinly. Place in a homemade bun or on a slice
Makowiec z gwiazdkami na kruchym cieście / poppy seed shortcake 3
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fold them into the poppy seed mixture. Place it on top of the crust. Roll
Ciasto z serkiem homogenizowanym i galaretką / fromage frais jello cake 10
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fridge, until sets completely (you can place the cake in the freezer for couple of minutes
Social research - how was 2020 for us? 2
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some stories about moving to a new place or your vacations. Time spent with your family
Pieczone udka z kurczaka / baked chicken drumsticks 4
4 lat temu
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potatoes with seasonings and mix with oil. Place on a baking tray and bake for anout
Ciasto wiśniowiec / cherry buttercream layer cake 601
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tbsp of pudding on each addition). Place the buttercream on top of the set jello
Drożdżowe bułeczki mleczne / milk rolls 5
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form oblong or round buns. Place on a baking tray lined with baking paper
4 lat temu
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France and spread through the west, taking place in various regions. It is a successor
Ciasto aurora z brzoskwiniami z puszki i budyniem / 'aurora' peach cake 36
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coconut pudding, mixing well after each addition. Place the coconut buttercream on top of the biscuits
Babka piaskowa / polish bundt cake 7
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powder over the batter and mix briefly. Place the batter into very well greased and sprinkled
Lektury szkolne dla klasy 6 – spis 16
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koncert Wojskiego); 8)Ferenc Molnár, Chłopcy z Placu Broni; 9)Bolesław Prus, Katarynka; 10)Juliusz Słowacki
Pierś z kurczaka zapiekana z warzywami i śmietanką / baked chicken breast with veggies 12
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seasoning blend, add mayo and mix well. Place in a baking tray. Grate carrots, celery
śniadaniowe bułki pszenne na suchych drożdżach / crusty bread rolls 248
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about an hour. Form 12 rolls and place them on a baking tray, lined with parchment
Kostka malinowo - bezowa / meringue raspberry cake 10
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powder and mix. Using a heaping tablespoon, place the meringues onto the baking tray lined with
"pucio w mieście. zabawy językowe dla młodszych i starszych dzieci" recenzja 1
4 lat temu
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wielu miejscach m.in. na ryneczku, placu budowy, supermarkecie, autobusie, parku i galerii sztuki. Dzięki temu dziecko
Sernik królewski z brzoskwiniami 4
4 lat temu
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22x34cm) - you can also roll it out. Place the cheesecake filling on the prepared crust
Chleb pszenny na suchych drożdżach 4
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like a swiss roll cake). Place the loaf in a bread pan (10x20cm) lined with baking