5 lat temu
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some colourful flowers. We created a nice place to sit with a book or a magazine
5 lat temu
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some colourful flowers. We created a nice place to sit with a book or a magazine
5 lat temu
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internet can be considered as a place to work and to create. To racjonalne podejście
Faszerowane ziemniaki z grilla / stuffed grilled potatoes 137
5 lat temu
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scoop out most of the flesh, place in a bowl. Gently peel the potatoes. Cook bacon
Przygotowania do pierwszej komunii – zaproszenia do wydrukowania 1
5 lat temu
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wszystkimi zaproszonymi do domu dziećmi, wyjść na plac zabaw. Dzisiejsze komunie […] Artykuł Przygotowania do Pierwszej
5 lat temu
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podanych poniżej proporcji wyszło mi 8 placów o średnicy około 20 cm i wadze około
Kruche babeczki z budyniem i czekoladą / pudding and chocolate tartlets 13
5 lat temu
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thick pudding. Using a tablesppon, place hot pudding into your baked tartlet shells . Let it cool
5 lat temu
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Then, when we go to the same place again and again, this feeling of being excited
Ryba w folii z warzywami z (grilla lub z piekarnika) / baked or grilled fish with vegetables 5
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small amount of oil. Season to taste. Place on top of the fish, add some lemon
Włoska zupa pomidorowo-jarzynowa (minestrone) / minestrone soup 3
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spinach and fresh herbs. Season well. Place some pasta or rice in a bowl, cover with
Rewelacyjny sernik kokosowy przygotowany blenderem 11
5 lat temu
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temperaturze pokojowej, dodaję ser który rozkruszam w placach i rozdrabniam blenderem, tak żeby nie było grudek
5 lat temu
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dzielić, to ocean lub morze. The place, where I have this tattoo, wasn’t chosen
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already met, how is your university or place where you are going to live for couple
Bułki do hot dogów / hot dog buns 5
5 lat temu
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into 14 parts and form oblong buns. Place on baking trays lined with baking
Rolada z kurczaka z serem i warzywami / chicken roulade with vegetables 244
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cheese crust: combine cheese, mayo and eggs. Place the mixture onto your shallow baking tray lined
Wystarczył 1 sprytny trik, dzięki któremu moim dzieciom już nic nie ginie 3
5 lat temu
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sytuacja, kiedy odbieramy naszego 4-latka z placu zabaw w przedszkolu, a on hasa w lewym
Ciasto rubin bez pieczenia (z wiśniami i kremem) / 'ruby' no bake cherry cake 377
5 lat temu
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tbsp of pudding on each addition). Place the buttercream on the biscuits. Add another layer
Woda zawsze z nami – unikatowa butelka my only bottle sodastream 8
5 lat temu
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wszędzie – na wycieczce, do pracy, na placu zabaw, na działce Dzięki wygodnej pętelce butelkę można
Mielonka z piekarnika na kanapki / baked sandwich meat 5
5 lat temu
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hands - the mixture should be quite sticky. Place the mixture in the fridge for few hours
Udka z piekarnika w marynacie / baked chicken legs 5
5 lat temu
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aside for 20 minutes. Place ona baking tray. Bake for about 50 minutes in 190C
Ciasto z jagodami w 5 minut / 5 minute blueberry cake 267
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with baking paper (36x25cm or slightly smaller). Place bluberries on top. Bake for about 40 minutes
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book, a country or a place like forest, ocean or space… and you can invent much
Pszenny chleb codzienny / everyday wheat bread 17
5 lat temu
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like a swiss roll cake). Place the loaf on a tray lined with baking paper
Bułeczki różyczki / rose buns 250
5 lat temu
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scarps of the dough as well). Place on a baking tray (20x30cm) lined with baking
Pieczony schab na kanapki / baked pork loin 9
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sides, on a well heated skillet. Place into the baking tray and bake uncovered
Ciasto tropikana bez pieczenia / no bake tropicana cake 15
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coconut pudding, mixing well after each addition. Place the coconut buttercream on top of the biscuits
6 ciekawych miejsc dla dzieci w zakopanem i okolicy + 1 atrakcja, której nie polecam! 3
5 lat temu
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góry zakładasz, że niewiele zwiedzicie oprócz kilku placów zabaw? Pocieszę Cię! W Zakopanem i najbliższej okolicy
Karkówka po myśliwsku / slow roasted pork neck 598
4 lat temu
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minute, until lightly golden on both sides. Place in a baking tray. Add chopped onion, pickles
Ziołowa rolada ze schabu na kanapki / pork loin roulade 2
4 lat temu
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should take just couple of minutes) and place on the baking tray. Bake for about
Szarlotka jaglana (bezglutenowa) / millet flour apple shortcake 2
4 lat temu
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smooth. Divide the crust into two pieces. Place one piece in the bottom of the sprigform
Chleb orkiszowo - gryczany / spelt and buckwheat bread 2
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elastic. Form a small loaf and place in the bread pan (10x20cm). Cover with kitchen towel
4 lat temu
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rest of the cream. Place the mixture on top of the pudding and sprinkle with grated