The'" 4605 wpisów

To be in the past 13

8 lat temu

Past Simple is one the basic tenses you should know if you want to communicate(...)obcokrakowcom przysparza on niemałych problemów. Here is the post about forms(...)teacher of English in the past.  > W przeszłości byłam nauczycielką angielskiego. You were

Adverbs of frequency 12

10 lat temu

Watch these sentences and try to find the answer. Gdzie wstawiamy przysłówki częstotliwości(...)cousin after work. We occasionally go to the beach. Sue and Hannah rarely play computer games(...)source: link What about sentences with the verb 'to be'? Here the rule is different

To be - wh-questions 11

10 lat temu

focus on another type of questions. In the previous post I mentioned(...)questions words have wh letters at the beginning, these questions are usually called 'Wh-questions(...)Where are you from? When is the meeting?When am I? Why are you here

Yoins 11

7 lat temu

this store, but something always inhibited us. The YOINS assortment is huge and diverse. We find(...)will find everything for himself. As for the quality of these wonderfully does not seem(...)suppose that it is similar to the company or very good! We hope that

Pszenny chleb drożdżowy z wodą z gotowania ziemniaków / potato water bread 165

5 lat temu

tbsp of melted butter or oil for the glaze: 100 ml of water(...)adding oil or butter at last - if the dough seems dry, feel free to add more(...)loaf ( I always do that by flattening the dough with my hand and rolling

Kotlety po zbójnicku / braised chicken in tomato mushroom sauce 333

5 lat temu

Recipe: 500 g of chicken breast, for the marinade:2 tbsp of mustard,2 tbsp(...)water or chicken stock Cut the chicken into 4-6 cutlets. Beat each one with meat(...)mallet. Add all the marinade ingredients and make sure to coat the meat evenly. set aside

Chrupiący chleb pszenny na drożdżach (bez formy) / crusty yeast bread 8

5 lat temu

cups All-Purpose Flour, for the glaze: 100 ml of water, 1/2 tsp of potato starch(...)the yeast with water and sugar. Set aside for 5-8 minutes, until foamy. Combine with(...)the rest of ingredients, beside oil. Knead for about 10 minutes or until smooth and elastic

Zapiekanka makaronowa z brokułem i kurczakiem / chicken broccoli pasta bake 23

5 lat temu

cloves of garlic,1 carrot, optional, for the white sauce:2 cups of milk,2 tbsp(...)pepper, sweet and hot paprika, nutmeg Cook the pasta according to package instructions. Cook  broccoli(...)dente. Add 2 tbsp of butter to the pan and add finely chopped leek, followed

Klopsiki w sosie pietruszkowym / meatballs in parsley sauce 12

5 lat temu

Meatballs in Parsley Sauce Recipe: for the meatballs: 500 g of ground meat,1 large(...)sweet and hot paprika, dried marjoram for the sauce:1 small leek or 1 onion(...)salt and pepper to taste Mix all the meatball ingredients. Using wet hands, shape the meatballs

Wieprzowina po chińsku / general tso's pork 3

5 lat temu

thin strips (or red bell pepper) for the sauce:1 tbsp of grated ginger(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and vegetables. Cook on high heat, until(...)tender (the carrot should remain slighty crispy). Combine all the ingredients for the sauce. Give

Kurczak z grzybami / chicken and mushroom skillet 2

5 lat temu

slurry,few tbsp of chopped parsley Cut the meat into bite size piece, season well(...)golden and add finely chopped onion. Add the garlic at last, cook stirring, for a minute(...)Season well. Add the meat back in, followed by dry mushrooms. Cover everything with water from

Ciasto dyniowe z czekoladą / chocolate chip pumpkin bread 3

5 lat temu

puree, oil and milk or juice. Combine the wet with the dry, mixing just to combine(...)Place the half of the batter into the bread pan lined with baking paper (30x12cm(...)smaller), sprinkle with chocolate. Add the rest of the batter on top and press in the

Gulasz z polędwiczki wieprzowej / pork tenderloin stew 2

5 lat temu

1/4-1/3 cup of water or stock Slice the meat into bite size pieces. Season with salt(...)minutes (do not over cook the meat). Set aside. To the same pan, add chopped vegetables(...)until almost tender to your likening. Add the meat and simmer for additional few minutes

Ciasto czekoladowe z orzechami / chocolate nut cake 3

5 lat temu

chopped chocolate for the crumble: 3 tbsp of cold butter,4 heaping tbsp of flour(...)cocoa,1/4 cup of sugar  Prepare the crumble: mix sugar, flour and cocoa. With(...)form a ball, cover and chill in the fridge (if it's too dry, add more

Zapiekanka ziemniaczana z mięsem mielonym / potato and ground meat casserole 4

5 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and cook, until golden. Add finely chopped(...)meat sauce). Season well to taste. Boil the milk with crea. Add blue cheese and simmer(...)until melts completely. Season to taste. Brush the casserole dish with some butter. Slice the potatoes

Kurczak miodowo-sojowy / honey soy chicken 8

5 lat temu

taste, some sesame seeds, optional Cut the chicken into bite size piece, sprinkle with salt(...)pepper (be careful with the salt, soy sauce is very salty). Heat a small amount(...)the chicken and cook, stirring, until golden brown and tender. Seta side. To the same

Chleb nocny na zakwasie (z garnka) / overnight sourdugh bread 39

5 lat temu

knead briefly, making sure to incorporate all the salt in. Form a relatively smooth ball(...)the dough and let ir rise overninght in room temperature - fell free to add more flour(...)the dough is very sticky (8 to 10 hours). Knead the dough few times, form

Ryba z piekarnika z warzywami i ryżem / baked fish with rice and vegetables 6

4 lat temu

garlic,1 onionseasonings to taste (for the rice): salt, pepper, sweet paprika, Herbs de Provenceseasoninngs(...)the fish: salt, pepper, granulated garlic, thyme and rosemaryoptionally few small pieces of butter(...)well. Mix with cooked rice and check the seasonings. Place the rice with vegetables into the

Miękkie pierniczki alpejskie / soft apline gingerbread cookies 2608

4 lat temu

butter,200 g of honey The day before baking:Sift the flour and cocoa(...)heat, melt the butter with honey and spices, stirring constantly).  Set aside to cool(...)aside for few minutes. Beat the egg whites, until almost stiff and gradually, spoon by spoon

What i eat in a day - budget friendly edition 2

4 lat temu

those recipes, I really tried to choose the products that are not really expensive(...)seeds (you can blend them to get the powder!) in a little pot, add milk(...)water and simmer gently until the consistency is quite smooth. Then I cut one part

Roladki z mięsa mielonego w sosie z papryką 161

4 lat temu

with Red Bell Pepper Sauce Recipe: for the meat:500 g of ground meat,1 large(...)pickles,few tsp of mustard, optional for the sauce: approx. 2-3 cups of water(...)salt, pepper,sweet paprika, oregano Mix all the ingredients for the meat. Using wet hands, shape

Having friends abroad 3

4 lat temu

The story of my Erasmus was mentioned a couple of times and I already told(...)about the impact it had on me, how it was organized and all that stuff(...)friendships would be over too because of the lack of things to talk about

Karkówka w pomidorowym sosie słodko-kwaśnym 3

3 lat temu

oregano and optionally some flour for dusting the meat before frying,some chopped parsleySprinkle the meat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches(...)until  golden on both sides. To the same skillet, add finely chopped onion and diced

Pierś z kurczaka pieczona w keczupie 4

3 lat temu

each breast to get thin cutlets. Season the meat with salt, pepper, onion, rosemary, thyme(...)tiny bit of oil to the marinade). Combine ketchup with the rest of ingredients, to taste(...)tangy, sweet and hot. Generously brush the meat with ketchup sauce and place on a baking

Ryba z piekarnika w sosie pomidorowym z pieczarkami i papryką 4

3 lat temu

pinch of sugar, optional,seasonings for the fish: salt, pepper, thyme, rosemary seasonings for the sauce(...)smoked paprika or some chili), oregano Season the fish and set aside. To the(...)thick.  Add some sugar.  Pour the sauce into the baking tray. Add fish

Kurczak w sosie barbecue 3


chicken breast, seasonings for the meat: salt, pepper, marjoram, sweet paprika for the sauce: 1 heaping(...)sauce or teriyaki (or to taste - the amount depend of the saltiness of your soy sauce(...)corn starch and some sauce for the slurry, optional Slice the mat or cut into bite

Klopsiki po meksykańsku 241

3 lat temu

crumbs plus 1/3 cup of milk for the sauce: 1/2 of a large red bell pepper(...)optionally some sugarsome parsley or cilantro Prepare the meatballs:  Cover your breadcrumbs with milk(...)minutes, until they soak up the whole liquid. Mix all the meatballs ingredients and form into

Schab pieczony w mleku 4

3 lat temu

Recipe: 6 boneless pork chops,seasonings for the meat: salt, pepper, merjoram, sweet paprika, granulated garlic(...)favourite blend of pork seasonings instead) for the sauce:400 ml of milk,1 bay leaf(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides

Karkówka po diabelsku 1289

3 lat temu

marjoram and optionally some flour for dusting the meat before frying,some chopped parsley Sprinkle the(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches(...)until  golden on both sides. To the same skillet, add finely chopped onion and diced

Kurczak z kukurydzą, ananasem i śmietanką

2 lat temu

pineaplle juice / syrup from the can, 1/2 cup of canned corn, 1-2 tsp of potato(...)choopped parsley or cilantro Sprinkle the meat with seasonings. Cook on a well heated skillet with(...)until lightly golden on both sides - the meat should be still raw inside. Set aside

Small talk about may

2 lat temu

have an internship in July! This is the biggest success of this month. But there were(...)foot! I really like walking especially when the sun is shining(...)hurry and I can enjoy the beautiful weather outside. And last but not least - food