The'" 4614 wpisów

Congrès de jeunesse francophone / québec 2023 4

1 rok temu

decided to write also in French as the event I’m going to talk about(...)reverra un jour /EnglishOn the 30th and 31st of October I had a chance to participate(...)French language! I was so impressed that the language of this event was French

Schab w sosie musztardowym 4


amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion. Cook, for few minutes. Add finely chopped(...)garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves and allspice. Simmer

Wołowina po marokańsku (tagine z wołowiny) 2

3 lat temu

Recipe: 500 g of beef,spices for the meat: 1 tsp of granulated ginger, a pinch(...)handful of toasted almond flakes Cut the meat into bite size pieces and add the spices(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and cook, until lighly golden on both

Schab w sosie curry 101

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion and pepper cut into strips. Cook(...)minutes. Add finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves

Kurczak w sosie z pieczarkami, papryką i porem 4

3 lat temu

the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both side (but still raw inside). set aside(...)the same pan, add sliced mushrooms, chopped red bell pepper and finely chopped onion or leek(...)garlic, cook for 30 seconds and add the meat back in. Cover with stock or water

Schab duszony z marchewką 3

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped leek and roughly chopped carrot(...)Cook for few minutes. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves

Ciasto potrójnie kakaowe 48

3 lat temu

some ground vanilla or vanilla extract for the glaze: 60 g of butter(...)with wet. Mix, just to combine. Place the batter into spring form(...)about 45 to 50 minutes. Prepare the glaze: melt butter with sugar and milk

Schab w sosie słodko-kwaśnym z marchewką i porem 158


amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add leek and caroots cut into thick(...)lemon juice, to taste.  If the sauce is too thin, mix the flour with

Kurczak w sosie z marchewką i curry 44

3 lat temu

chopped parsley or coriander Cut the chicken into slices or into bite size pieces and sprinkle(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chicken and cook, until lightlu golden on both(...)sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add grated carrot and finely chopped onion. Add spices

Proste ciasto na oleju z jabłkami 71

3 lat temu

large apples,cinnamon,powdered sugar Beat the eggs with sugar, until light and fluffy(...)flour with baking powder and gently sprinkle the mixture on top of your beaten eggs. Gently(...)fold it in. Place the batter into the baking tray (20x30cm). Peel and thinly slice your

I’m going to spend the whole month in vienna! 3

2 lat temu

razem jest jak spełniające się marzenie. On the other hand I will have(...)take a whole month off so the most of the day I’m going to spend(...)coming things are amazing, really. In the past I would say that I’m privileged

Siekane kotleciki rybne

2 lat temu

finely chopped parsley salt and pepperFinely chop the fish. Combine with the rest of ingredients. The(...)Using a spoon, place a portion of the mixture onto well heated oil and fry, until(...)your cutlets are falling apart. See the original recipe here

Moja wygrana w konkursie posti 10

10 lat temu

ziołowych herbat Posti oraz zestaw 2 kosmetyków The Body Shop z zieloną herbatą. Nagroda wygrana(...)rumianek, pokrzywa. Herbaty Posti    Kosmetyki The Body Shop Fuji Green Tea pochodzą z nowej(...)oczywiście od razu je wypróbowałam. Kosmetyki The Body Shop     Fuji Green Tea Body Scrub

Puff pastry pies with cabbage and mushrooms 3

10 lat temu

prepare yeast cake earlier, and the Christmas Eve supper begins in a few minutes ;) Then the(...)that homemade pastry but that from the shop… nonetheless the pies come […] The post Puff

100 świątecznych plakatów do pobrania 23

7 lat temu

przeglądarka przekieruje Cię do strony pobierania. The Scrapbooking Housewife / pobierz tutaj The Domestic Heart/ pobierz tutaj(...)pobierz tutaj Moritz Fine Designs/ pobierz tutaj The Cottage Market/ pobierz tutaj On Sutton Place/ pobierz(...)tutaj Yellow Blis Road/ pobierz tutaj The DIY Dreamer/ pobierz tutaj Jones Design Company/ pobierz tutaj

Krem z pieczonych warzyw / roasted vegetables cream of soup 4

5 lat temu

your choice or garlic croutons Peel the carrots, celeriac and parsnip. Cut the vegetables into medium(...)size pieces. Leave the garlic into its shell. Sprinkle with a bit of oil. Place(...)until tender. Squeeze the garlic out of its shell. Blend the veggies with stock, until smooth

Kurczak ze szpinakiem i dynią / spinach and butternut squash chicken skillet 5

5 lat temu

some chopped parsley or cilantro, optional Cut the meat into bite size pieces and sear(...)skillet with some oil. Set aside. To the same pan, add chopped onion and butternutsquash. Cook(...)cook for additional 30 seconds. Add the chicken back in, cover everything with liquid and simmer

Czekoladowe muffinki z malinami / chocolate raspberry muffins 2

5 lat temu

muffin tin and set aside. Mix all the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa, sugar, half of your(...)baking powder). In another bowl mix the eggs, youghurt and oil. Add the dry ingredients(...)just to combine. Divide the batter evenly in the prepared muffin tin. Press some berries

Tradycyjna fasolka po bretońsku / white beans in tomato sauce 4

4 lat temu

paste,few ladles of cooking water from the beans,2 onions,3 cloves of garlic(...)best to do this overnight). Drain the beans the next day, cover with water and cook(...)with few ladles of cooking water from the beans, add tomatoes, beans, bay leaves, allspice

World book day 2017 - short stories 8

8 lat temu

school). Last year I told you about The World Book Week in my school(...)want to find out why, click the link: World Book Day 2016.  This year(...)have them for you today. Click the following links to open the short stories. Notice that

Gulasz z kurczaka z papryką i marchewką 6

4 lat temu

water or stock,some parsley Cut the meat into bite size pieces. Season well and sear(...)skillet for few minutes. Set aside. To the same pan, add chopped onion, carrots and strips(...)with stock and simmer, until tender. Mix the starch with some water, creating a slurry

Gulasz meksykański z mięsem mielonym i kabaczkiem (chili) 10

4 lat temu

cook for few minutes. Set aside. To the same pan add chopped onion, strips of paprika(...)minutes and add finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, add tomato paste, tomatoes(...)water or stock, just to gently cover the ingredients in the pan. Simmer on low, until

Szynka w sosie z porem i marchewką 84

2 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)the same pan, add chopped leek and big pieces of carrots. Cook, for few minutes(...)needed). Add cream. Season to taste. Thicken the sauce with some slurry (starch with water

Kurczak po meksykańsku 3


chopped parsley or cilatro, optional Cut the meat into bite size pieces and season well, Heat(...)the chicken. Sear, until golden on both sides, but still raw inside. To the same(...)tender for about 20-30 minutes. Check the seasonings. Add drained beans and corn. Sprinkle with

Szybkie ciasteczka twarogowe 3

3 lat temu

yolk, powdered sugar for dusting the cookiesRub cold butter with flour and cheese. Add yolk(...)with your hands and chill in the freezer for 10 minutes or so. Roll(...)surface, until 5 mm thick. Cut out the cookies and chill in the freezer for additional

Naleśniki jaglane / millet flour crepes 6

5 lat temu

melted butter or oil Whisk all the ingredients, making sure there are no lumps. Set aside(...)cook, until lightly golden on both sides - the batter should be very runny, almost like water(...)the crepes are thin. Serve with sweet or savoury additions (jam, nutella, fruit, whipped cream

Sałatka z kurczakiem i kaszą bulgur / chicken and bulgur salad 17

5 lat temu

salt, pepper, sweet paprika, to taste Remove the seeds from the cucumber. Chop the meat, vegetables(...)dice the cheese. Combine all salad ingredients, add honey, mustard, olive oil and lemon to taste

Sałatka ziemniaczana z wędzoną makrelą / smoked mackerel potato salad 6

4 lat temu

taste: salt, pepper and sweet paprika Dice the potatoes and finely chop onion, olives, pickles, tomatoes(...)eggs. Remove the bones and skin from the fish. Add the flesh to remaining ingredients, adding

Gulasz wołowy zabielany 6

3 lat temu

flour) and 1/4 cup of water, optionalCut the meat into bite size pieces. Sprinkle with seasonings(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the beef and cook, until lighly golden on both(...)with liquid - just enough to lightly cover the ingredients. Add more liquid during simmering, if evaporates

Ryba zapiekana w śmietanie / sour cream baked fish 2

4 lat temu

grated parmesan cheese, optional Cut the fish into smaller pieces and sprinkle with seasonings. Heat(...)Season with salt and pepper. Generously smear the fish with your sour cream mixture and sprinkle(...)tender (baking time may vary, depending on the thickness of your fish fillets). Serve with potatoes

Pierś z kurczaka w sosie koperkowym z cukinią i papryką 20

4 lat temu

choice,few tsp of chopped dill Cut the meat into cutlets and seson well, Heat(...)the chicken. Sear, until golden on both sides, but still raw inside. Set aside. To the(...)minutes and add finely chopped garlic. Add the chicken back in, pour in your stock