The'" 4605 wpisów

Ciasto za grosik z masą z budyniu i galaretki 293

3 lat temu

Cake with Pudding and Jello Recipe: for the sponge cake,3 eggs,1/2 cup of sugar(...)plus few tsp of lemon juice for the pudding filling:2 packages of vanilla pudding(...)strawberry jello (70 g each) for the glaze:4 tsp of dark cocoa

Walk in paris 3

5 lat temu

tourist who want to see all the attractions, but as a half French girl who wants(...)walk on Champs-Élysées. During the last couple months I was living only two hours away(...)would by a ticket and get on the train. Paryż to miasto, do którego wracam

Nasza pierwsza koloryzacja 2

6 lat temu

with natural looking hairline and scalp, because the hair are all hand-crafted. Consequently , they last(...)show up far more ordinary even in the event enduring chemical treatment.When ever any one gives(...)expensive to various spending habits. Irrespective of the charge, purchasing wigs enjoy this you will save

Honest talk about online studies 1

4 lat temu

Easy because it was possible to record the lecture and watch it after. But it wasn(...)even more difficult. Even though the academic year is already over, I decided to talk about(...)also a good preparation for the coming year, which can possibly be the same, I mean

Ciasto kubuś z galaretką i czekoladą / 'kubus" cake with chocolate and jello 11

6 lat temu

wiórkami. Schłodzić. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: for the cake base(...)pinch of vanilla,2 eggs, for the filling: 900 ml-1 l of fruit juice(...)packages of jello, 70 g each for the chocolate ganache: 160 g of chocolate, (dark and/or

Cheering up 5

5 lat temu

dzień.  Sometimes my mood is like the weather outside the window – one day the(...)breath. Sometimes I like to look through the window, sometimes I like to close my eyes(...)running thoughts, create a plan for the day and to concentrate on the next task

Citizen of the earth 2

5 lat temu

Last week, on the 28th of June, I woke up with a smile on my face(...)jaki był ten kolejny miesiąc na Erasmusie. The 28th of June was actually more special. That(...)since I had my new tattoo with the shape of the map of the whole world

Ciasto ze śliwkami i budyniem / plum and pudding shortcake 1209

4 lat temu

requires 500 ml of milk) Prepare the crust: mix the flour, sugar and baking powder(...)the butter and rub in with your fingers (the butter should form very small crumbs(...)the egg, 2 egg yolks and sour cream. Divide the crust in half, place on part

Sernik królewski w tortownicy / polish cheesecake with cocoa crumble 7

4 lat temu

powder,125 g of cold butter, for the cheesecake filling: 500 g of Polish dry curd(...)butter,4 tbsp of heavy cream Prepare the crust: mix the flour, sugar, cocoa and baking(...)butter and rub in with your fingers (the butter should form very small crumbs). Add the

Christmas preparation – how i introduce this special vibe in my everyday life? 1

4 lat temu

the advent calendar there are more and more open doors, with every single day Christmas(...)really hard when it comes to feeling the Christmas vibe and really celebrate the moment(...)white star-shaped Christmas lights in or the classic ones that you use to decorate the

Present simple - positive sentences (she,he,it) 11

10 lat temu

already know from the previous post on this blog in which situations the Present Simple tense(...)click here). You also know that the third person in singular differs from the rest(...)The difference is audible : we hear 's' at the end of each verb in the third

English idioms 4

8 lat temu

Hello! I'm coming to you with the newest portion of popular English idioms. They(...)English? You have even tried to translate the words in your head and explain to your(...)listener what the strange sentence, that you've just produced, meant. Have you ever experienced such

English idioms 2

8 lat temu

Hello! I'm coming to you with the newest portion of popular English idioms. They(...)English? You have even tried to translate the words in your head and explain to your(...)listener what the strange sentence, that you've just produced, meant. Have you ever experienced such

Chleb z garnka na zakwasie / vermont sourdough dutch oven bread 10

5 lat temu

kuchni Vermont Sourdough Bread Recipe: for the starter: 136 g of bread flour(...)tbsp of active sourdough starter for the bread dough: 680 g of bread flour(...)tbsp of salt, whole starter Prepare the starter: combine all the ingredients. Mix, until combined, cover

Going through a change 1

4 lat temu

The only sure thing in our life is a change – small or big, for better(...)also for worse. Sometimes we would like the things to stay the same, never change(...)surface I have to go up to the top. First reaction? Ha, you’re kidding

Kruche babeczki z czekoladą i dżemem 6

3 lat temu

Chocolate Recipe: For about 20 tartlets:For the crust:250 g of all purpose flour(...)yolk,few tsp of cold water for the filling:some raspberry or strawberry(...)like)80 g of heavy creamfor the topping, options: some toasted almonds, chopped nuts, coconut shavings

October update 1

3 lat temu

that only two month left till the end of this year. I mean(...)share them with you! In comparison to the last blog post, this one will(...)this is how the Polish educational system works. This semester includes my final project which consists

Sernik w kruchym cieście 64


powder, 125 g of cold butter, for the cheesecake filling: 1 kg g of good quality(...)softened butter, lemon zest from 1 lemonPrepare the crust: mix the flour, sugar and baking powder(...)butter and rub in with your fingers (the butter should form very small crumbs). Add the

Ciasto porzeczkowa fantazja 2

3 lat temu

kuchni Black Currant Pudding Cake Recipe:for the sponge cake:3 eggs, 1/2 cup of sugar(...)powdered sugar (or to taste), for the topping:2 tbsp of butter,2 tbsp os powdered(...)shavings,30 g of sesame seeds Prepare the sponge cake (you can do this the

Life at uni 2

2 lat temu

June is actually the end of the academic year, but (!) it is the most intense period(...)there is the exam session. That’s why I decided to write this post - to talk(...)razem połączyć? Let's start with studying - the key here is to plan it before

~ june ~ 4

2 lat temu

already the beginning of July but let me quickly go back to the previous month(...)finish my semester and validate all the exams, woo-hoo! This is my biggest success(...)make a list of my highs of the month and also some lows just to reflect

Organizing a giveaway!

4 lat temu

first anniversary! A year ago, on the 21st of March, I shared with you my first(...)post that I’m sharing today is the fiftieth text on the blog, and this really(...)long time how it would work, what the prices would be, and about all that general

Speaking different languages 3

4 lat temu

thinking about today’s blog post the first thought I had in my mind(...)doesn’t exist in Polish, it’s the title of this book but I translated(...)translator, who shows different shades of the language. This book is full of good and interesting

Kruche ciasteczka maślane (rożki waniliowe) 9

4 lat temu

Polish krupczatka flour/ coarse-ground flour is the best for the recipe, it's type(...)vanilla beans, powdered sugar for dusting the cookies To the flour and sifted sugar, add the(...)with your fingertips, until the mixture resambles breadcrumbs. Add the yolks and knead. Form a ball

Study with me! tricks and methods to ease the studying time.


Actually, it depends on many things - on the weather, our mood, the amount of stuff(...)clarify what wasn’t sure and find the right answers and results. Obviously, this kind(...)your uni friends don’t live in the same city as you. Going

Ciasto popapraniec / polish 'popapraniec'cake 5


shavings some lemon juice water for soaking the sponge cakeapprox. 3/4 cup of black currant(...)heavy cream or milk Seperate the egg yolks and the whites. Beat whites, until stiff(...)baking powder and sprinkle on top of the batter. Fold. Divide the batter intto 3 parts

Authenticity 1


Instagram, done. Crying, with tears in the eyes – not good to take a photo, better hide(...)nothing. With acne on the face, still half asleep, without makeup – okay never mind, just(...)the filter on the photo and it’s better now. 15 seconds

Kfc strips, i.e. chicken breasts in crunchy coating 2

12 lat temu

pepper 4 tablespoons olive oil attention! attention! The strips are veeeeery(...)wings” seasoning. It’s best to marinade the meat in smaller amount of hot spices first(...)necessary, add more chili to the rest of the raw meat – if you like very

Small pleasures 1

4 lat temu

task to another it feels like the day slips through our fingers and actually(...)easy to relax because the day ends before we realize it, that(...)some of them are really small and the rest is much a real action! Drobna przyjemność

Tania szarlotka z papierówek 2

3 lat temu

kuchni Cheap Apple Shortcake Recipe:  for the crust:1 1/2 cup of flour(...)sugar (you can use a bit more, the crust is not very sweet),1 egg, cold(...)baking powder for the filling: 1.5 kg of apples,1 1/2 tbsp of cinnamon,2 tbsp

Christmas presents - last minute ideas! 1

4 lat temu

next week! But do you have all the presents prepared? Sometimes it may happen that(...)present which we decided to be the last to be done. I need to confess that(...)happened to me in the past, even twice, and in that moment I rescued myself with