The'" 4636 wpisów

Ciasto bananowiec bez pieczenia 11

4 lat temu

some lemon juice to squeeze on the bananas,400 - 500 g heavy cream,250 g mascarpone(...)dark chocolate Arrange some biscuits on the bottom of your baking tray (24x24cm). Prepare banana pudding(...)there is no lumps. Add it to the warm juice and heat it up, until

Pulpety gotowane w sosie pomidorowym 101

4 lat temu

Boiled Meatballs in Tomato Sauce Recipe: for the meatballs:500 g of ground meat,1 large(...)sweet paprika and marjoram for the sauce:approx. 700 ml of water (depends on the size(...)optionally few tbsp of cream, Mix all the meatball ingredients. Using wet hands, shape the meatballs

Feeling privileged 2

4 lat temu

Finally (!) after a year I visited Paris. The city I am connected with. I know(...)actually difficult to travel freely. Also the fact I have friends abroad makes it much easier(...)said to me that this was the reality I created – the reality of having friendships abroad

łopatka wieprzowa w sosie z kiełbasą i pieczarkami 2

3 lat temu

granulated garlic,some finely chopped parsley Cut the meat into bite sieze pieces. Sprinkle the meat(...)seasonings (at this point you can marinade the meat overnight).  Heat a small amount(...)the meat (you can do this in batches) and cook for few minutes, until lightly golden

Ryba z piekarnika w sosie śmietanowo-koperkowym z pieczarkami / baked fish in creamy dill mushroom sauce 2

5 lat temu

cream, few tbsp of chopped dill Chop the leek and slice button mushrooms. Heat a small(...)butter or oil in a pan. add the mushrroms, followed by the leek. Cook, stirring(...)cream. Simmer on low, until thickens (if the sauce is too thin, feel free

Drożdżówki z rabarbarem i kruszonką / rhubarb buns with streusel topping 777

5 lat temu

milk, few large stalks of rhubarb for the streusel topping:60 g of cold butter, approx(...)sugarfew tbsp of milk to brush the rolls before baking for the icing: few tbsp(...)milk, few tbsp of powdered sugar Prepare the streusel topping: using your fingers, combine all the

Leczo z klopsikami 220

3 lat temu

Lekcje w kuchni Meatball 'Leczo' Recipe: for the meatballs:500 g of ground meat,1 large(...)crumbs plus 1/3 cup of milk for the sauce: 1 small red bell pepper,1 onion(...)paprika, granulated garlic, thyme, oregano Prepare the meatballs:  Cover your breadcrumbs with milk

Does age really matter? 1


Actually I laughed that in the past age had been very important for me. When(...)attached to this age. And that was the moment when I stopped caring about age. Tydzień(...)czasie przestałam zwracać uwagę na wiek. At the beginning it was quite difficult

Spending time alone/with myself 2

2 lat temu

left, which I will try to make the most of. But the past three weeks here(...)uświadomiłam sobie parę rzeczy. First of all, the fact that I didn’t/don’t know(...)spend time alone. On the one hand, I am able to find activities for myself

Schab w sosie barbecue ze śmietanką / pork in creamy barbecue sauce 2026

4 lat temu

pork cutlets (boneless),seasonings for the meat: salt, pepper, marjoram, sweet paprika for the sauce(...)sauce or teriyaki (or to taste - the amount depend of the saltiness of your soy sauce(...)corn starch and some sauce for the slurry, optional Using a meat mallet, beat your cutlets

Kruche ciasteczka świąteczne / christmas shortbread cookies 24

4 lat temu

Polish krupczatka flour/ coarse-ground flour is the best for the recipe, it's type(...)pinch of vanilla, optional To the flour and sifted sugar, add the butter(...)with your fingertips, until the mixture resambles breadcrumbs. Add the yolks and knead briefly. Form

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie śmietanowym z warzywami 178


Herbs de ProvenceRemove any tough membranes from the meat and  cut into thick slices. Sprinkle(...)until lightly golden on both sides - the meat should be still raw inside. Set aside(...)the same skillet, add finely chopped leek and diced bell pepper and zucchini, cook

Sernik straciatella bez pieczenia z malinami i galaretką 7

4 lat temu

other jello of your choice)Dissolve the gelatine in 1/4 cup of water, set aside(...)spoon by spoon, add some cream to the gelatine (see the video). Combine with the rest(...)cream (you can warm the mixture slightly, in case of any gelatin lumps). Add grated

Potrawka z udek z kurczaka z marchewką i koperkiem 131

4 lat temu

heaping tbsp of choopped dill Sprinkle the meat with seasonings. Saute on a well heated skillet(...)until lightly golden on both sides - the meat should be still raw inside. Set aside(...)the same skillet, add finely chopped leek and diced carrot, cook for few minutes

Life update 4

4 lat temu

just started… Well, time flies but on the other hand when I realize how many things(...)saying many things I really mean it. The end of vacation is a good moment(...)czeka Was ciekawa opowieść. First of all, the international trips that I was able

Spaghetti z klopsikami 2

4 lat temu

kuchni Spaghetti and Meatballs Recipe: for the meatballs:600 g of ground turkey, 1 large(...)crumbs plus 1/3 cup of milk for the sauce: approx. 200 g of tomato puree(...)grated parmesan cheese for each portionPrepare the meatballs:  Cover your breadcrumbs with milk

Kotleciki po węgiersku 3

4 lat temu

Cutlets with Red Bell Pepper Sauce: for the meatballs: 600 g of ground meat,1 large(...)crumbs plus 1/3 cup of milk for the breading (optional):1 very large egg plus salt(...)pepper,some bread crumbs for the sauce:1 1/2 of a red bell pepper,1 onion

łopatka w sosie z pieczarkami i papryką 6

3 lat temu

favourite pork seasonings instead), some parsley, optionalSlice the meat or cut into bite size pieces. Sprinkle(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches(...)until lightly golden on both sides. To the same skillet, add finely chopped onion, rougly chopped

Klopsiki w barbecue 1


crumbs plus 1/3 cup of milk for the sauce: for the sauce:3 cups of water(...)sauce or teriyaki (or to taste - the amount depend of the saltiness of your soy sauce(...)smoked paprika, a pinch of chili Prepare the meatballs:  cover your breadcrumbs with milk

Karkówka duszona z marchewką 1

3 lat temu

paprika, marjoram plus some flour for dusting the meat before frying (you can also use your(...)favourte pork seasoning instead) Seaon the meat on both sides.. Dust with flour. Heat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches

To be - negative sentences in the present 11


negative sentences. We're still in the present. Polish: Jest to lekcja poswięcona odmianie czasownika 'być(...)sentence we have to add 'not' to the forms you've learnt about in the previous(...)read that post HERE.  The table shows all forms

Schab w mleku 398

1 rok temu

oregano, paprika with oil. Then we spread the spices on the raw meat. Then leave the(...)hour, preferably overnight. After this time, place the meat in an ovenproof dish and pour milk(...)over it. Place the meat in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for about

Kurczak po seczuańsku / szechuan chicken 105

5 lat temu

piece of ginger,salt and pepper for the sauce:1/5-1/4 cup of soy sauce (the amount(...)sauce depends on the level of sodium - add enough to taste),approx. 3/4 cup of water(...)cornstarch, levelled (plus some more for dusting the chicken) few tsp of chopped chive or spring

Kurczak w jogurcie / yogurt marinated chicken 4

5 lat temu

juice from 1/2 lemon plus zest from the whole fruit, a pinch of salt, pepper, sweet(...)paprica, dry thyme Combine all the ingredients for the marinade. Add the chicken and coat well(...)minutes (or bake immediately). Place the meat on a baking tray, bake in 200C

Najlepsze lody czekoladowe / best chocolate ice cream 476

6 lat temu

taste it in a final product) Beat the egg yolks with sugar, until light and fluffy(...)spoon by spoon, add hot milk to the egg yolk mixture and whisk. Put the mixture(...)constantly, until slightly thickens (about 10 minutes) - the mixture can not boil! Set aside

Grecki chleb daktyla / greek 'daktyla" bread 8

6 lat temu

wheat flour, 75 g of corn flour (the yellow one, not the starch(...)liquid honey, some sesame seeds Add the yeast and sugar to the water, set aside(...)minutes. Combine with the rest of ingredients and knead for about 15 minutes. Form a ball

Muffinki z czereśniami i kruszonką / sweet cherry streusel muffins 4

6 lat temu

approx. 250 g of pitted sweet cherriesfor the crumble topping:50 g of cold butter(...)flour,a pinch of vanilla Prepare the crumble: mix the sugar, flour and vanilla. With your(...)butter until large clumps form. Chill in the fridge, covered, until ready to use. Preheat your

Bułeczki z czekoladą / chocolate chip buns 11

6 lat temu

sugar (or more, if usind dark chocolate - the dough is not very sweet(...)dark or milk chocolate chips, best form the fridge Add the yeast and sugar to the(...)minutes. Combine with the rest of ingredients, besides butter and knead for about 15 minutes

Kruchy placek z musli i owocami / fruit and musli shortbread bars 3

6 lat temu

powdered sugar  Add  butter to the flour and baking powder and rub in with(...)your fingers (the butter should form very small crumbs). Add the egg yolks and sugar(...)Take 1/3 out of the pastry and knead in some musli. Cover both parts of the

Włoski chleb z czarnuszką i ziołami (bez zagniatania) / no knead italian bread with nigella seeds and herbs 4


example basil, oregano, rosemary, thyme) Mix the yeast with the sugar and warm water, set aside(...)until the yeast is foamy and activated, about 5 minutes. Add the remaining ingredients(...)degrees. Place a dutch oven in the oven to preheat it as well.  Scrape

Bigos z młodej kapusty / young cabbage stew 662

5 lat temu

stock (add enough liquid, to gently cover the ingredients), few tsp of lemon juice, to taste(...)the roux: 1 tbsp of butter, 1 tbsp of flour Grate the onion and finely chop(...)onion and garlic. Slice the sausages. Heat a small amount