The'" 4605 wpisów

Zupa z młodej kapusty z pulpecikami / young cabbage meatball soup 32

5 lat temu

parsley, salt and pepper, to taste for the meatballs: 400-500 g of ground meatm(...)herbs of youir choice) Mix all the meatball ingredients. Using wet hands, shape the meatballs(...)small portion of the meat to check the seasonings). Preheat the

Mielonka z piekarnika na kanapki / baked sandwich meat 5

5 lat temu

pinch of black pepper Combine all the ingredients and mix well, using your hands - the mixture(...)should be quite sticky. Place the mixture in the fridge for few hours or bake immediately(...)gradually and firmly press the meat into the bread pan, make sure there

śmietanowiec bez pieczenia 114

4 lat temu

your choice Arrange some biscuits on the bottom of your baking tray (24x24cm). Smear with(...)mascarpone, sugar and grated chocolate.Place half of the cream on top of your biscuits and gently(...)apply it graually, spoon by spoon - see the video). Sprinkle with coconut and add another layer

Udka z piekarnika w marynacie / baked chicken legs 4

5 lat temu

chicken legs (or 4-5 drumsticks), for the marinade: 4-6 tbsp of oil, lemon juice(...)bell peppers, carrots, zucchini) Mix all the ingredients for the marinade and massage it well into(...)the chicken (make sure to score the skin and massage the marinade underneath

Jogurtowe bułeczki maślane / fluffy yogurt rolls 755

5 lat temu

temperature) few tbsp of milk to brush the rolls before baking, some butter to smear the(...)rolls after baking, optional (for softening the crust and nice shine) Mix the yeast with milk(...)minutes. When bubbly, add to the  the rest of ingredients, besides butter (use 3 cups

Kurczak po włosku z patelni / italian style chicken skillet 36

5 lat temu

kuchni Italian Style Chicken Skillet Recipe: for the marinade: 1 tbsp of mustard, 1 tbsp(...)tbsp of oil, seasonings for the chicken: salt, pepper, dry basil, parsley, oregano, thyme, granulated garlic(...)parsley or basil salt and pepper Cut the chciken into 4-6 cutlets. Sprinkle withs seasonings

Schab zapiekany w śmietanie z pieczarkami 8

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Place in the baking tray. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion(...)pepper. Add vegetables to your meat. To the same pan, add sliced mushrooms Cook, until lightly

Drożdżowe bułeczki z dżemem 69

3 lat temu

kuchni Twisted Jam Buns Recipe: for the dough: 3 - 3 i 1/2 cup of flour(...)some powdered sugar for dusting the buns Mix the yeast with milk and sugar, set aside(...)minutes. When bubbly, add to the  the rest of ingredients, besides butter (use 3 cups

Klopsiki w sosie porowo-koperkowym 4

3 lat temu

starch,seasonings to taste: salt, pepper Prepare the meatballs:  Cover your breadcrumbs with milk(...)minutes, until they soak up the whole liquid. Mix all the meatballs ingredients and form into(...)some oil in a pan and sear the meatballs on both sides, until golden brown

Bułki orkiszowe z mąką jaglaną / spelt millet kaiser rolls 9

5 lat temu

tbsp of melted butter or oilfor the glaze (optional):50 ml of water(...)potato starch Mix all the ingredients, except butter/oil. Start kneading the dough. After 5-10 minutes(...)until it’s doubled in size. Divide the dough in 8 -10 pieces, form each piece

Pierś z kurczaka pod pierzynką warzywną / baked chicken breast with vegetables 184

4 lat temu

onion,1 clove of garlic for the bechamel sauce: 3/4 cup of milk,3/4 tbsp(...)the meat. Sear, until golden on both sides. Arrange in a baking tray. To the same(...)bell pepper, cook, until soft (add the garlic at last). Season with salt, pepper, sweet

Kiełbaski imprezowe w cieście drożdżowym / pull apart pigs in a blanket 41

5 lat temu

Pull Apart Pigs in a Blanket: for the dough:1 cup of warm water(...)aside for 10 minutes, until bubbly on the surface. Mix with flour and salt. Knead(...)aside for about 60 minutes. Roll the dough on a well floured surface (38x25cm). Brush with

Pałki z kurczaka w sosie własnym / chicken drumsticks in gravy 363


paprika, a pinch of turmeric (mostly for the color), Herbs de Provence or any other(...)choice some parsley or dill, optional Remove the skin from yur chicken drumsticks and sprinkle with(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both

Zupa szparagowa z parmezanem / asparagus parmesan soup 3

5 lat temu

garlic optionally some seeds or croutons Dice the potatoes and finely chop onion and garlic. Heat(...)potatoes and cook, until lightly golden. Add the onion, followed by the garlic. Pour in the(...)feel free to add more liquid, if the soup is too thick). Pour the soup

Schab zapiekany w porach 4

2 lat temu

thin boneless pork chops, seasonings for the meat: salt (3/4 tsp), 1 tsp of sweet paprika(...)leek, approx. 350 ml of heavy creamSprinkle the meat with spices (you can marinade the meat(...)cook on both sides, until golden. Arrange the meat in the baking tray and sprinkle with

Chleb razowy (dla cukrzyków i nie tylko) 2

2 lat temu

seeds, optional Using a spoon, mix all the ingredients for your bread. The dough will(...)rest somewhere warm for 2 hours. Place the risen dought into the bread pan (11x36cm) lined(...)wire rack immediately after removing from the oven.See the original recipe:

Valentine's day guidebook 1

7 lat temu

Valentine's day. What are the expectations of your girlfriend, how will she feel when(...)point – you could always meet the love of your life, even when you are not expecting(...)shortly before he enters the marriage. Make sure, you make a good plan, what should

Klopsiki w sosie pomidorowym z serkiem śmietankowym 2

2 lat temu

Tomato Sauce with Polish Pickles Recipe:for the matballs: 500 g of ground meat, 1 large(...)sweet paprika and marjoram  for the sauce:1 onion, 1 clove of garlic(...)chopped parsley, optionalMix all the meatball ingredients. Using wet hands, shape the meatballs.  Preheat the

Kurczak w sosie ziołowo-serowym / creamy chicken with herbs 4

5 lat temu

other dry herbs of your choice) Season the chicken with herbs, salt and pepper. Heat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and cook, until lightly golden on both(...)sides. Add finely chopped onion, followed by the garlic (add diced zucchini, if you're using

Ciasto z jagodami w 5 minut / 5 minute blueberry cake 267

5 lat temu

powdered sugar, optional Mix the flour with vanilla and baking powder. In another bowl mix the(...)zest, vanilla, sugar and milk. Add the dry ingredients and mix, just to combine (lumps(...)fine, do not overmix!). Pour the batter into the pan lined with baking paper (36x25cm

Pszenny chleb codzienny / everyday wheat bread 17

4 lat temu

sugar few tbsp of milk To the warm water add yeast and sugar. Set aside(...)minutes, adding oil at last - if the dough seems to sticky, feel free to add more(...)loaf ( I always do that by flattening the dough with my hand and rolling

Leczo z mięsem mielonym / ground meat 'leczo' 8

4 lat temu

paprika (paprika is essential in the stew), granulated garlic, thyme Heat a small amount(...)cook for few minutes. Set aside. To the same pan add chopped onion, carrot, strips(...)garlic (cook mushrooms seperately, if using). Add the meat back in, add tomato paste, tomatoes

Bułki z prażoną cebulką / fried onion buns 1

4 lat temu

butter for frying Prepare fried onions: chop the onions (1/2 cm thick) and mix with salt(...)aside for an hour. Add half of the flour and mix well. Heat your(...)golden and crispy (seperate large clumps of the onion, using a wooden spatula

Babka piaskowa / polish bundt cake 7

4 lat temu

cream, levelled, some powdered sugar for dusting the cake or few tsp of lemon juice(...)powdered sugar for lemon glaze Beat the butter, until fluffy. Gradually(...)well. Add sour cream, mix. Beat the egg whites, until stiff peaks form. Gently fold into

Gulasz z karkówki po myśliwsku / pork neck stew 3

4 lat temu

water, optional Soak the mushrooms in water overnight. Cut the meat into bite size pieces. Sprinkle(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and cook, until lighly golden on both(...)everything with liquid - just enough to cover the ingredients in a pan (feel free

śniadaniowe bułki pszenne na suchych drożdżach / crusty bread rolls 248

4 lat temu

flour,14 g of dry yeast the glaze: 100 ml of water, 1 tsp of flour(...)potato starch or corn starch Combine the yeast, flour and sugar, set aside for 5 minutes(...)kneading, add oil. Add more flour, if the dough is to sticky. Form a ball

Gulasz z kurczaka z kurkumą i papryką 5

3 lat temu

chopped parsley or corianderCut the chicken into bite size pieces and sprinkle with spices. Heat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chicken and cook, until lightlu golden on both(...)sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add chopped pepper, zucchini and onion. Add spices

You don't have to do anything, you can do everything 1

3 lat temu

time to rest, but it’s not the moment, when(...)relaxing, have been already mentioned here on the blog but I’m still in the process(...)energy to do other things. On the one hand I know those bad days

Pałki w sosie pomidorowym z czosnkiem niedźwiedzim 3

3 lat temu

smoked paprika, marjoram, wild garlicsome parsley, optionalRemove the skin from yur chicken drumsticks and sprinkle with(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both(...)still raw inside). Set aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion, and cook

Gulasz z kurczaka z pieczarkami i cukinią 113

2 lat temu

poultry seasoning instead),some parsley, optional Cut the meat into bite sieze pieces and sprinkle with(...)the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both side (but still raw inside(...)aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion, slices of mushrooms and dices zuchhini. Cook

Ciasto mleczne z kawałkami czekolady 1

2 lat temu

chocolate or chocolate chips (60 % cocoa), Mix the flour with baking powder. In another bowl(...)the eggs, oil, vanilla, sugar and milk. Add the dry ingredients and mix, just to combine(...)Pour the batter into the pan lined with baking paper (36x25cm). Press chunks of chocolate into