The'"()&% 4605 wpisów

Klopsiki w sosie pomidorowym z serkiem śmietankowym 2

2 lat temu

Tomato Sauce with Polish Pickles Recipe:for the matballs: 500 g of ground meat, 1 large(...)sweet paprika and marjoram  for the sauce:1 onion, 1 clove of garlic(...)chopped parsley, optionalMix all the meatball ingredients. Using wet hands, shape the meatballs.  Preheat the

Valentine's day guidebook 3

7 lat temu

Valentine's day. What are the expectations of your girlfriend, how will she feel when(...)point – you could always meet the love of your life, even when you are not expecting(...)shortly before he enters the marriage. Make sure, you make a good plan, what should

Babka czekoladowa z wiśniami / chocolate cherry bundt cake 9

5 lat temu

defrosted, canned or fresh) powdered sugar Beat the butter with sugar, vanilla and zest. Gradually(...)juice, mix to combine. Place half of the batter into the bundt pan (really well greased(...)some cherries, add remaining batter and add the rest of fruit. Bake for about 40 minutes

Kurczak w sosie śmietanowo - paprykowym / chicken in creamy red bell pepper sauce 15

4 lat temu

pepper, sweet paprika, Herbs de Provence Cut the meat into bite size pieces and sprinkle with(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chicken and cook, until lightly golden on both(...)sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add chopped vegetables: red bell pepper, zucchini and onion

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie paprykowym / pork tenderloin in red bell pepper sauce 12

4 lat temu

stock,some finely chopped parsley Slice the meat into bite size pieces. Season with salt(...)minutes (do not over cook the meat, it should still be raw inside). Set aside(...)the same pan, add chopped vegetables. Cook, stirring, for few minutes. Season well. Cover with stock

Wciągające seriale netflix – ranking najlepszych seriali – top 13 seriali 2020 496

4 lat temu

się nr 1 świata szachowego? oryginalny tytuł: The Queen’s Gambit ilość sezonów: 1  ilość odcinków(...)ilość sezonów: 1 ilość odcinków: 6 7. THE RAIN Jest to jeden z niewielu filmów gatunku(...)ludzie przetrwają i znajdą antidotum? oryginalny tytuł: The rain ilość sezonów: 3 ilość odcinków

Bułki z prażoną cebulką / fried onion buns 1

4 lat temu

butter for frying Prepare fried onions: chop the onions (1/2 cm thick) and mix with salt(...)aside for an hour. Add half of the flour and mix well. Heat your(...)golden and crispy (seperate large clumps of the onion, using a wooden spatula

Gulasz z karkówki po myśliwsku / pork neck stew 3

4 lat temu

water, optional Soak the mushrooms in water overnight. Cut the meat into bite size pieces. Sprinkle(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and cook, until lighly golden on both(...)everything with liquid - just enough to cover the ingredients in a pan (feel free

Pałki w sosie curry 189

4 lat temu

nutmeg some parsley or coliander, optional Remove the skin from yur chicken drumsticks and sprinkle with(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both(...)still raw inside). Set aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion, season well with

Polędwiczki zapiekane z serem i warzywami 1


pepper, favourite blend of dry herbs Cut the meat into thick slices and season well(...)with mustard and smear each piece of the meat on top. Add finely chopped pepper, olives(...)minutes (note: you can easily dry the meat out, so keep an eye on it; the

Kurczak w sosie cebulowo-musztardowym 170

3 lat temu

the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both side (but still raw inside). Set aside(...)the same pan, add onion sliced into halfmoons. Cook for few minutes, until lightly golden(...)the meat back in. Cover with stock or water. Simmer for about 20 minutes or until

Domowa kapusta kiszona / homemade sauerkraut 3


Recipe: 1 kg of white cabbage (weight the cabbage after shredding),1 tbsp of salt, levelled(...)aside for 10 minutes. Crush the cabbage, using your hands or meat mallet, until(...)juice.  Gradually place the cabbage into a large jar, making sure to press the cabbage

Kurczak w sosie śmietanowym z suszonymi pomidorami 12

4 lat temu

handful of fresh basil leaves Cut the meat into smaller pieces. Sprinkle the chicken with seasonings(...)tomato jar in a pan, add the meat and brown on both sides. Set aside(...)minutes. Add finely chopped garlic. Add the chicken back in, cover everything with liquid and season

Kurczak w sosie z sera pleśniowego / chicken with blue cheese sauce 4

4 lat temu

pepper, sweet paprika, Herbs De Provence, Cut the meat into bite size pieces, season well(...)until golden. Add chopped leek, followed by the garlic and cook for additional few minutes. Pour(...)water (add enough to gently cover the ingredients), simmer on low heat, until tender. Add the

Halibut w sosie porowym z koperkiem 5

3 lat temu

halibut fillets,seasonings for the fish: salt, pepper, thyme, rosemary, granulated garlic white and light green(...)pepper,few tsp of chopped dill Season the fish. Set aside. To the pan, add chopped(...)minutes; simmering time may vary depending on the thickeness of your fish pieces). Add cream

Kurczak w sosie z pieczarkami i kukurydzą 3

3 lat temu

amount of oil ina  pan, add the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both(...)still raw inside). set aside. To the same pan, add sliced mushrooms and finely chopped(...)garlic, cook for 30 seconds and add the meat back in. Cover with stock or water

Brownie z orzechami i malinami / brownie with raspberries and nuts 2

4 lat temu

handful of raspberries (fresh or frozen) Melt the butter and chocolate, set aside to cool. Beat(...)the eggs with sugar, until pale and fluffy. Gradually pour in chocolate and butter mixture(...)the flour and walnuts, mix, just to combine. Pour the batter into the baking pan (20x30cm

Schab w sosie curry 100

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion and pepper cut into strips. Cook(...)minutes. Add finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves

Potrawka z kurczaka z kurkumą i marchewką / chicken stew with turmeric and carrots 363

4 lat temu

chopped parsley or coriander Cut the chicken into bite size pieces and sprinkle with spices. Heat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chicken and cook, until lightlu golden on both(...)sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add grated carrot and finely chopped pepper and onion

Golce and gabbana: najpiękniejsze perfumy na 2022 1

3 lat temu

marek. Jakie jej zapachy będą na topie? The One Woman i for Men Perfum The(...)nosić również na co dzień. Kobieca wersja The Ona pachnie brzoskwinią, liczi, mandarynką, bergamotką, konwalią, lilią(...)jaśminem, wanilią, wetywerią i bursztynem. Panie w The One odnajdą natomiast aromat grejpfruta, kolendry, bazylii, kardamonu

Sunflowers 11

8 lat temu

mogłam wziąć słoneczniki do domu.  In the spring in order to celebrate an opening(...)the new entrance to Van Gogh Museum, the city of Amsterdam had built a labyrinth(...)were very dissatisfied with the fact that the labyrinth was already closing down and none else

Moja wygrana w konkursie posti 10

10 lat temu

ziołowych herbat Posti oraz zestaw 2 kosmetyków The Body Shop z zieloną herbatą. Nagroda wygrana(...)rumianek, pokrzywa. Herbaty Posti    Kosmetyki The Body Shop Fuji Green Tea pochodzą z nowej(...)oczywiście od razu je wypróbowałam. Kosmetyki The Body Shop     Fuji Green Tea Body Scrub

A word about cornwall 9

10 lat temu

Cornwall is interesting...Problaby more interesting than the rest of England or even whole United Kingdom(...)must be because the British can't stop praising this region :) I must admitt that there(...)Ives which are located on the ocean. I haven't visited them

I’m going to spend the whole month in vienna! 3

2 lat temu

razem jest jak spełniające się marzenie. On the other hand I will have(...)take a whole month off so the most of the day I’m going to spend(...)coming things are amazing, really. In the past I would say that I’m privileged

Get your valentine's day game strong with rosegal 3

7 lat temu

have probably made plans for the special day. Some of you are spending time with your(...)gift will always brighten up the day. Rosegal is currently having a valentine’s day gifts(...)collection where you can find the best valentine’s day gifts. We also have Rosegal Valentine

Nine suggestions for fashion style 3

6 lat temu

your right decisions! 1. Woman tops When the dry leaves fall on the ground, we know(...)means you should reorganize your cloth set! The Cat Ear Hoodie is my favorite(...)what’s more, special cat ear on the back make this hoodie more adorable

Bitki schabowe w sosie węgierskim 1


amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion. Cook, for few minutes. Add the meat(...)wild garlic and season to taste. Thicken the sauce with some slurry (starch with water). Serve

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie grzybowym / pork tenderloin in mushroom sauce 5

5 lat temu

cups of water (or water from soaking the mushrooms) or stock (vegetable or chicken),few tbsp(...)mushroom in water for few hours. Cut the pork tenderloin and season with salt and pepper(...)amount of oil and set aside. To the same pan, add slices of button mushrooms

Kurczak ze szpinakiem i dynią / spinach and butternut squash chicken skillet 5

5 lat temu

some chopped parsley or cilantro, optional Cut the meat into bite size pieces and sear(...)skillet with some oil. Set aside. To the same pan, add chopped onion and butternutsquash. Cook(...)cook for additional 30 seconds. Add the chicken back in, cover everything with liquid and simmer

Ryba w folii z sosem chimichurri / chimichurri baked fish 4

5 lat temu

small piece of butter, optional,seasonings for the fish: salt, pepper, grnaulated garlic, sweet paprika(...)the chimichurri:few heaping tbsp of finely chopped parsley and cilantro (or other fresh herbs(...)chopped veggies of your choice, optional Cut the fish into smaller pieces and season well

Pieczony schab na kanapki / baked pork loin 9

4 lat temu

black pepper,few tbsp of oil Prick the pork loin with the fork. Mix oil with(...)seasonings and rub it on the meat. Marinade for few hours or overnight (or prepare immediately(...)Sear the meat on all sides, on a well heated skillet. Place into the baking tray