The'"()&% 4605 wpisów

Sałatka z jajkiem i ryżem brązowym – dieta cukrzyca ciążowa 1

12 miesięcy temu

brown rice salad: Finely chop the Chinese cabbage and sprinkle with salt. Cut the avocado into(...)cubes, as well as the cauliflower. Cut the tomatoes into your favorite pieces. Peel the hard

Start school year with - long corset dress 1

7 lat temu

super sukienki! wersja angielska;  Welcome to the next post on this blog! This time(...)well. Let's think that the beginning of the year (September) will be the month(...)preparation, ie the slack, and with each subsequent month we are closer to Christmas and holidays

Recenzja kosmetyków the one - oriflame 7

6 lat temu

dzisiejszym dniu przygotowałam dla Was recenzję kosmetyków The One z katalogu Oriflame. Do pokazania(...)czytania.  Baza zmniejszająca widoczność porów The One Zacznijmy może od konsystencji, która jest bardzo przyjemna(...)wygładza, a także matuje skórę.  Korektor The One Everlasting Precision Ostatnio jeden z moich ulubionych

Eden project 3

6 lat temu

The Eden Project (Cornish: Edenva) is a popular visitor attraction in Cornwall(...)England, UK. Inside the two biomes are plants that are collected from many diverse climates(...)environments. The project is located in a reclaimed china clay pit, located

Gulasz węgierski z pieczarkami / hungarian stew with mushrooms 7

5 lat temu

caraway seeds (optional),some chopped parsley Cut the meat into bite size pieces. Slice the mushrooms(...)sautee, until lightly golden. set aside. To the same pan add the beef and cook, until(...)brown. Add roughly chopped onion, followed by the garlic, Cook for addition few minutes

Muffinki z jagodami i mąką z ciecierzycy / blueberry chickpea flour muffins 3

5 lat temu

optionalPreheat your oven to 180 C. Mix the flour, baking powder, vanilla, zest and sugar(...)another bowl mix the eggs, yoghurt/sour cream and oil. Add dry ingredients and whisk just(...)combine. Spoon the batter into prepared muffin pan (sprayed with oil or butter), add berries

Krem z pieczonych warzyw / roasted vegetables cream of soup 4

5 lat temu

your choice or garlic croutons Peel the carrots, celeriac and parsnip. Cut the vegetables into medium(...)size pieces. Leave the garlic into its shell. Sprinkle with a bit of oil. Place(...)until tender. Squeeze the garlic out of its shell. Blend the veggies with stock, until smooth

Zupa cebulowa z ziemniakami i serem / onion potato and cheese soup 3

5 lat temu

soup (depends on your preferable consistency of the soup), 5-6 large onions, 1 carrot(...)some croutons or seeds for serving Dice the potatoes and carrot. Heat a small amount(...)simmer on low, until tender. In the meantime chop the onions and add to pan. Cook

Curry z kurczaka (madras) / chicken madras 9

5 lat temu

chopped cilantro or parsley for the rice:100 g of cooked basmati rice(...)taste,salt and pepper to taste Cut the meat into bite size pieces. Heat a small(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chicken and cook, until lightly golden. Add chopped

Czekoladowe muffinki z malinami / chocolate raspberry muffins 2

5 lat temu

muffin tin and set aside. Mix all the dry ingredients (flour, cocoa, sugar, half of your(...)baking powder). In another bowl mix the eggs, youghurt and oil. Add the dry ingredients(...)just to combine. Divide the batter evenly in the prepared muffin tin. Press some berries

Schab w sosie z włoszczyzną 1

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add chopped leek, carrot and parsnip. Cook, for few minutes(...)finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves and allspice

Kurczak w sosie śmietanowym z pieczarkami i papryką 6

3 lat temu

amount of oil ina  pan, add the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both(...)still raw inside). set aside.  To the same pan, add sliced mushrooms and finely chopped(...)garlic, cook for 30 seconds and add the meat back in. Cover with stock or water

Siekane kotleciki rybne

2 lat temu

finely chopped parsley salt and pepperFinely chop the fish. Combine with the rest of ingredients. The(...)Using a spoon, place a portion of the mixture onto well heated oil and fry, until(...)your cutlets are falling apart. See the original recipe here

Sałatka z jajkiem i chrzanem 3

12 miesięcy temu

make egg and horseradish salad: Hard boil the eggs (10 minutes). Then we leave them(...)them into cubes. Then we peel the apples and cut them into cubes. We also(...)the ham into cubes. Then drain the beans. Then drain the celery. Mix all ingredients. Then

Schab w sosie koperkowym z marchewką 3

4 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped leek and grated carrot. Cook(...)minutes. Add finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves

Schab w sosie słodko-kwaśnym z ananasem 94

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add onion and pepper. Cook for few minutes(...)sweet and sour flavour you like. If the sauce is too thin, mix the flour with

Ryba po hiszpańsku 77

3 lat temu

paprika, thyme,some chopped parsley, optional Season the fish with salt, pepper and smoked paprika(...)aside. To the pan, add finely chopped onion and red bell pepper. Cook, stirring(...)some sugar. Add fish on top of the sauce and simmer, covered, for additional

Schab w sosie pomidorowo-śmietanowym 4

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add finely chopped onion. Cook, for few minutes. Add finely chopped(...)garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves and allspice. Simmer

Schab w sosie śmietanowym z porem i koperkiem 3

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear, until golden on both sides(...)aside. To the same pan, add chopped leek. Cook, for few minutes. Add finely chopped garlic(...)the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves and allspice. Simmer

Babka z łatką z prl-u 75

3 lat temu

dark cocoa some powdered sugar for dusting the cake or some icing or chocolate glaze Beat(...)the butter, until fluffy. Gradually, one by one, add egg yolks, mixing well after each addition(...)sifted powdered sugar. Mix well. Beat the egg whites, until stiff peaks form. Gently fold into

Ciasto potrójnie kakaowe 48

3 lat temu

some ground vanilla or vanilla extract for the glaze: 60 g of butter(...)with wet. Mix, just to combine. Place the batter into spring form(...)about 45 to 50 minutes. Prepare the glaze: melt butter with sugar and milk

Gulasz drobiowy z marchewką 117

3 lat temu

poultry seasoning instead),some parsley, optional Cut the emat into bite sieze piecse and sprinkle with(...)the meat and sear, until deeply golden on both side (but still raw inside(...)the same pan, add finely chopped onion or leek and carrots. Cook for few minutes, until

Schab w sosie słodko-kwaśnym z marchewką i porem 158


amount of oil in a pan, add the meat in batches and sear, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add leek and caroots cut into thick(...)lemon juice, to taste.  If the sauce is too thin, mix the flour with

Szynka w sosie własnym z cebulą 122

3 lat temu

amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and sear in batches, until golden(...)both sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add chopped onion. Cook, for few minutes(...)finely chopped garlic. Add the meat back in, cover with liquid, add bay leaves and allspice

Kurczak w sosie z marchewką i curry 44

3 lat temu

chopped parsley or coriander Cut the chicken into slices or into bite size pieces and sprinkle(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chicken and cook, until lightlu golden on both(...)sides. Set aside. To the same pan, add grated carrot and finely chopped onion. Add spices

Placek drożdżowy z tuńczykiem i kukurydzą 2


with Tuna, Corn and Cheese Recipe: for the dough: 7 g od dry yeast, 2 cups(...)grated cheese,oregano Prepare the dough: combine sugar,milk and yeast, cover with kitchen towel(...)aside for 10 minutes, until bubbly on the surface. Mix with flour and salt. Knead

Proste ciasto na oleju z jabłkami 71

3 lat temu

large apples,cinnamon,powdered sugar Beat the eggs with sugar, until light and fluffy(...)flour with baking powder and gently sprinkle the mixture on top of your beaten eggs. Gently(...)fold it in. Place the batter into the baking tray (20x30cm). Peel and thinly slice your

Sos z kurczakiem i cukinią / chicken and zuchini with sauce 3

6 lat temu

parsley, ground sun-dried tomatoes, basil) Dice the chicken, red bell pepper and zucchini, Heat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the chciken and brown on both sides. Add the(...)grated parmesan and cream to taste. If the sauce is too thin, add some slurry

Jogurtowa babka w 5 minut 2

3 lat temu

Preheat your oven to 180 C. Mix the flour, baking powder and sugar. In another bowl(...)the eggs,zest yogurt and oil. Add mixed dry ingredients and whisk just to combine. Place(...)the batter into the bread pan (10x20cm; lined with baking paper).  Bake

Leczo z fasolką szparagową, cukinią i kiełbasą 3

4 lat temu

minutes, until lightly golden. Set aside. To the same pan add strips of pepper and halfmoons(...)water or stock, just to gently cover the ingredients in the pan. Simmer on low, until(...)taste, Serve with some crusty bread on the side or some rice. Enjoy

Present simple - negative sentences 11

10 lat temu

already learnt how to build sentences in the Present Simple and when to use this tense(...)here. To brush up the use of frequency adverbs and expressions click here . Wiesz już(...)sentences. To make a negative sentence in the Present Simple we put DON'T or DOESN