The'"()&% 4605 wpisów

Pieczarki z jarmużem – dieta low carb 2

12 miesięcy temu

make mushrooms with kale: First, fry the onion cut into half-slices in a large(...)Meanwhile, wash the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Add them to the onion(...)minutes. Add the radishes cut into slices. Then add the diced tomatoes. Then add spices

Klopsiki w sosie pietruszkowym / meatballs in parsley sauce 12

5 lat temu

Meatballs in Parsley Sauce Recipe: for the meatballs: 500 g of ground meat,1 large(...)sweet and hot paprika, dried marjoram for the sauce:1 small leek or 1 onion(...)salt and pepper to taste Mix all the meatball ingredients. Using wet hands, shape the meatballs

Wieprzowina po chińsku / general tso's pork 3

5 lat temu

thin strips (or red bell pepper) for the sauce:1 tbsp of grated ginger(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and vegetables. Cook on high heat, until(...)tender (the carrot should remain slighty crispy). Combine all the ingredients for the sauce. Give

Kurczak z grzybami / chicken and mushroom skillet 2

5 lat temu

slurry,few tbsp of chopped parsley Cut the meat into bite size piece, season well(...)golden and add finely chopped onion. Add the garlic at last, cook stirring, for a minute(...)Season well. Add the meat back in, followed by dry mushrooms. Cover everything with water from

Rolada z mięsa mielonego z serem / ground meat roulade with cheese 8

4 lat temu

Ground Meat Roulade with Cheese Recipe: for the meat:900 g - 1 kg of ground meat(...)paprika,1/2-3/4 tsp of granulated garlic for the inside:few heaping tsp of tomato pesto(...)cool for a bit. Mix all of the roulade ingredients. Place the meat onto a sheet

Ciasto arkadia bez pieczenia / peach and mascarpone no bake cake 23

4 lat temu

almond flakes Arrange your biscuits on the bottom of your baking tray (36x25cm). Add diced peaches(...)thick, hot orange pudding on top of the peaches. Add another layer of biscuits. Prepare chocolate(...)glaze: to the hot cream or milk add pieces of chocolate. Set aside for few minutes

Churros – przepis 2

1 rok temu

make churros: First, pour water into the pot and boil it. Then add flour and butter(...)vigorously until the dough becomes uniform and smooth. Then leave the cake to cool(...)while. In the next step, add the eggs and mix again until a uniform consistency

The plate - weekendowy brunch tex-mex 6

8 lat temu

Takie rzeczy tylko w The Plate. Zapraszam na relację ! The Plate - weekendowy brunch(...)miałam przyjemność odwiedzić  w ostatnią sobotę. The Plate nie jest typową restauracją ani studiem kulinarnym(...)spędzać czas przy wspólnym stole. W The Plate są organizowane warsztaty kulinarne i różnego rodzaju imprezy

Wigilijne warsztaty w the plate 3

7 lat temu

warsztatów, które odbyły się w warszawskim studio The Plate, a których tematem przewodnim była Wigilia(...)wydaniu...Ciekawi ? Zajrzyjcie poniżej 😍. Wigilijne warsztaty w The Plate Studio The Plate to jedno(...)kimchi w roli głównej 😎.A przy okazji, The Plate nie jest typową restauracją ani studiem kulinarnym

Ciastka owsiane bez pieczenia / no bake oatmeal cookies 757

5 lat temu

choice,3 cups of rolled oats Melt the butter with sugar, cocoa and milk, whisking well(...)Turn the heat down to low and let it simmer for one minute, no whisking. The(...)mixture should thicken slightly. Take from the heat and add peanut butter (if using natural butter

Ciasto bananowe z czekoladą / chocolate chip banana bread 3

6 lat temu

cinnamon, 1/2 cup of chcolate chips Coat the chocolate chips with some flour, set aside. Mash(...)the bananas with the fork, combine with eggs, sugar, vanilla and oil. In another bowl(...)the dry ingredients. Quickly combine the dry with the wet, mixing just to combine. Add chocolate

Wytrawne muffinki kukurydziane / savoury corn muffins 3

6 lat temu

purpose flour, 100 g of corn flour (the yellow kind, not the starch(...)cheese, 6-8 sun-dried tomatoes Mix the flour, baking powder, soda and seasonings. In another(...)bowl, whisk, yogurt, eggs and oil. Combine the dry igredients with the wet, mixing just

Ryba w folii z warzywami z (grilla lub z piekarnika) / baked or grilled fish with vegetables 5

5 lat temu

sweet paprika, thyme, rosemary, granulated garlic Grate the vegetables and cook on a small amount(...)pepper and sweet paprika. Add parsley. Sprinkle the fish with seasonings and lemon juice, add veggies(...)about 10 to 15 minutes (depends on the thickness of your fish fillets). Baked Fish Recipe

Handwriting and calligraphy 4

4 lat temu

single time when I had to change the pen refill I did it with patience(...)życzeniami czy pisanie listów. I have the feeling that handwriting is less and less popular(...)disappears with the development of the new technologies. The whole world gets digital – our grocery list

I am a woman and i can (...)

12 miesięcy temu

with a little less intensity now, but the amount of warm words that come across the(...)Internet is beautiful. I love the fact that each of us wants to wish each other(...)the best and send those kind words out into the world, but also to make

Karkówka w cebuli 4

4 lat temu

sweet paprika,salt and pepperseasonings for the onion: salt, pepper, thyme, a pinch of sugar approx(...)water Sprinkle the meat with spices, add lemon juice and oil. Let it marinade(...)dolden on both sides. Set aside. To the same pan add onion cut into halfmoons

Ciasto śnieżny puch bez pieczenia 3

4 lat temu

heavy whipping cream, for the topping: 3 tbsp of butter, 3 tbsp of powdered sugar(...)unsweeted coconut flakes To the hot water (500 ml) add jello powder, mix to melt(...)until room temperature, byt still runny (see the video). Beat the cream with vanilla, until stiff

Ciasto czekoladowe

3 lat temu

Baking120 g of butter (room temperature, the butter should be really soft(...)cups of milk (room temperature) for the glaze: 120 ml of heavy cream(...)some coconut, almonds, nuts or fresh berriesBeat the butter with sugar, until light and fluffy

Słodko-kwaśny kurczak w sosie pomidorowym z ananasem 3


water some chopped parsley Cut the meat into thin cutlets. Sprinkle the meat with seasonings. Heat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches(...)until  golden on both sides. To the same skillet, add finely chopped onion, followed

Kotlety mielone w sosie własnym z pieczarkami 5

3 lat temu

Meat Burgers in Mushroom Gravy Recipe:for the burgers: 500 g of ground meat, 1 large(...)crumbs plus 1/4 cup of milk for the gravy: 150-200 g og button mushrooms(...)chopped parsley Mix all ingredients for the burgers. Using wet hands, shape burgers. Preheat the

Karkówka w sosie barbecue 5

3 lat temu

pork neck fillets,seasonings for the meat: salt, pepper, marjoram, sweet smoked paprika for the sauce(...)sauce or teriyaki (or to taste - the amount depend of the saltiness of your soy sauce(...)pinch of chili, dry marjoram Sprinkle the meat with seasonings. Heat a smalla mount

Maślana babka ucierana z kwaśną śmietaną 5

3 lat temu

Sour Cream Cake with Crumble Recipe: for the crumble topping: 50g of sugar(...)flour,60 g of cold butter, for the batter:170 g of flour(...)eggs,1120 ml of sour cream Prepare the crumble: mix sugar, flour and the coconut. With

Kotlety mielone w sosie węgierskim 4

3 lat temu

Meat Patties in Hungarian Sauce Recipe:for the patties: 500 g of ground meat, 1 large(...)crumbs plus 1/3 cup of milk for the sauce:1 large onion,1 tbsp of tomato(...)paprika, wild garlic Mix all ingredients for the patties. Using wet hands, shape small burgers. Preheat

Klopsiki w sosie własnym z marchewką 96


tastesome dill or parsley  Prepare the meatballs:  Cover your breadcrumbs with milk(...)minutes, until they soak up the whole liquid. Mix all the meatballs ingredients and form into(...)some oil in a pan and sear the meatballs on both sides, until golden brown

Spring & easter idioms 1

7 lat temu

European countries, click here: Easter around the world. In this post you will find lots(...)basket, sheep, grass or just... spring! All the idioms I have chosen for this post(...)full of energy and joy that the spring season has come wiosenny przypływ energii, wiosenne ożywienie

Getnamenecklace - personalizowana biżuteria/personalized jewelry 25

5 lat temu

wiele więcej. Hey loved ones! Welcome to the next article. Through "Koronaferie" we have plenty(...)activity. Today, something for jewelry lovers, i.e. the newly discovered brand Getnamenecklace. We must admit that(...)sentimental gesture on our part. On the site you can find jewelry for the birth

Owsiane ciasteczka kakaowe z ziarnami 95

3 lat temu

sunflower and sesame seeds works best) Cream the butter with sugar. Add the(...)the remaining ingredients and mix well with a spoon or a spatula (the dough(...)Form 18-20 small balls out of the dough. Place the balls on a baking paper

Going to a specialist // and asking for help 1

2 lat temu

previous post, in which I talked about the mind-body / body-mind relationship - if you haven(...)który zna się na rzeczy. I have the feeling that recently(...)ourselves are not sick. But without the help of a specialist, we can't diagnose ourselves

Błyskawiczny piernik (najłatwiejszy i najszybszy) / quick and easy gingerbread loaf 12

5 lat temu

tbsp of honey for the honey glaze: 2 tbsp og honey,25 g of butter,1/3-1/2(...)cocoa,a pinch of cinnamon Mix all the dry ingredients (flour, gingerbread spice mix, sugar(...)baking powder). In another bowl mix the eggs, youghurt, honey and oil. Add the dry ingredients

May the calm be with you!

2 lat temu

this conversation with my friend about the end of April and the beginning of May. // April(...)every day” and actually it perfectly describes the weather in April this year(...)know about you, but the weather has a strong influence on my mood :p beginning

Ciasto pomarańczowe z czekoladą / orange chocolate chip bread 1

5 lat temu

orange juice (from the box, you can also use some fresh juice),zest from one orange(...)chocolate chips, Mix the flour with baking powder. In another bowl mix the eggs, juice, vanilla(...)sugar, zest and oil. Add the dry ingredients and mix, just to combine. Pour half