The'"()&% 4605 wpisów

Pulpety gotowane w sosie pomidorowym 101

4 lat temu

Boiled Meatballs in Tomato Sauce Recipe: for the meatballs:500 g of ground meat,1 large(...)sweet paprika and marjoram for the sauce:approx. 700 ml of water (depends on the size(...)optionally few tbsp of cream, Mix all the meatball ingredients. Using wet hands, shape the meatballs

Does age really matter?


Actually I laughed that in the past age had been very important for me. When(...)attached to this age. And that was the moment when I stopped caring about age. Tydzień(...)czasie przestałam zwracać uwagę na wiek. At the beginning it was quite difficult

Karkówka w sosie koperkowym 532

3 lat temu

Provence and optionally some flour for dusting the meat before frying Sprinkle the meat with seasonings(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches(...)until lightly golden on both sides. To the same skillet, add finely chopped leek, followed

Schab w sosie barbecue ze śmietanką / pork in creamy barbecue sauce 2025

4 lat temu

pork cutlets (boneless),seasonings for the meat: salt, pepper, marjoram, sweet paprika for the sauce(...)sauce or teriyaki (or to taste - the amount depend of the saltiness of your soy sauce(...)corn starch and some sauce for the slurry, optional Using a meat mallet, beat your cutlets

Pulpety w sosie z papryką i porem / meatballs with leeks and bell pepper 3

4 lat temu

with Leeks and Bell Pepper Recipe: for the matballs:500 g of ground meat,1 large(...)example marjoram, oregano, basil, etc.) for the sauce:1 small leek (white and light green part(...)smoked paprika Mix all the meatball ingredients. Using wet hands, shape the meatballs. Sprinkle each

Ciasto wiśniowa pokusa bez pieczenia 4

3 lat temu

tbsp of sugar (or to taste) for the cherry filling: 1 cup of cherries (fresh, defrosted(...)dark chocolate for gratingArrange biscuits in the bottom of a pan (24x24cm).Prepare vanilla filling: heat(...)thick pudding. Pour it on the biscuits and add another layer of biscuits

December vibes - christmas is coming! 2

4 lat temu

favorite month of a year – with the beginning of it I can feel the pure(...)Christmas songs and pullovers, gingerbread spice, planning the whole preparation for the Christmas Eve and this(...)been full of preapartions not only in the kitchen but also in the rest

Ciasto drożdżowe z rabarbarem i kruszonką 3

4 lat temu

approx 320 g peeled and diced), for the crumble:50 g of cold butter,5 tbsp(...)flour,4  tbsp of sugar for the icing: few tbsp of powdered sugar plus(...)warm milk Mix the yeast with milk and 1 tbsp of sugar, set aside

All i want for christmas is… /gifts 3. 2

2 lat temu

This is the third post about Christmas gifts! Well, to be honest, I wasn’t sure(...)really interested in all the handmade stuff – decoupage, handmade bracelets, book marks, paintings etc. I used(...)decided to buy presents at the store. In the beginning I wasn’t very happy with

Spending time alone/with myself 1

2 lat temu

left, which I will try to make the most of. But the past three weeks here(...)uświadomiłam sobie parę rzeczy. First of all, the fact that I didn’t/don’t know(...)spend time alone. On the one hand, I am able to find activities for myself

January essentials and favorite moments

1 rok temu

January is over! Can you imagine that the first month of the New Year is already(...)wearing this with pride as I'm the creator of those pieces! Highlight 2.0 - the(...)about university - well I didn't get the internship abroad as I wanted

Karkówka w sosie musztardowym 42


garlic and optionallu some flour for dusting the meat before frying Sprinkle the meat with seasonings(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches(...)until  golden on both sides. To the same skillet, add finely chopped onion, followed

żeberka w młodej kapuście 8

4 lat temu

tbsp of ketchup, optional, seasonings for the ribs: salt, pepper, marjoram, sweet paprika, smoked paprika (optional(...)leave, few kernels of allspice,seasonings for the cabbage: salt, pepper, caraway seeds, to taste(...)the ribs into smaller pieces, spinkle with seasonings, add ketchup and massage it all over the

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie koperkowym 32

4 lat temu

garlic, sweet paprikaRemove any tough membranes from the meat and  cut into thick slices. Sprinkle(...)until lightly golden on both sides - the meat should be still raw inside. Set aside(...)the same skillet, add finely chopped onion and grated carrot, cook for few minutes

Polędwiczki wieprzowe w sosie śmietanowym ze szpinakiem i suszonymi pomidorami 2

3 lat temu

herbs  Remove any tough membranes from the meat and  cut into thick slices. Sprinkle(...)until lightly golden on both sides - the meat should be still raw inside. Set aside(...)the same skillet, add finely chopped onion, cook for few minutes and add finely chopped garlic

Kakaowe ciasteczka świąteczne 137

3 lat temu

Polish krupczatka flour/ coarse-ground flour is the best for the recipe, it's type(...)tbsp of gingerbread spice, optional To the flour, cocoa, gingerbread spice and sugar, add the butter(...)with your fingertips, until the mixture resambles breadcrumbs. Add the yolks and knead briefly. Form

Karkówka duszona z marchewką 1

2 lat temu

paprika, marjoram plus some flour for dusting the meat before frying (you can also use your(...)favourte pork seasoning instead) Seaon the meat on both sides.. Dust with flour. Heat(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches

Pieczone udka z kurczaka z sosem pieczarkowym 1

2 lat temu

small pieces of butter for the sauce:250 g of button mushrooms,1 small part(...)milk,salt, pepper,some fresh parsley Sprinkle the meat with seasonings, add oil and massage well(...)hours or overnight or bake immediately. Place the meat in a baking tray, add a piece

Going to... 13

8 lat temu

what we want to/intend to do in the future. Contrary to Present Continuous used to express(...)podjęliśmy żadnych kroków, ażeby to zrealizować. *** In the summer I'm going to go to Spain(...)certain at all yet.) In the summer I'm going to Spain. >>> Present

Schab w mleku 398

1 rok temu

oregano, paprika with oil. Then we spread the spices on the raw meat. Then leave the(...)hour, preferably overnight. After this time, place the meat in an ovenproof dish and pour milk(...)over it. Place the meat in an oven preheated to 200 degrees and bake for about

Present continuous - usage, forms & possitive sentences 12

9 lat temu

time to go on to the next English grammar tense. You have already learnt(...)check how good you are, do the grammar test - click Present Simple quiz. Good luck(...)begin with forms of Present Continuous tense. The first table contains four columns. Column

Present simple - wh-questions 12

9 lat temu

From the previous post you learnt how to make yes/no questions in Present Simple tense(...)time we're making wh-questions in the same tense. We build them in a very(...)similar way. The most important difference is that at the beginning of each question we have

To be - negative sentences in the present 11


negative sentences. We're still in the present. Polish: Jest to lekcja poswięcona odmianie czasownika 'być(...)sentence we have to add 'not' to the forms you've learnt about in the previous(...)read that post HERE.  The table shows all forms

Trebah garden in winter 10

10 lat temu

Garden - rated in 80 finest gardens in the world. Bristish gardens are their national proud(...)family even in mid winter. Having entered the garden, you may buy a local souvenir(...)small market, then have English lunch at the cafe. Now, it's time

Prom dresses - sukienki na studniówkę 1

5 lat temu

hasn't been found. I've selected the top styles which are going to look amazing(...)dress options that are stylish. Explore the 9 best jersey prom dresses 2020 in a range(...)styles and find the most appropriate one based on your preference. Go for the long dress

Kurczak w jogurcie / yogurt marinated chicken 4

5 lat temu

juice from 1/2 lemon plus zest from the whole fruit, a pinch of salt, pepper, sweet(...)paprica, dry thyme Combine all the ingredients for the marinade. Add the chicken and coat well(...)minutes (or bake immediately). Place the meat on a baking tray, bake in 200C

Najlepsze lody czekoladowe / best chocolate ice cream 476

5 lat temu

taste it in a final product) Beat the egg yolks with sugar, until light and fluffy(...)spoon by spoon, add hot milk to the egg yolk mixture and whisk. Put the mixture(...)constantly, until slightly thickens (about 10 minutes) - the mixture can not boil! Set aside

Taking a breath 1

4 lat temu

time to relax and recharge myself for the next weeks, projects and plans. Well, it turned(...)relax actually? Lying on bed for the whole day or hiking in the mountains? Sleeping until(...)ptaków?  I decided to go to the source of this word and I checked

Szarlotka jaglana (bezglutenowa) / millet flour apple shortcake 2

4 lat temu

cinnamon (if it's not already in the filling) Prepare the crust: mix the flour, sugar(...)butter and rub in with your fingers (the butter should form very small crumbs). Add the(...)knead quickly, until smooth. Divide the crust into two pieces. Place one piece in the bottom

Kotlety mielone pod pierzynką z pora i marchewki 2


Ground Meat Cutlets with Bechamel Topping: for the cutlets: 500 g of ground meat,1 large(...)blend or gyros / kebab spice mix) for the topping: 3/4 cup of milk,3/4 tbsp(...)grated cheese, optional Mix all the cutlets ingredients. Using wet hands, shape 6 cutlets. Sprinkle each

Karkówka w sosie własnym z cebulą i pieczarkami 8

4 lat temu

paprika, marjoram plus some flour for dusting the meat before frying Seaon the meat with salt(...)amount of oil in a pan, add the meat (you can do this in batches(...)until  golden on both sides. To the same skillet, add slices of mushrooms. Cook