The 4637 wpisów

Tarta niebo z borówkami i bezą / heaven tart with blueberries and meringue 3

6 lat temu

strony. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: for the crust: 250 g of flour, 125 g of cold(...)powdered sugar, a pinch of vanilla for the filling:250 g of mascarpone cheese(...)potato starch (optional) Prepare the crust: add  butter to the flour and sugar

Room makeover – how and what i changed in my room. 3

4 lat temu

Everything begun during the summer vacation – once when I talked with my friend the idea(...)mebli, albo ich ustawienie. I think that the majority of you can remember the arrangement(...)Instagram. There was a ballet bar on the wall and a keyboard. On the opposite wall

Use of past simple & positive sentences 12

8 lat temu

the previous grammatical post I taught you about verb 'to be' in past tense(...)going to tell you when the Past Simple tense is used and we'll concentrate(...)Apart from this, I will explain you the difference between regular and irregular verbs. W poprzednim

Ciasto walentynkowe / valentine's day cake 14

5 lat temu

Schłodzić. Valentine's Day Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake: 4 eggs, 2/3 cup of sugar(...)strong tea or fruit juice for soaking the cake for the fruity filling(...)some powdered sugar, to taste,optional for the mascarpone cream: 200-250 g of mascarpone cheese

Ciasto aurora z brzoskwiniami z puszki i budyniem / 'aurora' peach cake 36

4 lat temu

kuchni 'Aurora' Peach Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake,4 eggs,2/3 cup of sugar(...)lemon juice mixed with water for soaking the sponge cake for the fruit layer(...)each) approx. 200 g of biscuits for the buttercream: 3 packages of instant vanilla pudding

Different points of view 3


The second month of this year is almost over, this year that “should be better than(...)the last one”. But we are still in the same situation and actually(...)change in the nearest future. You can think that I’m not really optimistic talking like

Ciasto ballerina z galaretką i malinami na biszkopcie 292

4 lat temu

Cream and Jello | Polish Cooking and Bakingfor the sponge cake:4 eggs,2/3 cup of sugar(...)tbsp of lemon water for soaking the sponge cakefor fruit pudding cream:2 packages of instant(...)sugar (use less or more depending on the sweeteness of your juice) 2 packages of raspberry

Kostka malinowo - bezowa / meringue raspberry cake 10


kuchni Meringue Raspberry Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake,4 eggs,2/3 cup of sugar(...)lemon juice mixed with water for soaking the sponge cakefew tbsp of raspberry jam (or blackcurrant(...)cups of raspberries for the mascarpone cream:250 g of mascarpone cheese,500 ml of heavy

Ciasto niebo z jabłkami i orzechami / polish buttercream apple 'heaven' cake 20

5 lat temu

Apple and Nut 'Heaven' Cake Recipe: for the crust: 300 g of flour(...)yolks,3/4 tsp of baking powder for the apple filling:1.3 kg apples,juice form(...)jello (70 g of powder),  for the nut buttercream:250 g of room temperature butter

Bezowiec z wiśniami 10

4 lat temu

Layer Cake Recipe | Polish Cooking and Bakingfor the sponge cake:4 eggs,2/3 cup of sugar(...)cherry juice  for soaking the cake 2 packages of cherry jellos (70 g each),approx(...)cherries (fresh, frozen or from the can) for the pudding buttercream:3 packages of instant vanilla

Orzechowy tort bezowy z kremem pierniczkowym 409


Until then I enjoyed them only in the summer time, with a bit of the whipped(...)cream and seasonal fruits. Now, during the winter they are as delicious as in the summer(...)with dried tropical fruits and gingerbread cream. The cake is perfect for upcoming Christmas, not only

Autumn around me 6


over three weeks I have been seeing the leaves changing their colours out the window(...)sweater on me almost every day. Since the beginning of October I have noticed some changes(...)everyday life, which helps me really feel the autumn!This time of the year has more

Spinach roll with smoked salmon and almette cheese 3

11 lat temu

friends. It’s not complicated to make the roll with salmon, and besides(...)should remember, though, not to dry the cake too much when it’s baking, so that(...)while rolling. You must try and make the roll with salmon, and you won’t regret

Ciasto bajaderka / polish leftover cake 'bajaderka' 3

5 lat temu

POLISH LEFTOVER CAKE 'BAJADERKA' RECIPE: for the crust (you can also use cookie crust for the(...)powdered sugar,3 egg yolks for the 'Bajaderka"filling (see here the original recipe for traditional(...)sugar or to taste, depends on the sweeteness of your cakes,1/2-3/4 cup of your favourite

Ciasto pleśniak ze śliwkami 9

4 lat temu

Plesniak' Cake | Polish Cooking and Baking for the crust: 3 cups of flour(...)powder,1-2 tsp of cocoa, for the meringue:  3/4 cup of sugar for the(...)meringue,5 egg whites, for the filling:600 g of chopped, pitted plums,1 tbsp

Making a decision 3

5 lat temu

Sometime ago I realized that during the past couple months making a difficult decision was almost(...)little bit more complicated ones concerning the schedule of a day or planning our work(...)finally dealing with the difficult ones, which appear all off sudden, like now, during pandemic times

Ciasto bounty / bounty cake 28

5 lat temu

strony. Bounty Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake: 4 eggs, 2/3 cup of sugar(...)tbsp of strong tea for soaking the cake for the coconut filling: 850 ml of milk(...)package requires 500 ml of liquid), for the chocolate ganache: 100 g of milk chocolate

Inspirational spring 3

5 lat temu

dodadzą pozytywnej energii.Hi! 21st of March, the day, when I created this blog, was also the(...)zimą. Spring is a time when the nature wakes up after a long winter dream. This(...)finally notice first buds on the trees, find first flowers on the lawn, when

Moving out 1

4 lat temu

Poland. I’m not complaining because the view out of my window is literally breathtaking(...)this is not the only thing that impresses me here. But I had some doubts, some(...)asked you some questions on my IG. The first one, quite obvious, to introduce the topic

Ciasto rocher / rocher cake 31

5 lat temu

najlepiej całą noc. "Rocher" Cake Recipe: for the sponge cake:5 eggs,3/4 cup of sugar(...)approx. 1/4 cup of strong tea for the white cream:300 g of mascarpone(...)taste (do not add too much, because the chocolate filling is very sweet) for the chocolate

Ciasto ofelia z wiśniami z kompotu i budyniem / cherry pudding layer cake 1891


kuchni Cherry Pudding Layer Cake Recipe:for the sponge cake,4 eggs,2/3 cup of sugar(...)lemon juice mixed with water for soaking the sponge cake for the fruit layer(...)vanilla pudding mix (40g each) for the buttercream: 3 packages of instant vanilla pudding

How to deal with not having an ovenat home? 3

4 lat temu

cake (!) and taste it. Experimenting in the kitchen is kind of my work-related bias(...)have an oven… and here is the main question I am going to answer today(...)deal with having no oven in the kitchen? Chyba wszyscy już doskonale wiedzą, że jedną

Skincare - face, body, hands & nails 1


Skincare is one of the most popular topics that you can find on the Internet(...)skincare is intensively explored those days. All the things that we put on our face(...)body, the way we do it and how we put it is more important than

Ciasto brzoskwiniowy puszek 18

3 lat temu

Cream Recipe | Polish Cooking and Baking for the sponge cake: 4 eggs, 2/3 cup of sugar(...)tbsp of lemon water for soaking the sponge cake 1 can of peaches (820g), for the(...)taste) approx. 150 g of biscuits for the whipped cream toppping: 400 ml of heavy cream

Out of the comfort zone 3

4 lat temu

The comfort zone is a well-known expression that has been already thought of multiple times(...)still, it seems to be complicated. The most difficult thing about the comfort zone is going(...)also touch on this topic. Why? The inspiration for today’s post was a situation

Autumn vibes in the kitchen - breakfasts & cakes ideas! 1

4 lat temu

Every season isn’t only about the changes in nature but also in my kitchen. Autumn(...)create a very cozy ambience in the house, especially when you bake something. That(...)milk and simmer gently until the consistency is quite smooth. Then I cut an apple

Stress – what, why, how. 3

4 lat temu

have the feeling that talking about it is like watching an exotic or an intriguing masterpiece(...)understand it, go deeply into the meaning but we don’t actually know what(...)have no answers to them. On the other side, it’s a really popular topic

Ciasto lambada / lambada cake 15

6 lat temu

startą czekoladą. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: for the base: 3 egg yolks and 3 egg whites(...)vanilla,1/3 tsp of baking powder for the filling:approx. 400 g od diced peaches (canned(...)taste,few pieces of chocolate Prepare the base of the cake: beat the egg whites, until

Paszteciki wigilijne z pieczarkami do zamrożenia / polish mushroom hand pies 'paszteciki' 4

5 lat temu

Hand Pies 'Paszteciki' (great to freeze!) for the pastry: 300 g of flour (krupczatka flour(...)the best for the recipe - it's type 500),2 large eggs,150 g of cold(...)milk or heavy cream to brush the hand pies before baking for the filling

Social research - how was 2020 for us? 2


make a little social research about the year that has just ended. When I posted those(...)thoughts and to see how much the pandemic situation had influenced our minds. I asked four(...)questions:1. How are you feeling with the fact that this year is going

Ciasto czekoladowe z malinami i kremem / chocolate cream raspberry cake 3

6 lat temu

startą czekoladą. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: for the base(...)pinch of vanilla,2 eggs, for the cream filling: 600 ml of heavy cream(...)powder,aprox. 250 g of rasberries Prepare the cake batter: mix the flour with baking powder