When 281 wpisów

Cornish culinary heritage 11

10 lat temu

pasty dates back to the 13th century when the delicacy was devoured by the rich

Charms of poland 11

10 lat temu

Last year, when I attended to Adults Education Centre I was asked to make a presentation

Old things new life 13

10 lat temu

usually do with old unnecessary things? When I lived in Poland I used to throw everything

Going to... 13

8 lat temu

interesting as it is a good example when else going to is used - to say about

A word about cornwall 9

10 lat temu

educational magazine many years ago. Even now when I close my eyes I can see that

Present continuous - questions 11

9 lat temu

początku zdania. Where are you walking?When is Tina leaving?How are they feeling?Which pair

Present continuous - recap & exercises 12

9 lat temu

print them off if you wish.  When do we use this tense

Present simple - negative sentences 11

10 lat temu

build sentences in the Present Simple and when to use this tense.  If you missed

Trebah garden in winter 10

10 lat temu

wait going back there in spring when it looks like this: The footpath leads to Trebah

Present simple - positive sentences (she,he,it) 11

10 lat temu

she/she/it). But the difference is also visible. When writing you may have a problem with choosing

To be - short answers 11

10 lat temu

which we answer YES or NO. When we want to be more polite or more formal

To be - negative sentences in the present 11


interested in foreign languages. When we talk about somebody else we may use namesinstead

To be: positive sentences in the present 11

10 lat temu

possible to use short forms when using names. W liczbie mnogiej nie można skrócić czasownika

Pop - universal word 9

10 lat temu

there! In supermarkets when we decide to pay by card, we'll always hear

Valentine's day - idioms & top ten british romantic movies 10

10 lat temu

been a couple for two years when they decided to tie the knot. a blind date

Nine suggestions for fashion style 3

6 lat temu

making your right decisions! 1. Woman tops When the dry leaves fall on the ground

Bohoooooo! 13

8 lat temu

books in  my bed. Until yesterday, when I met an inspiring person, a living legend

Oats and fruits! 16

8 lat temu

actually never tried them and when I heard porridge I thought about something not really delicious

Kfc strips, i.e. chicken breasts in crunchy coating 2

12 lat temu

flour. Heat oil in a fryer. When the oil reaches the right temperature ( about 180C), throw

Valenitne’s day 2018 on zaful 1

7 lat temu

Promotion,  there are some great offers when it comes to choosing you Zaful valentines

Rosegal 7

7 lat temu

celebrating 5th Anniversary, more you can know when you click here. There

Just another number 12

8 lat temu

seems for me like nothing change, but when I look back to my life 5 years

Kasza jaglana z warzywami 4

8 lat temu

chopped zucchini, small broccoli roses and spices. When vegetables are soften add chopped tomato,  millet groats

Start school year with zaful.com - long corset dress 1

8 lat temu

then counting down days to holidays. When we think of it, it does not look

Autumn 11

7 lat temu

court. But now it is not, when I go to school instead of living full, multicolored

Rosegal - black friday


members will receive a 20% Off coupon. When the time pass, it drops to 15%. This

Zaful - black friday 1


probably be the first port of call when shopping online. This year, Zaful Black Friday Sale

Beauty of cornwall - truro & falmouth 11


Truro Truro Cathedral Falmouth  For more photos

Beauty of cornwall: wonderful st ives 12

9 lat temu

Beautiful, picturesque and definitely worth visiting - St Ives

Past simple - negative sentences 12

8 lat temu

Last time we practised making positive sentences in

World book day 2017 - short stories 8

8 lat temu

Another World Book Day has just passed. Lots