When 281 wpisów

Use of past simple & positive sentences 12

8 lat temu

Today I am going to tell you when the Past Simple tense is used(...)różnicę między czasownikami regularnymi i nieregularnymi. When do we use Past Simple?Kiedy używamy czasu Past(...)Simple? #1 When talking about things that happened in the past and finished. Often used with

English proverbs you should know! 12

10 lat temu

good to act unpleasantly when ending with somebody, leaving company where you worked etc. - Does(...)never rains but it pours is used when something bad happened and then another accident occurred(...)bitten, twice shy is said in situation when one is afraid to do something again because

English proverbs you must know! 9

10 lat temu

maybe not the exact title but nearly :) When in Rome (do as the Romans(...)used for saying that when you are in a foreign country you should follow(...)people always find ways to do something when they really need it. Necessity makes us more

English idioms you must know! 12

10 lat temu

rock! *** Break a leg! - used when we want to wish somebody good luck for example before(...)till you're blue in the faceBut when you get that feelingNothing's going to take(...)moonThere's a thing called happinessIt happens when you're inA state of natural graceWhen

What does the fox say? - onomatopoeia part 1 (animal sounds) 8


imitates the sound it represents. Onomatopoeia is when a word sounds like the thing or action(...)poorer. Kids love such expressions so, when you read them books, always try to modulate(...)about them and each child knows that when they lived they used to go: but also

English proverbs you must know! part 2 11

10 lat temu

difficult times can lead to better days. When I lost my job two months(...)will clutch at a straw - when you are desperate because you've realised that your(...)leave us in need. Sam helped me when I was in trouble

Halloween 14

8 lat temu

Celtic festival of Samhain (Sah-ween), when the Celts (ancient inhabitants of Great Britain) celebrated their(...)said to be the night when ghosts, demons and witches roamed the earth and people tried(...)Halloween was believed to be the night when the barrier between the living world and that

To be in the past 13

8 lat temu

dzieckiem. My grandpa was a good driver when he was younger.   >   Mój dziadek(...)bardzo głośno w nocy? Were you hungry when you got home(...)weren't. Were you hungry when you got home?  Yes, we were.   Were

Phrasal verb - look 8

9 lat temu

best friend often looks after my daughter when I need to stay at work late(...)always look to my friends when I'm in trouble. I'm looking(...)girlfriend looked on me with suspicion when I was late from work. Which phrasal verb would

To be - wh-questions 11

10 lat temu

Where are you from? When is the meeting?When am I? Why are you here(...)your wife?How much is the sausage? When building this kind of questions

Travel, travel, travel! 13

8 lat temu

visited the city during the time, when Spain was trying to form a government, and therefore(...)what is written here?   I like when in the big cities, are some different sculptures(...)autor miał na myśli?   When you look in the bottom left corner you will

Spinach roll with smoked salmon and almette cheese 3

11 lat temu

cake too much when it’s baking, so that it doesn’t crack while rolling(...)cake too much when it’s baking, so that it doesn’t crack while rolling. Cool(...)easier to cut the roll with salmon when it’s chilled. After a few hours

Valentine's day guidebook 3

7 lat temu

your girlfriend, how will she feel when she sees you. First of all, you need(...)meet the love of your life, even when you are not expecting it. And how cute(...)different colors, but same model. When you get your order, buy a box, write a cute

Valentine's day guidebook 1

7 lat temu

your girlfriend, how will she feel when she sees you. First of all, you need(...)meet the love of your life, even when you are not expecting it. And how cute(...)different colors, but same model. When you get your order, buy a box, write a cute

World book day in british schools 10


children who were made homeless by war. When the Nazis invaded Poland, their father was sent(...)until he, too, was sent to Germany. When the Russian drove out the Nazis

Present continuous - usage, forms & possitive sentences 12

9 lat temu

their bedroom. *** Present Continuous tense is used when talking about: Czasu Present Continuous używamy, gdy mówimy(...)również w niektórych dwusylabowych wyrazach) travellingbeginning When a verb ends with

Pancake day/shrove tuesday 11

10 lat temu

last day of carnival, last day when one may eat food not allowed in Lent(...)heat it and pour some batter. When one side of the pancake is ready, flip

Saying goodbye 8

10 lat temu

Goodbye!' Now, when you already know 37 ways of saying hello in English, it's time(...)word 'goodbye' is rather formal, perfect when we say goodbye to an older person or someone

Present continuous - negatives 12

9 lat temu

build sentences in Present Continuous and when to use this tense. Do you need to recap(...)pomiędzy:  These are formal forms - when you compose a cover letter or any other formal

Spring & easter idioms (part 1) 2

7 lat temu

sunshinea person who brings joy when she or he arrives promyczek, słoneczko (o osobie(...)source All our trouble began when you put all your eggs into one basket

Spring idioms & proverbs 2

7 lat temu

like a rabbit caught in the headlights when he saw his past love, that he hasn(...)like a deer caught in the headlights when he heard the alarm. source #7 To pull

Present simple - positive sentences (use and forms) 11

10 lat temu

Present Simple tense is used when talking about :Czasu terazniejszego prostego używamy, gdy mowimy o: *general(...)examplesObserve the verb READ in different persons. When does it change? forms of verbs Click

Welcome! 12

10 lat temu

When in Rome, do as the Romans do' is one the most popular English proverbs(...)been a little bit modified into 'When in Britain, do as the British do...? Why with

Past simple - questions 12

8 lat temu

poszła Susan w zeszłą środę po pracy? When did you come back? Kiedy wróciłaś(...)recap positive sentences and need to refresh when to use past Simple, click here: past

English idioms 4

8 lat temu

speakers freely. Do you know this feeling when you would like to say an idiom, some(...)bellmeansto seem familiar; you use this idiom when you think you have heard something before. Dzwonić

Spring idioms & proverbs 3

7 lat temu

like a rabbit caught in the headlights when he saw his past love, that he hasn(...)like a deer caught in the headlights when he heard the alarm. source #7 To pull

Spring & easter idioms 1

7 lat temu

sunshinea person who brings joy when she or he arrives promyczek, słoneczko (o osobie(...)source All our trouble began when you put all your eggs into one basket

English idioms 2

8 lat temu

speakers freely. Do you know this feeling when you would like to say an idiom, some(...)bellmeansto seem familiar; you use this idiom when you think you have heard something before. Dzwonić

Trebah garden in winter 10

10 lat temu

wait going back there in spring when it looks like this: The footpath leads to Trebah

Adverbs of frequency 12

10 lat temu

work. You're hardly ever at home when I want to visit you. She's usually

Present simple - positive sentences (she,he,it) 11

10 lat temu

she/she/it). But the difference is also visible. When writing you may have a problem with choosing