In english 97 wpisów

Kurczak caprese / chicken caprese 1

6 lat temu

minutę, do rozpuszczenia sera. Instagram Facebook Twitter ENGLISH: 2 chicken breasts, 1 tbsp of mustard(...)surface, season well and marinade in mustard, balsamic and oil. Set aside for 30 minutes. Cook

Gulasz z mięsa mielonego i bakłażana / ground meat and eggplant stew 8

6 lat temu

śmietankę. Posypać świeżą bazylią. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: 500 of ground meat of your choice(...)basil Heat a small amount of oil in a pan, add the meat and brown slightly

Zupa azjatycka z kurczakiem / asian style chicken soup 6

6 lat temu

makaronu, zalać zupą.  Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: approx. 2 - 2.5 l of homemade chicken stock(...)well. Heat a small amount of oil in a pan, add the chicken and cook, until

Krem z dyni i soczewicy / creamy pumpkin lentil soup 2

5 lat temu

miseczek, posypać pestkami dyni i natką pietruszki. ENGLISH: Creamy Pumpkin Lentil Soup Recipe: approx(...)onion. Heat a small amount of oil in a pan, add the vegetables and cook, stirrinf

Tarta niebo z borówkami i bezą / heaven tart with blueberries and meringue 3

6 lat temu

przepis z tej strony. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: for the crust: 250 g of flour(...)butter to the flour and sugar, rub in with your fingers (the butter should form very

Sos z kurczakiem i cukinią / chicken and zuchini with sauce 3

6 lat temu

sera). Posypać świeżą bazylią. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: 500 g of chicken breast, 1 small(...)zucchini, Heat a small amount of oil in a pan, add the chciken and brown

Kurczak bruschetta / bruschetta chicken 3

6 lat temu

kurczaka nałożyć pomidory. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: 2 small chicken breasts for the marinade: 1 tbsp(...)each chicken breast, season well and coat in all the ingredients for the marinade. Cook

Truskawkowa chmura / strawberry cloud shortcake 3

6 lat temu

Wystudzone bezy pokruszyć na krem.  InstagramFacebookTwitter ENGLISH: for the crust: 300 g of flour(...)ahead or store the pastry in the fridge for few days): add  butter

Ciasto czekoladowe z orzechami / chocolate nut cake 3

5 lat temu

stopniach około 50-60 minut. ENGLISH: Chocolate Nut Cake Recipe:1 and 3/4 cup of flour(...)flour and cocoa. With your hands, work in butter, until large clumps form. Press everything together

Grecki chleb daktyla / greek 'daktyla" bread 8

6 lat temu

minut. Przepis znalazłam tutaj. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: for one loaf: 350 g of bread flour(...)minutes (or let it rise in the fridge overnight). Divide the dough into 6 pieces, form

Ciasto z kremem migdałowym i truskawkami / strawberry almond cream cake 2

6 lat temu

lodówce. InstagramFacebookTwitter Oryginalny przepis na krem migdałowy. ENGLISH: for the cake batter(...)flour with baking powder and cocoa. In another bowl mix the eggs, oil, vanilla, sugar

Pierś z kurczaka z papryką i serem / chicken breast with peppers and cheese 4

4 lat temu

cheese Heat a small amount of oil in a pan, add finely diced pepper and finely(...)Pizza Chicken Video Recipe above (English subtitles available

Kurczak w jogurcie / yogurt marinated chicken 4

5 lat temu

Oryginalne przepisy znalazłam tutaj i tutaj ENGLISH: Yogurt marinated chicken recipe 1: approx(...)meat on a baking tray, bake in 200C for 35-40 minutes or until fully cooked

Fale dunaju / danube waves cake 5

6 lat temu

stężały krem.  Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: 1/2 cup of oil,1 1/2 cup of milk(...)cream Mix the flour and baking powder. In another bowl mix the eggs, oil, vanilla, sugar

Ciasto kubuś z galaretką i czekoladą / 'kubus" cake with chocolate and jello 11

6 lat temu

Opcjonalnie posypać wiórkami. Schłodzić. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: for the cake base(...)flour with baking powder. In another bowl mix the eggs, oil, vanilla, sugar and milk

Kurczak fajitas / chicken fajitas 2

5 lat temu

limonki. Oryginalny przepis. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: 500 g of chicken breast, 1-2 red bell(...)additional lime juice, if you like. Serve in a tortilla wrap or with rice or baked

Bułeczki z czekoladą / chocolate chip buns 11

6 lat temu

minut. Oryginalny przepis. Instagram Facebook Twitter ENGLISH: for 15 buns: 540 g of flour(...)minutes (or let it rise in the fridge overnight). Divide the dough into 15 pieces, form

Ciasto zmierzch / twilight cake 4

6 lat temu

galaretce. Posypać migdałami. Schłodzić. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: for the crust: 1 cup of flour(...)baking powder. Add diced butter and rub in with your fingers (the butter should form very

Ciasto lambada / lambada cake 15

6 lat temu

stężenia. Posypać startą czekoladą. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: for the base: 3 egg yolks(...)spoon or a spatula, gently fold it in. Pour into a springform pan (26 cm, lineed

Ciasto marchewkowe z truskawkami i galaretką / carrot strawberry jello cake 2

6 lat temu

kilka godzin w lodówce. Facebook Instagram Twitter ENGLISH: 2 cups of flour,1 cup of grated(...)35x24cm) and bake for about 25 minutes in 180C. Let it cool.  Beat

Ciasto balladyna / 'balladyna" raspberry cream cake 12

6 lat temu

był ten przepis. Oryginalny przepis na kajmak ENGLISH: Balladyna Raspberry Cream Cake Recipe: for the sponge(...)mixture and gently fold them in. Pour over the baking pan (25x35cm - line only the bottom

Pyszny tort z nutellą i brzoskwiniami (prostokątny) / delicious nutella and peach birthday cake (rectangle shape) 13

5 lat temu

butelkach, koniecznie zerknijcie na stronę firmy. Smacznego:) ENGLISH: Delicious Nutella and Peach Birthday Cake Recipe(...)mixture and gently fold them in. Pour over the baking pan (25x35cm - line only the bottom

Kostka orzechowa / nut layer cake 3

6 lat temu

wystudzony blat bezowy. Chłodzić w lodówce. InstagramFacebookTwitter ENGLISH: for the cake batter(...)with almonds. Bake for about 50 minutes in 140 C. Let cool completely in the oven

Private museum 4

5 lat temu

English please scroll below!Jakiś czas temu zaczęłam czytać książkę Ways of Seeing, napisaną na podstawie(...)blogpost. „Adults and children sometimes have boards in their bedrooms or living rooms on which they

Spinach roll with smoked salmon and almette cheese 3

11 lat temu

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