7 lat temu
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Hi! Sunny spring has just come and everyone
Beauty of cornwall: wonderful st ives 12
9 lat temu
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Beautiful, picturesque and definitely worth visiting - St Ives
Present continuous - questions 11
9 lat temu
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The way we build questions in Present Continuous
Present continuous - recap & exercises 12
9 lat temu
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This post is to revise Present Continuous. Usage
Present continuous - usage, forms & possitive sentences 12
9 lat temu
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It's time to go on to the
Present simple - yes/no questions & short answers 11
10 lat temu
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Hi there! This post will show you how
English proverbs you should know! 12
10 lat temu
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Hi there! Today I have another 10 popular
Present simple - negative sentences 11
10 lat temu
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You've already learnt how to build sentences
Beauty of cornwall - truro & falmouth 11
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Truro Truro Cathedral Falmouth For more photos
How often...? - frequency expressions 10
10 lat temu
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Last time, we practised adverbs of frequency which
Beauty of cornwall - falmouth & penryn 10
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Falmouth Penryn To see more click Falmouth
Present simple - positive sentences (she,he,it) 11
10 lat temu
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You already know from the previous post on
Present simple - positive sentences (use and forms) 11
10 lat temu
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Present Simple tense is used when talking about
To be - questions in the present 11
10 lat temu
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Another 'to be' lesson is about questions. Do
Beautiful side of great britain - falmouth 11
9 lat temu
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Watch some amazing photos of Falmouth in Cornwall
Newchic - popularny internetowy sklep 2
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internetowej. Na przykład witryna obsługuje różne języki, w tym angielski, rosyjski, francuski, hiszpański, arabski, włoski, niemiecki