Welcome! 12
10 lat temu
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been a little bit modified into 'When in Britain, do as the British do...? Why with
Halloween 15
8 lat temu
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in the Celtic festival of Samhain (Sah-ween), when the Celts (ancient inhabitants of Great Britain(...)said to be the night when ghosts, demons and witches roamed the earth and people tried(...)events called 'scary farms', They are held in adapted for this purpose large areas, with special
Present simple - positive sentences (use and forms) 11
10 lat temu
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Present Simple tense is used when talking about
Present simple - negative sentences 11
10 lat temu
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You've already learnt how to build sentences
10 lat temu
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carnival, last day when one may eat food not allowed in Lent. Ash Wednesday (środa popielcowa(...)in the desert. It's special time for Christians - time of reflection, repentance and prayer. In(...)there are lots of activities held in Britain. The most popular are pancake races in which
Use of past simple & positive sentences 12
8 lat temu
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In the previous grammatical post I taught you
Present continuous - recap & exercises 12
9 lat temu
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This post is to revise Present Continuous. Usage
What does the fox say? - onomatopoeia part 1 (animal sounds) 8
Śledź Dodaj
I've chosen onomatopoeia as it seems a
Present simple - positive sentences (she,he,it) 11
10 lat temu
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You already know from the previous post on
To be - negative sentences in the present 11
Śledź Dodaj
This lesson is about forms of verb 'to
English proverbs you must know! 9
10 lat temu
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You can't call yourself an advanced English
Present continuous - questions 11
9 lat temu
Śledź Dodaj
The way we build questions in Present Continuous
English proverbs you should know! 12
10 lat temu
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Hi there! Today I have another 10 popular
World book day in british schools 10
Śledź Dodaj
This week all British schools are celebrating the
To be: positive sentences in the present 11
10 lat temu
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It's time to start a grammatical adventure